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Easts Roosters or Sydney Roosters

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ale le coq View Post
    sydney roosters. dont alienate any fans, we already have none as it is.
    ^this. The whole move to Sydney Roosters was to appeal to a wider fan base, was it not?

    by changing it back to Easts, whilst acknowledging tradition, you are isolating potential fans


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
      What about if we changed to the Sydney Goats?
      Yeah! and have Lemons at half time.


      • #18
        Sydney Roosters gets my vote


        • #19
          'Sydney Roosters' sounds all-encompassing...Opera House comb on Rooster's head, and a magic emblem.

          The best emblem in the NRL...changing the name and the emblem would be sheer lunacy!
          Sheer lunacy! idiotic craziness!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Kingsgrove-Loiner View Post
            Eastern Suburbs, Easts for short. Roosters nickname and emblem.
            Amen brother.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
              Whilst we are at it, let's change back to the Tri-colours instead of the Roosters, tradition or non-tradition.

              And bring back the friggin vertically striped red white and blue because 1908 is so Cool.

              Easts Roosters is meaningless, Easts of what? Easts of Auckland or Easts Brisbane or Easts other. It's a national comp now, Eastern Suburbs was only relevant back in the 70's when it was a Sydney only Comp.

              My vote is Sydney Roosters obviously.
              So with your argument in mind, Sydney of what/where???

              Sydney, NSW, Australia
              Sydney, FL, U.S.
              Sydney, ND, U.S.
              Sydney, NS, Canada
              Sydney, South Africa
              Sydney Vanuatu
              Hampden Sydney, VA, U.S.
              Poilcourt-Sydney, France
              Sydney on Vaal, South Africa



              • #22
                Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                So with your argument in mind, Sydney of what/where???

                Sydney, NSW, Australia
                Sydney, FL, U.S.
                Sydney, ND, U.S.
                Sydney, NS, Canada
                Sydney, South Africa
                Sydney Vanuatu
                Hampden Sydney, VA, U.S.
                Poilcourt-Sydney, France
                Sydney on Vaal, South Africa

                Clutching at straws Ralphy boy!

                Considering we are part of the Australian NRL, i think that wipes out options 2 to 9.

                Besides, when most hear the name Sydney they think Sydney Australia. It's world famous ralphy.
                Who said 13 was an unlucky number? 13th Premiership in yr 13 on our 100th anniversary of our 1913 premiership.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
                  Clutching at straws Ralphy boy!

                  Considering we are part of the Australian NRL, i think that wipes out options 2 to 9.

                  Besides, when most hear the name Sydney they think Sydney Australia. It's world famous ralphy.
                  No straws sunshine. Just pointing out the flaws in your argument. "Easts of others"??? Whos clutching there?

                  If people know NRL as you say, then they know who EASTS are? They also know who the Sydney Roosters are so your entire statement about all the so called 'easts' sides is a waste of time. No different to all the Sydney names in the world.

                  Try again.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                    No straws sunshine. Just pointing out the flaws in your argument. "Easts of others"??? Whos clutching there?

                    If people know NRL as you say, then they know who EASTS are? They also know who the Sydney Roosters are so your entire statement about all the so called 'easts' sides is a waste of time. No different to all the Sydney names in the world.

                    Try again.
                    And the flaw in your argument Sunshine is that we have to go back to been called the Tri-colours because it's tradition as well.

                    Build a bridge Ralphy boy and move on. I'm not for change for the sake of it but the change to the Sydney Roosters name was necessary. Call us Easts by all means but it's just a nickname and not official.
                    Last edited by Rocky Rhodes; 10-16-2012, 10:19 PM.
                    Who said 13 was an unlucky number? 13th Premiership in yr 13 on our 100th anniversary of our 1913 premiership.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
                      And the flaw in your argument Sunshine is that we have to go back to been called the Tri-colours because it's tradition as well.

                      Build a bridge Ralphy boy and move on. I'm not for change for the sake of it but the change to the Sydney Roosters name was necessary. Call us Easts by all means but it's just a nickname and not official.
                      Im not arguing the point about the Roosters name Princess, although I would be a fan of going back to the Eastern Suburbs Roosters. Like you, I only want change if its needed. Stupid to change things when its not needed. The point about "Easts of others" is valid though and Im not going to change that as its not needed and you and I both agree on changing only if nessesary right?!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lemon_Goat View Post
                        Id rather Bondi. Sydney sounds so plastic. If someday we change we'll look back andsay 'hey how sh*t was that name' just like Bulldogs did after they changed away from Sydney Bulldogs. We dont represent Sydney. Whats wrong with Bondi or Eastern. I dont want Suburbs its outadated. Easts is a copycat of Wests but Eastern and Bondi kicks arse.

                        RIP Amanda Tood. Bullied teen. Rest in peace.
                        Bullied because she was a slut.


                        • #27
                          Whilst i voted for Eastern Suburbs Roosters, there are more supporters in Penrith than Bondi, especially ones that attend the game.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
                            Whilst i voted for Eastern Suburbs Roosters, there are more supporters in Penrith than Bondi, especially ones that attend the game.
                            Agreed. There are even more in Canberra than Bondi.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                              Agreed. There are even more in Canberra than Bondi.
                              Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
                              Whilst i voted for Eastern Suburbs Roosters, there are more supporters in Penrith than Bondi, especially ones that attend the game.
                              Its great that there are supporters in all areas however to say there are more in penrith and canberra than bondi is ridiculous and insulting. Im born and bred bondi and have lived in the east all my life and the Roosters are so important to the majority of the people born here. Yes i admit there are a lot of people that have come into the area that were not interested in rugby league or the roosters however you would be surprised how much the club means to all true eastern subs people. It is and always will be the clubs spiritual home, that is not too say it should just be the East where the club is supported. It is fantastic that the club has fans everywhere.

