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what our players get up to on a sunday night

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  • Originally posted by Jaggers View Post
    Show us your boobies
    What is seen, cannot be unseen.


    • Originally posted by melon.... View Post
      Mr Pure Platinum with his $500 bucks a year. Youre a ****wit. Ive put 20 times what you have financially into this club in the past 15 years. Admittedly not a ****ing cent since 2005. Because of the ****ed way the club is being managed.

      But you keep putting your dole cheque into your platinum membership and enjoy the complimentary colour poster of our illustrious fullback on your bedroom ceiling.

      whatever helps you sleep at night you piece of sh1t.

      its almost as prestigious as your gold chook pen membership. how long have you been on forums acting tough behind a keyboard for?

      you are a disgrace and a waste of space you oxygen thief.


      • Originally posted by John View Post
        What is seen, cannot be unseen.
        Did you have to shows that John ?

        Anyway the upside is I feel slimmer.


        • Originally posted by the count View Post
          so we have just had another loss on Saturday...we are in contention for the spoon.

          the following day what should our players be doing?

          drinking their sorrows away? resting up and gearing up for a big week of training to get a win and win back some pride??

 least i have some idea and can actually wake up to the reality of why our team is so sh1t.

          last night i was dining at Bondi Pizza Bar with friends - we had an outside table (we just watched Manly destroy the knights a few hrs earlier) and to my dismay i see 2 of our players running down the street like drunken gooses (not the first time i have seen 1 of them like this only 100meteres up the road previously - the last time 1 of them was with the captain of our club outside ravesis, boozing with 2 of the same players i saw last night - fortunately BA was not there this time and he is off anyway).

          As a platinum member of our club, it saddens me that i actually am naive to think our players actually give a sh1t. Yes 1 or 2 dont always have to ruin it for everyone else but i am sick of our players taking the p1ss like they actually give a sh1t. both are starting XIII players.

          1 of them is getting paid $300k + and has been injured most of the year and his form of late has not been too impressive.
          the other is 1 of our most penalised players and recently re signed with the club.

          both players are now in my target range for a verbal spray and they both got one last night from me too..they are a disgrace.

          Professional rugby league players should be looking after themselves and they owe it to the fans who pay good money to watch them be professionals.

          i know that there is a lot of talk that next year we have lots to look forward to, the season is over for them they have nothing to play for etc etc well last night p1sed me off and i think our fellow rooster fans deserve to know that there are some players who turn up to get their pay cheque and some who play for the pride in the jersey.
          What did you say to them???

          Lol, Bondi Pizza Bar in down town Hong Kong.

          The FlogPen .

          You know it makes sense.

