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Mitchell Pearce

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  • #91
    The women over the roads, chiropractors daughters boyfriends mates cousins dog trainer told me Pearce will make a decision in 2 weeks.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
      The women over the roads, chiropractors daughters boyfriends mates cousins dog trainer told me Pearce will make a decision in 2 weeks.
      Always "about 2 weeks" :/
      How reliable is that sauce?


      • #93
        Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
        Always "about 2 weeks" :/
        How reliable is that sauce?
        My sauces are always red hot.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
          My sauces are always red hot.
          Geez you may want to see a urologist for that maaaaaaate.

          The FlogPen .

          You know it makes sense.


          • #95
            Originally posted by stsae View Post
            Geez you may want to see a urologist for that maaaaaaate.

            I was thinking of asking Lemon Goat about it. He is tight with Jim Dymock.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
              I was thinking of asking Lemon Goat about it. He is tight with Jim Dymock.
              He will only give you the homieskool remedy involving coca cola and ford pills.

              I vote for the scrote.

              The FlogPen .

              You know it makes sense.


              • #97
                Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
                6, you talk in circles and convince yourself that it all makes sense

                all those players you mentioned

                2012 – Cronk
                2011 – Evans
                2010 – Hornby
                2009 – Cronk
                2008 – Orford
                2007 – Cronk
                2006 - Perry
                2005 – Prince
                2004 – Sherwin
                2003 – Gower
                2002 – Wing
                2001 - Johns
                2000 – Walters
                1999 – Kimmorley
                1998 – Langer

                are creative halfbacks

                Or please explain how Andrew Johns, for example, wasn't a creative halfback
                I'm not sure if you just struggle to understand simple concepts or if you're intentionally misquoting me, I never said there were players in that last who weren't also excellent creative players. What I said was Wing was the only out and out creative player, I.e he's the only player on that list who didn't have the primary responsibility of organising the side, all he had to do was run the ball. He's the exception to the rule, not the norm and we got away with it because we had a modern day legend in the 6.

                At the peak of their powers Langer, Prince & Johns were all great creative players but they were also very smart players who could think a set ahead, direct their team and who could asses the momentum of games and consistently make the right decisions. Organising and creativeness aren't exclusive abilities, I've never said otherwise however the players who can provide both to a high level are elite players and there's not a whole lot of them floating around at the moment in fact I'd argue that there's none.

                Players like Kimmorley, Sherwin, Perry, Gower & Hornby are what I'd consider pretty limited halfbacks in terms of creativity.


                • #98
                  There are only two halves in the comp who can on there own take a game and change the momentum and carry a team to a win and they are Thurston and Marshall. They are the only two with the natural ability to do that. I w ish people would wake up, Pearce is not and never will be one of those players. He is a good half back who will benefit with Maloney taking pressure off him and hopefully RTS providing the in-predictability that Carney brought to the table.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                    There are only two halves in the comp who can on there own take a game and change the momentum and carry a team to a win and they are Thurston and Marshall. They are the only two with the natural ability to do that. I w ish people would wake up, Pearce is not and never will be one of those players. He is a good half back who will benefit with Maloney taking pressure off him and hopefully RTS providing the in-predictability that Carney brought to the table.
                    I don't think anyone has ever claimed that Pearce will or is the same type of player as a Thurston or Marshall.

                    I do agree with your last sentence though, there's a lot resting on RTS's shoulders if we're going to do anything this year. SBW to an extent too.


                    • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                      There are only two halves in the comp who can on there own take a game and change the momentum and carry a team to a win and they are Thurston and Marshall. They are the only two with the natural ability to do that. I w ish people would wake up, Pearce is not and never will be one of those players. He is a good half back who will benefit with Maloney taking pressure off him and hopefully RTS providing the in-predictability that Carney brought to the table.
                      Pearce is never going to be Thurston or Marshall but, in terms of impact on their club teams, how many times have Marshall and Thurston teams made the semis since 2005? Not too different to Pearce I suspect. I doubt that replacing Pearce with Marshall or Thurston in our squad over the last few years would have changed our record too much.


                      • John: Pearce Off Mitch Odds On.

                        Mitchell Aubusson: Don't you tell me to piss off, arsehole.


                        • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                          Well if thats the picture then we better score plenty of points, cause we will be leaking them like a sieve.
                          And one of them will be defending next to SKD!


                          • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                            I don't think anyone has ever claimed that Pearce will or is the same type of player as a Thurston or Marshall.

                            I do agree with your last sentence though, there's a lot resting on RTS's shoulders if we're going to do anything this year. SBW to an extent too.
                            I don't understand how a lot can ride on a wingers shoulders?? If RTS is in the team it will only be on the wing.

                            SBW to an extent....this is a bit of an understatement isn't it??


                            • Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
                              I don't understand how a lot can ride on a wingers shoulders?? If RTS is in the team it will only be on the wing.

                              SBW to an extent....this is a bit of an understatement isn't it??
                              Call me delusional but I still think he will play a lot of fullback this year. Or I hope so anyway. Still and always will be a fan of mini's just can't see him offering half of what rts can attack wise from the back


                              • Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
                                Call me delusional but I still think he will play a lot of fullback this year. Or I hope so anyway. Still and always will be a fan of mini's just can't see him offering half of what rts can attack wise from the back

                                I Think thats what everyone is hoping, Just like carney displaced Anasta, RTS displases Mini,

