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Smith should have one more year ..

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  • Originally posted by dice View Post

    As I said, I am all for a better coach. I just don't believe it is as important or as urgent as others believe.

    Players like Cordner and SBW will lead the way for us. Just need to make sure Mini pisses off quick, and those princesses that threatened to leave do leave. Lets give our next coach every chance with the players acting professionally and actually following instructions.
    it all starts with the coach.


    • Originally posted by fred68 View Post
      it all starts with the coach.
      It all starts with the Chairman and CEO.
      Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


      • Originally posted by Arties Pie View Post
        Because that's what they are WELL paid to do, to win games not whine about the coach. They act like primadonna's in a team that's at the bottom of the ladder because of non performance, the coach didn't miss the tackles, drop the ball or give away the penalties the players did. The players must take the blame.
        Theres no mongrel in our team just pussies.
        So what is the coach paid WELL to do?
        He is in charge of the team, he is the one who can't get them to stop missing tackles, drop the ball and give away penalties. What is your solution, sack the lot of them and get a whole new roster?


        • Originally posted by dice View Post

          As I said, I am all for a better coach. I just don't believe it is as important or as urgent as others believe.

          Players like Cordner and SBW will lead the way for us. Just need to make sure Mini pisses off quick, and those princesses that threatened to leave do leave. Lets give our next coach every chance with the players acting professionally and actually following instructions.
          Fair enough, I just don't see the point in continuing with Smith in charge. I think a younger coach with fresh ideas and a different approach would benefit the the club better.

          And remember SBW is only here for 1 yr, I hope he can help the likes of Cordner and co. so when he leave they become more confident in there own abilities


          • Originally posted by fred68 View Post
            the coach is not important.
            ah but the sack is
            The Internet is a place for posting silly things
            Try and be serious and you will look stupid


            • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
              So what is the coach paid WELL to do?
              He is in charge of the team, he is the one who can't get them to stop missing tackles, drop the ball and give away penalties. What is your solution, sack the lot of them and get a whole new roster?
              We have gone through enough coaches from Sticky onwards to illustrate that the problem is mentality, As for a solution I have no idea on how to fix it and it seems that this mentality infects who ever comes here since about the time Anasta joined the club.


              • Originally posted by Arties Pie View Post
                We have gone through enough coaches from Sticky onwards to illustrate that the problem is mentality, As for a solution I have no idea on how to fix it and it seems that this mentality infects who ever comes here since about the time Anasta joined the club.
                So it's all Anasta's fault, please, he is a contributing factor along with Smith and his coaching staff.
                As for the coaches, Anderson was past his time and an after thought to Bennett, Freddy was too green and Smith has never succeeded in long stints at any club.Maybe the board should look to hire the right coach for the club not just someone Gould recommends or a newly retired club great or a bloke who had lost all clue about the modern game


                • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                  So it's all Anasta's fault, please, he is a contributing factor along with Smith and his coaching staff.
                  As for the coaches, Anderson was past his time and an after thought to Bennett, Freddy was too green and Smith has never succeeded in long stints at any club.Maybe the board should look to hire the right coach for the club not just someone Gould recommends or a newly retired club great or a bloke who had lost all clue about the modern game
                  I never said it was his fault just that the mentality seems to have set in post Fittler as in the player
                  Which also coincides with the time which Braith joined the club. You seem to be hell bent in blaming the coaching staff for all that has gone wrong post since Sticky, whilst I don't disagree that coaching could have been better but I believe that the players have to accept their portion of the blame, now remember these are 1st graders not u13's and should already be able to handle the basics long before getting to 1st grade and if they can't then they shouldn't be there.


                  • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                    So it's all Anasta's fault, please, he is a contributing factor along with Smith and his coaching staff.
                    As for the coaches, Anderson was past his time and an after thought to Bennett, Freddy was too green and Smith has never succeeded in long stints at any club.Maybe the board should look to hire the right coach for the club not just someone Gould recommends or a newly retired club great or a bloke who had lost all clue about the modern game
                    He was good Anderson. They should have kept him. I wonder if he would come back?


                    • Originally posted by Arties Pie View Post
                      I never said it was his fault just that the mentality seems to have set in post Fittler as in the player
                      Which also coincides with the time which Braith joined the club. You seem to be hell bent in blaming the coaching staff for all that has gone wrong post since Sticky, whilst I don't disagree that coaching could have been better but I believe that the players have to accept their portion of the blame, now remember these are 1st graders not u13's and should already be able to handle the basics long before getting to 1st grade and if they can't then they shouldn't be there.
                      Never said it was all the coaches fault. Blame is spread across the whole club from the board down.
                      You brought up previous coaches. All I was saying was we have not had a decent coach in a long time. I don't even think Stuart was that good a coach. I think he inherited a great team and had an outstanding support crew around him( Carty,Pay,
                      The coach is suppose to get the best out of his players, create a happy and enjoyable environment and culture within the club. If Smith cant do that then he should be ushered along.
                      Happy work environments improve quality of work.
                      If the coach has put in place all the right structures off the field then performances will improve on the field.
                      In saying that, they should be able to play football to a first grade standard not local a-grade standard.
                      With all that in mind,It's easier to change the coach with new fresh ideas then it is to sack 6-7 players


                      • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                        Never said it was all the coaches fault. Blame is spread across the whole club from the board down.
                        You brought up previous coaches. All I was saying was we have not had a decent coach in a long time. I don't even think Stuart was that good a coach. I think he inherited a great team and had an outstanding support crew around him( Carty,Pay,
                        The coach is suppose to get the best out of his players, create a happy and enjoyable environment and culture within the club. If Smith cant do that then he should be ushered along.
                        Happy work environments improve quality of work.
                        If the coach has put in place all the right structures off the field then performances will improve on the field.
                        In saying that, they should be able to play football to a first grade standard not local a-grade standard.
                        With all that in mind,It's easier to change the coach with new fresh ideas then it is to sack 6-7 players
                        fred68 needs to get his arse into gear & take over the coaching job.


                        • Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
                          fred68 needs to get his arse into gear & take over the coaching job.
                          You'd enjoy that wouldnt you?
                          Originally posted by turk-283
                          Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


                          • I rest my case
                            The REAL! Spanner, never forgotten.


                            • Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
                              fred68 needs to get his arse into gear & take over the coaching job.

                              No thanks is prefer Smith then that nuffie. He comes up with some cracking statements on here. I would enjoy his press conferences though. Lemon Goat can be his assistant too


                              • I suspect that Smith's "game plan" was largely ignored yesterday.

