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The trouble with player power

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  • The trouble with player power


    The trouble with player power

    September 10, 2012 - 1:39PM
    Brad Walter
    Chief Rugby League Writer

    Winning Starts Monday

    As the Raiders prepare for Saturday night's final clash with South Sydney, Canberra officials should be grateful that fate intervened to prevent them from listening to disgruntled players and sacking coach David Furner.

    Brian Smith's axing last week has highlighted the rise of "player power" in determining the future of coaches, with Sydney Roosters officials saying they had no alternative because he had "lost the dressing room".

    It was a similar situation with Brian McLennan at the Warriors - 'Bluey' was a popular figure at the start of the season but the Herald has been told that by the time of his departure the players "couldn't stand him".

    Relationships may have not been that strained at Canberra but support for Furner was tested when he stood down Josh Dugan and Blake Ferguson for disciplinary reasons mid-season.

    After winning just four of their opening 12 matches, the Raiders began lining up Ricky Stuart to take over and only his decision to accept the Parramatta job after Stephen Kearney's sacking changed those plans.

    But what gives any player the right to decide the fate of their coach if their careers haven't reached any heights of greatness in their careers or aren't performing on the field?

    At the Roosters, veteran fullback Anthony Minichiello is the sole survivor from the 2002 premiership winning team and while skipper Braith Anasta won a grand final with the Bulldogs in 2004, he is leaving to join Wests Tigers next season.

    Halfback Mitchell Pearce has worn the NSW No.7 jersey in the past eight Origin matches but the Blues have not won a series since 2005 and his spot in the team is far from guaranteed next season.

    After returning to Sydney with the NSW team after Origin III, Pearce had to be convinced to go from the airport to a meeting with Smith about the Roosters next game against Cronulla, which ended in an embarrassing 14-all draw after neither he or Blues five-eighth Todd Carney could kick a field goal in extra time.

    The Roosters, who boast the youngest roster in the NRL this season, won just two of their remaining eight games.

    After negative feedback from the players during a review last week, the Roosters reversed an earlier decision to give Smith a chance to work with Sonny Bill Williams next season and fired a coach who had overseen more than 600 premiership games and taken three clubs to four grand finals, including the Roosters in 2010.

    In his place, they have appointed Trent Robinson - a coach with great promise, who has taken Catalans to back-to-back finals series in Super League and was a popular choice among the players.

    But Robinson and the Roosters need only look across the Tasman to see how fickle players are, as McLennan's appointment to replace the hard-nosed Ivan Cleary this season was enthusiastically welcomed at the Warriors.

    Like the Roosters, the Warriors have a young squad that this season featured 11 members of their 2010 and 2011 under 20s premiership winning teams.

    The Herald has been told that McLennan changed almost everything the Warriors had done under Cleary and the players initially appreciated that they trained less and the sessions weren't as hard.

    But they failed to perform for him and in hindsight some within the club feel the Warriors should have promoted Cleary's assistant coach Tony Iro - in the same way Manly replaced Des Hasler with his offsider Geoff Toovey.

    Toovey lobbied the Sea Eagles board to ensure that key members of the coaching staff remained and he has maintained most of the structures Hasler put in place with great success this season given what the club has had to endure on and off the field.

    The Warriors retained Iro as McLennan's assistant and he is now the preferred choice of the players to take over next season.

    Iro is considered a good coach who is ready for the step up to the top job but coaching in the NRL shouldn't be a popularity contest.

    The FlogPen .

    You know it makes sense.

  • #2
    A good read & very true.
    I hope a few of the current nrl players take heed.


    • #3
      Too raw???

      I dig.


      The FlogPen .

      You know it makes sense.


      • #4
        I thought Smith was given his marching orders for being shithouse all year long.


        • #5
          I did notice an absence of quotes in the article. I also found interesting this;

          Brian Smith's axing last week has highlighted the rise of "player power" in determining the future of coaches, with Sydney Roosters officials saying they had no alternative because he had "lost the dressing room".

          Whilst it seems this may have been the case, it seems managements way of looking for an easy way out in explaining why the coach has been sacked rather than pointing to the teams performances on the field being the reason to be sacked.

