Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo
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The Dogs' and Eagles' style of play can be studied and copied.
Of course, the team passing the ball along the backline from one side of the field to the other with the fullback chiming in to make the extra man and running thru a gap to score, ...or drawing the defence and the team's winger scoring in the corner, is nothing new.
Nor are 'run-arounds', 'switches of play', 'inside passes to big forwards running straight', 'angled running', 'short passes to big forwards or big backs running at pace' time after time, and 'possession is the key to winning the game' coach Hasler said it after the match in an interview].
Trouble is...our players [including the big names] throw dumb passes, ...treat possession very casually, drop the ball, have the worst completion rate in the NRL [or did for most of the season], give away stoopid penalties...and there seems to be no organisation in attack whatsoever.
And that "that[field goal practice] hasn't been part of our performance[training], but will be from now on" from coach Smith after the Sharks game was just plain ridiculous!
And what's s this tripe about patting on the back players who throw dumb passes and lose possession, give away dumb penalties, or lose the ball in tackles etc?
They should have 'rotten tomatoes' thrown at them!