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Just gotta love the 'accuracy' of the daily tellucrap!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
    I agree that their cap situation is worthy of more suspicion than that of the Roosters. If, as some have suggested, the Dogs are circumventing the cap with dodgy but technically legal "3rd party deals" (which is the how Lockyer and many of his Bronco team mates got around the cap, Davos), then it is the salary cap system that is at fault and should be exposed. But Rupert and his corrupt, quasi-literate brigade of phone-hacking, bogan-pandering minions will not sell any of their putrid excuse for a newspaper by talking about such things. So they'll put the boot into the Roosters instead.

    I am also disturbed by the Dogs current talk of establishing a "dynasty". This seems to suggest that they are planning on keeping their roster in tact. This will be a challenge. Look at some of their current contracts: Graham is on $425K (according to today's paper); Pritchard signed for about the same; Kasiano would attract bids above $500k; Barba maybe over $750K; Tolman, Eastwood, Stagg, Inu, Perrett all established first graders (some internationals) on good money. And, in this climate, they manage to find another half a million for T-Rex?
    Yes Spirit of 66, it is mind boggling how the bull$cum can manage to squeeze T-Rex in for next year, and I have heard it is for $600k a year. The bull$cum are going to try and pull the wool over everyone's eyes by trying to have everyone believe that by letting go of guys such as Luke Macdougall, Joel Romelo and Bryson Goodwin etc, will be allowing them to stay under the cap. The 'fact' is, is that these type of guys are only fringe first graders on f**k all money and the bull$cum will have to replace them to make up their squad of 25 with players on very similar money, so it will not make any difference at all with keeping them a legal side under the cap!!

    As you say, they are going to do anything, no matter what the cost, with their determination of having a dynasty! This is indeed disturbing!
    The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

    Here's looking at you, kid.


    • #17
      [QUOTE=mightyrooster;254982]Agree with you totally Oracle. But next time can you put things more succinctly? Maybe an edited version for us busy people too lazy to read a 1000 word essay?[/QUOTE]

      Sorry Mightyrooster, I get a little carried away being so passionate about our great club!
      The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

      Here's looking at you, kid.


      • #18
        the thing is though, they have quite a few players that were either no hopers or up and comers, therefore on little money.
        after making a grand final appearance, these players will obviously take pay rises, and although there are quite a few players oof contract this year, there will be a few next year, and the year after, and possibly the year after. so they will have to stay on peanut contracts while the bulldogs do well and their other players get the big contracts.
        shed a few players here and there (wright, stagg, goodwin) and you remain under the cap (if not slightly over) without arising muh suspicioun.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Fittler2004 View Post
          I Agree!!

          Great arguments and everything,

          But you have way too much time on your hands to write sucha long article
          Thanks for agreeing mate, and don't worry, I actually don't have a lot of time on my hand, it's just that I am a quick thinker and very quick typist, it just flows for me when I get worked up!
          The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

          Here's looking at you, kid.


          • #20

            LOL QUALITY rant... QUALITY!!


            • #21
              Of course we can fit SBW and Cooper if we wanted! The Telegraph are talknig shit. Also remember that when Bigpond SPort did a Top 50 Players list, no one from the Roosters were in the Top 50. IN BOTH LISTS. The only high-profile signing we have for 2013 is Maloney

              I also agree that the Bulldogs have broken the salary cap.


              • #22
                I agree completely and have been saying the same thing to fellow supporters for years. And its not as simple as saying just dont read the paper because the real problem is the million other people that do read the paper and walk away with an opinion on our club founded most of the time from pure crap. This flows into other players,other media and puts a perception into the marketplace of what kind of club we are. These articles are implying that we are pushing/cheating the salary cap and there is no proof whatsoever that this is the case.

                The reality so far with SBW is that the Tele hasnt had a single actual quote from SBW himself about the Roosters of any merit nor do they ever with most of the crap they peddle about the Roosters. Its not reporting its like stories straight out of Womans Day.