          I do though hope Robinson lays down the law early to some of these under achiever's that they may be next to go if they don't pick up their attitude and performances.


          • #6
            It's just good cop bad cop shit.

            Of course they're going to get along with the assistant, because he's not the one blasting them at half time or ordering them to training at 7 o'clock in the morning.

            He's the mate.The bloke who throws you a few tips every now and then, passes on the boss' instructions.

            They could hate that same bloke 12 months later because he's the one barking the orders now.

            It all comes down to the softcock players imo. They should stop carrying on like spoilt little bitches and just get the farrk on with playing footy. They whinge about the spotlight but want to behave like farrken rockstars. You can't have it both ways fellas.

            I hate every c*nt but I've got to keep going about my shit with no complaints.


            • #7
              Now maybe he can do an article about the trouble with media power.

              Quoting 'club insiders' & 'club officials', never checking their facts. Blowing situations our of proportion & just making up blatant lies to sell a few extra newspapers.

              I'd put money on more coaches being sacked as a result of media pressure/bullshit than player revolts.


              • #8
                Unfortunately this article has the ring of truth about it.

                I wouldn't be sacking too many coaches on the back of some halfwit halfback's opinion of him.

                Let's hope Robinson doesn't confuse popularity with respect.


                • #9
                  Trent Robinson stinks of being everyone's mate.

                  I can probably guarantee that nobody at the Storm likes Craig Bellamy but they do respect him.

                  I'd rather a bastard than a buddy as a coach.

                  Vince Lombardi and Joe Paterno (they don't come much bigger than that bastard, hope he's burning in hell) come to mind


                  • #10
                    It's funny, but the really successful coaches throughout history have been the ones where player power was never a factor. Bennett, Bellamy, Ryan, Hasler, Anderson, Gibson and co in league; Ferguson, Mourinho, Lombardi etc in other sports. It's always been my way or the highway. These are the guys who are bigger than the players and probably bigger than the club at the time. Oddly enough there is a fairly significant group of supporters at every club who don't like them.


                    • #11
                      The journo failed to mention Smith has never won a title in 28 years of coaching that couldve been a factor in him getting sacked.


                      • #12
                        so if the players didnt revolt against smiff how else would the club sack smiff. i know his results are shit but doesnt the ''losing the dressing room'' saying assist in saying you have not achieved our goals and the team has lost faith along with the board
                        1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bansai Pipeline View Post
                          Unfortunately this article has the ring of truth about it.

                          I wouldn't be sacking too many coaches on the back of some halfwit halfback's opinion of him.

                          Let's hope Robinson doesn't confuse popularity with respect.
                          agree. It's all about leadership, and the leader not being undermined by other leaders or superiors. You need a coach who can lead and make the hard calls, and you need everyone else in management to not only get out of his way, but to support him and back him.

                          And the leadership has to start right away. You can't start off being everyone's mate and then try and get tough - it doesn't work. Much better to start off being even a little too tough, and then ease off a bit when the message is through


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cocky rooster man View Post
                            The journo failed to mention Smith has never won a title in 28 years of coaching that couldve been a factor in him getting sacked.
                            Why did they sign him in the first place, if that's the case?
                            25 years winless.......28 years?


                            • #15
                              Many of these young players in our team, have young families which they need to feed, or expenses which they need to pay off.Under Smith, they saw that they were going no where, really slowly. This season, we played with no defined structure in defence and in attack.I know that many of us on this forum are addicted to talking sh!t whilst filling up time at work, myself included, but we need to take the view of the players. I doubt that any of them would have taken pleasure in putting a man out of his job, but the fact that we played like a busted a-hole for the entire season, would have made the decision a lot easier.

                              If the players are taking initiative with the view of next season on the horizon, then this could only be a good thing. If they like trent Robinson as a coach, then again, this could only be a good thing. One thing which we must also remember is that even though Pearcey is a young lad, he's played under 3 different coaches in the NRL, so I feel like he would know a no-through road, when he see's one. I hope that trent Robinson can do well, with the team that he is getting. It is a much better situation than when Smith arrived at the club.
                              Comment of the year:

                              Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

                              "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"

