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We must keep Pearce

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  • We must keep Pearce

    Even mitchell himself has admitted that this has been an average year in terms of the team and his own personal performance. He is offcontract end of next year and the fact he will attract a lot of interest from elsewhere is no secret. That said, we must keep him. Not only because we have been investing in him since we thrust him into first grade as a 17 year old and he is now an established origin player and has over 100 first grade games which is pretty impressive for a 23 year old.

    Even for his detractors, having a quick look through the stats for the year makes for pretty good reading in particular for a guy like pearce playing in a bottom 4 side who has had a pretty average year personally as well. Here are the numbers:

    - Only Cronk and marshall have produced more try assists than pearce this year
    - Only marshall and thurston have produced more line break assists than pearce this year
    - No half has scored more tries than pearce himself this year
    - He is in the top 5 halves for line breaks and tackle busts for a half

    We jump up and down about the likes of cherry-evans and co and of course the stats dont show the whole story but in these KPIs for a half, he is well and truly a standout. Imagine what he could be capable of when he actually performs at his best, performs and plays in a team that is performing consistently with a competent halves partner and good consistent mentoring from a coach.

    He may not end up being as good as johns and the others he seems to be constantly compared to (although he is still only at the start of his career so writing him off is a bit premautre imo) but i think we need a bit of a reality check and realise that the grass is not always greener on the otherside and even if pearce is average or rubbish as some on here say, obviously there arent really many (if any) other halves going around much better
    Last edited by roz; 08-30-2012, 11:31 AM.

  • #2
    Ur 100% right,,,ive noticed those stats aswell and ive always backed pearce as a rooster 4life,,,
    Lets hope he extends before the 2013 season begins which i think he will


    • #3
      We'll live to regret the day if we lose Pearcey we'll know if he's part of our future plans in November as he's allowed to negotiate a new contract for 2014 very interesting times ahead.


      • #4
        Once our forward pack starts dominating, Pearce will be even better. No surprise in the very few matches in which this has happened Pearce has been great


        • #5
          I agree Roz. He has played well in patches through this year, however lacked consistency - mainly through confidence dips. Hopefully a good halves partner can help this.

          He had a great game on the weekend which showed what he can do when our props get good go-forward (which has been lacking all year).

          In the long term, this year won't hurt him. It will keep his ego in check and make sure he works hard on his performances. Hopefully he is also a little wiser in terms of the media, which also seems to have got to him this year.


          • #6
            it will simply come down to who is coach in 2014, Pearce wants to play for someone who will help develop his game.


            • #7
              I've been critical of Pearce at times & mostly it has been deserved BUT he has been playing in an under performing team for a large part of that and it will always make him appear worse because he is at the centre of it all.

              He should be retained, if possible, but it appears that there are other factors working against it with the rumours persisting about a fallout with coach Smith.

              And if he is let go, who do we replace him with, in an era where quality halves are rare?


              • #8
                Totally agree with you Roz,Pearce must be kept!
                I believe he needs a new coach to get the best out of him though..


                • #9
                  I have been saying all year that I have faith in Pearce and for us to keep him, because as soon as we finally get a decent coaching setup we will then get to see the best of Pearce on a consistent basis!
                  The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                  Here's looking at you, kid.


                  • #10
                    It will all come down to brass tacks (and if he indeed is worthy of that figure)...they usually don't lose the ones they really want to keep when it comes to the cashola.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ted Nugent View Post
                      It will all come down to brass tacks (and if he indeed is worthy of that figure)...they usually don't lose the ones they really want to keep when it comes to the cashola.
                      In 2014 Pearce will become eligible for the long service allowance with us, so that should certainly help us to keep him. You would imagine that by then the allowance will increase along with the salary cap. Also with having a new coach in 2014 will have major appeal for him!
                      The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                      Here's looking at you, kid.


                      • #12
                        I agree Roz. He should be kept as I believe he will benefit from having Maloney as another point of attack and once our young forward pack learns to dominate he will benefit from this as well.
                        However, if he doesn't want to be here (and I believe and hope this is all agenda driven media crap) then we should not stand in his way.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                          I agree Roz. He should be kept as I believe he will benefit from having Maloney as another point of attack and once our young forward pack learns to dominate he will benefit from this as well.
                          However, if he doesn't want to be here (and I believe and hope this is all agenda driven media crap) then we should not stand in his way.
                          the way i see it though is that whatever reason he may have for not wanting to be here would be something that could be remedied. he has been at the club since he was a 15 year old so he only knows the RWB. Leaving could only be motivated by money (which we should have ample to offer him), the future prospects of the team (which are obviously extremely good), the coaching (which I think is a media beat-up and I think he realises that even if smith is going to coach next year, he will not be head coach in 2014 and finally, the respect of the playing group which from the outside looking in seems pretty strong (as demonstrated by his lovely gesture on the weekend giving mini the ball over the line to give him a try in his 250th).

                          The club want to keep him and we as supporters need to be less negative and show him we want him in the team as well


                          • #14
                            How many coaches does he need?

                            What price does his form warrant ?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                              How many coaches does he need?

                              What price does his form warrant ?
                              It's not really a question when you have had all the answers from PWN already Billy.

