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what our players get up to on a sunday night

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  • #61
    Who gives a shit what they were doing...they are celebrating mad Monday early. It's little snitches like you that give ammo to those Telucrap reporters that come trolling on here on a regular basis.

    Go listen to The Motels "Take the L" and apply it to your nick except Take the "o"....and that's what you are being right now bud.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Chook View Post
      I'm at work now and I'm three sheets to the wond.



      • #63
        hell I would be worried if they were not out drinking, they sure look like their drunk while they are playing at the moment.


        • #64
          So long as it wasn't happening before the game, then I don't see the problem ....unless they were doing something illegal, but by the sound of it they were just yahooing. Surely you dont just expect them to just sit at home moping until they win a game ?


          • #65
            Originally posted by Hawkeye View Post
            So long as it wasn't happening before the game, then I don't see the problem ....unless they were doing something illegal, but by the sound of it they were just yahooing. Surely you dont just expect them to just sit at home until they win a game ?
            Just so long as they don't come to the Gold Coast & do that type of stuff.....nothing like that happens up this way


            • #66
              So do you think Braith should suggest a booze ban?? It worked so well last time??


              • #67
                Originally posted by fred68 View Post
                there you go copying rusty's line about the busted clock.

                can you come up with something original of your own please. and to think you say that I have nothing original.
                Even Stevie Wonder hits the bullseye on a dartboard occasionally?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Chook View Post
                  I'm at work now and I'm three sheets to the wond.

                  Ohoh, you said you wouldn't play in the "wond" any more Dad.

                  The FlogPen .

                  You know it makes sense.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                    Youre a platinum member? Does that come with a camera and Busways free pass so yo can follow them around and play news spy?

                    Are you as retarded as our fullback?

                    is this Joke Massoud here to play with Fred Rothfield?

                    Yo spelt your login name incorrectly. There is no "o".
                    Pure Melon GOLD.

                    The FlogPen .

                    You know it makes sense.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                      youre a platinum member? Does that come with a camera and busways free pass so yo can follow them around and play news spy?

                      Are you as retarded as our fullback?

                      Is this joke massoud here to play with fred rothfield?

                      yo spelt your login name incorrectly. There is no "o".
                      lol !


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Matty_C View Post
                        I can only assume one of them was running sideways,slowly, weighed down by his wallet and the other was stopping ever 10 metres to check his reflection in shop windows.
                        These two act like superstars, and are currently playing like reserve graders.

                        I hope threads information has gone to the club.
                        Lol, funny one that.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by fred68 View Post
                          nothing new.

                          at least 6 of our starting line up were getting drunk the sunday after the pathetic loss to parra.

                          So much for brian smith cleaning our club up. The biggest spin you will ever hear.
                          Maybe they were drinking to avoid those annoying mind game texts they knew were inevitable???

                          Or maybe they had received the texts and were so traumatized they had to go out on a bender???

                          Sunday night drinking, 2 weeks running after a loss, what's the world coming to.

                          The FlogPen .

                          You know it makes sense.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by adzta View Post
                            I would be more worried about a team who has lost 4 in a row and fighting to make the 8 than a team at the wrong end of the ladder. What a bloody mummys boy. You let it slide. What gives you the right to say what slides and what doesn't. Take your membership and piss off.

                            Coming on here like a dobbing school girl. Please.
                            listen idiot, if i was 'dobbing', i would go to the club and i would have recorded them etc its not hard on an iphone. my reason for coming on here is so the fans are aware...people who pay good money to see our team bust their backsides to do what it takes to win.
                            you sir, are a loser. why on earth would you want to be a team that cant make the 8 VS a team that can make the 8??
                            i hate losing. i hate it when people wear the blue white and red and pretend like they give a sh1t. open your eyes you numpty!

                            Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
                            If you believe for one second that Carney never drank in 2010 then you're an even bigger idiot than this thread you posted suggests!
                            when he won the Dally M he said he gave up alcohol. do i have any reason not to believe him or anyone who looked up to him that year?

                            did you see him on the p1ss?

                            even if he had a few drinks, big deal.. i am sure he was not blind drunk incapable of walking in the middle of Bondi

                            Originally posted by Danish View Post
                            Almost every great player that has ever laced up a boot for our club was a pisshead. Most of the team of the century for the Roosters would be run out of the league in today's media climate.

                            Honestly, having a sook about players drinking is just pathetic. They all drink, they are all ALLOWED to drink, and as such you should all shut the **** up about it.

                            Most of the dickheads who complain about players getting on the sauce are probably incapable of stopping drinking themselves. In fact, I challenge The Count, fred68, and any of the other wowser brigade to give up drinking and going out completely until the end of the finals series. Hold yourselves to the same standard you expect the players to meet or shut up
                            i have not had a drink in 6 months. your argument is invalid. so i have every right to expect the players to be the same standard and i am not a professional athlete.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                              Youre a platinum member? Does that come with a camera and Busways free pass so yo can follow them around and play news spy?

                              Are you as retarded as our fullback?

                              is this Joke Massoud here to play with Fred Rothfield?

                              Yo spelt your login name incorrectly. There is no "o".
                              disappointing that a fellow red white and bluester who pays to see his team and support the club by paying for a platinum know to contribute towards the new gym and the state of the art technology the club wants to compete at the highest level? cops sh1t for telling you all the harsh reality of our team and how i believe they are over paid.

                              its ok for you to go and support the team with your pensioners card at the odd home game and watch on tele when its too cold and drown your sorrows away but i actually give a sh1t about this club and sh1tcu*nts like you should support the dogs because that is what you are.

                              i would rather someone who wants a shot at being the best they can be not a player who is content with sitting on the bottom of the ladder and not playing finals footy

                              p.s. that 'ret@rded fullback' is one of the club greats. show some respect you fu**wit
                              Last edited by the count; 08-20-2012, 06:21 PM.


                              • #75
                                ok count whats wrong with me using my seniors card to go watch the roosters or staying home on a cold wet night to watch on tv? all the money i earned prior retirement was earned honestly without swindle or short cut? im not saying your neaveaux riche but you can afford a platinum membership so must have a pretty high disposable income ? i go to the chookpen and only buy some hot chips on a cold day and maybe a beer or a bourbon to go with them, i baulk at parking and fuel costs to get there too! yes as you get older its a different world , especially when your super has been raped by overpaid american bankers! and guess what, although i cant afford an iphone i still very much give a shit about the team ive followed for over 50 years, yes ive bled in rwb and blue bag jerseys on the field too, so i think i deserve a say of some sort?

