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Possible coaches for 2013 named on Channel 10 news.

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  • #16
    Is Bennett really going to leave one year into his contract with Newcastle to come here?


    • #17
      Well Tinkler has farked himself so there is definitely an outside chance of Bennett jumping ship. We can only hope.


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Brain View Post
        The decision to let go Smith was done ages ago.
        The changes should be across the board
        If you dead set cant see the coach is next year than you have lost it.

        But wait a huge development over this arvo
        Riddle me this Riddle me that
        A move on the bat
        is once again

        figure this out and I will own up
        Don't let the bat of the bag we all know what happened last time


        • #19
          Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
          Bruce Wayne (Bennett) was Batman's real name wasn't it?
          Yes. Bruce Anthony Wayne.

          35 years of reading comics, that's the first time I've ever had to use that knowledge outside of a comic forum.


          • #20
            Sheens & Marshall are joined at the hip...unless Pearce is released to the Dragons with Sheens securing a long term
            Bellamy likes the gold offered by the Warriors & will be tempted
            Bennett & Politis still hate each other but could easily make up
            "Qui audet adipiscitur"

            WHO DARES WINS


            • #21
              Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
              Probably just observing first hand the damage that his decision to back out on his deal back in 2007 has caused
              too funny


              • #22
                I would rather Brett Ratten than d Anderson or matt Elliot.
                Embrace the Hate! JC


                • #23
                  Bring Back Freddy! - Go Easts!
                  Last edited by tri-hard; 09-05-2012, 07:51 PM.
                  Proud member of the Ricky Stuart Appreciation club - Laurie Frier walks on water tra lal lala lar la la lar.

                  A Rooster is a cocky strutting bird that will not take a backward step!


                  • #24
                    Piggy Riddell????

                    Current NSW SOO ladies coach.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by rcptn View Post
                      Don't let the bat of the bag we all know what happened last time
                      couldnt give a ****
                      Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                      • #26
                        The Cartoon Network reported it could be Lemon Goat.
                        Last edited by filthyralph; 09-05-2012, 08:43 PM.


                        • #27
                          I hope to Freddy we don't go snivelling back to the Cadaverous Mope, Bennett.

                          He is past it without the Refs or a near state side.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by John View Post
                            I hope to Freddy we don't go snivelling back to the Cadaverous Mope, Bennett.

                            He is past it without the Refs or a near state side.
                            Oh yeah, definitely. The most recent premiership wins being the 2006 vs Storm grand final, and the other travesty with the dragqueens, which I am too hurt to talk about. Bennett without refs is just an old man, with no skill.
                            Comment of the year:

                            Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

                            "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


                            • #29
                              Im telling ya Mini Captain
                              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                              • #30
                                Taking the first letter from the lines of Brain's riddle you get:

                                But wait a huge development over this arvo
                                Riddle me this Riddle me that
                                A move on the bat
                                is once again
                                figure this out and I will own up

                                Braif!! Is Anasta moving into the coaching ranks?

