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SBW at Fullback?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Bansai Pipeline View Post
    I'd like to see him in the centres.

    SKD's defence ought to get him the arse.
    Skd can defend...he's just a lazy prick and chooses to shirt grab....unlike moga who honestly has no idea how to drive his shoulder into the opponents stomach and drive him to the ground


    • #32
      Originally posted by punky rooster View Post
      Skd can defend...he's just a lazy prick and chooses to shirt grab....unlike moga who honestly has no idea how to drive his shoulder into the opponents stomach and drive him to the ground
      I have a theory as to why that is with talented islanders like Moga

      All through juniors he'd have been a superstar attacker, bigger and faster than the white kids, steamrolling over the top of them at will, then standing out on the wing to give the other kids a go, and making all the rep teams purely on that basis

      defence never would have meant much, so he struggles now when playing with the bigger boys


      • #33
        Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
        I have a theory as to why that is with talented islanders like Moga

        All through juniors he'd have been a superstar attacker, bigger and faster than the white kids, steamrolling over the top of them at will, then standing out on the wing to give the other kids a go, and making all the rep teams purely on that basis

        defence never would have meant much, so he struggles now when playing with the bigger boys
        I think you've hit the nail on the head there.


        • #34
          Anyone ever seen Scummy Bill catch a bomb or a high ball? Surely that should be one of the first prerequisites for a FB.

          And you are right THW about a lot of the islander kids - remember Sia Soliola and Setiama Sa (just 2 of many). Touted as future immortals when playing in the lower grades, only to be found to be mediocre when playing with the big boys and made their way to SuperLeague without much fuss or fanfare.

          Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


          • #35
            Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
            I have a theory as to why that is with talented islanders like Moga

            All through juniors he'd have been a superstar attacker, bigger and faster than the white kids, steamrolling over the top of them at will, then standing out on the wing to give the other kids a go, and making all the rep teams purely on that basis

            defence never would have meant much, so he struggles now when playing with the bigger boys
            IMO you are very close with that Teabags.

            I will say there should be a degree of blaming the rules and coaching. Players are taught to stand upright now and tackle not go low as they had been taught for the previous 90 years or so of the game. The bigger islander boys do this naturally when they are kids cos they are so big and intimidating often in defense, kids rarely run at them. Let's face it no one wants to run at the big kids and get smashed.

            I believe they aren't taught to tackle or never really take in the message cos they don't have to basically, they are dominant physically anyway. Then they make grade and a lot of the smaller kids who used good low defense on the bigger blokes, cos they had to, are starting to catch up physically to the once bigger islander boys. They have a grounding in being a good defender which is like riding a bike, once you have it recorded in the muscle memory you never forget how to do it.

            Defense has very little to do with size or power IMO, it's about being smart. Reading what the attacker is doing and adjusting accordingly is the key to being a good defender. If you have never had to learn those things it's very hard to learn when you are playing at higher levels. It can be taught but it's something that takes time and experience and that's not easy when blokes debut aged 19-20 mostly these days.

            This isn't just an islander thing either. Look at RTS he looks like he can tackle, especially considering he has a Yawnion background. But he's smaller physically than a lot of the blokes his age so I guess it's something he's had to use to his advantage, good defense and smart reading.

            That said a lot of the islander boys appear physically bigger than a lot of the white boys, it's just the way it is, genetics I gather. Look at any kids game in western Sydney any weekend and you will see the evidence for yourself. Islander boys are physically bigger than white boys more often than not, just a fact.

            IMO SKD isn't lazy he is just dumb, he can't read in defense. His only option is to rush up and we all know a good attacker will beat a bad defender anyday. Moga definitely shows traits of being lazy in defense but I guess he has youth on his side and I gather no ones really taught him how to read the play properly. He looks lost in defense.

            The FlogPen .

            You know it makes sense.


            • #36
              Smith would have probably played him on the wing.


              • #37
                Originally posted by davos View Post
                This is the most ridiculous comment I have ever read. SBW at fullback????? Surely you are a fisherman.

                Was one of your old aliases Fowl ?
                Dumbest thread or comment I have read in ages.

                Whats next...... SBW to halfback when Jr is on Origin duty lol
                Is it school holidays already?


                • #38
                  SBW would be better on the wing than FB that way he would be closer to the fans.


                  • #39
                    This is proof that players and ex-players are on these boards.

                    Nice to see you here, Freddy.

