Originally posted by davos
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Everyone reacts different to jealousy, BJ had been going out with this female since he was 17 and was shown a photo of her in a precarious position with another man and it lead him to do an illegal and stupid thing of circulating a nude photo of her as revenge. It's a mistake he's not happy about, but he's taken his punishment on the chin and should be given the chance to redeem himself. The AVO breach and assault charges were concocted revenge from the female and completely dead in the water, that's why she didn't appear. The female and a friend of hers approached BJ to give him a mouthful about the photo, he did not breach shit and did not assault her in any form, when told the police had issued an arrest for him he handed himself in immediately.
When I first met BJ about two years ago at a fan day, he struck me as a quiet boy who looked like he had come from a good family.
Jealousy when you are a teenager can do make you do stupid things, I have done far stupider than this when a teenager and know plenty of people that have done far worse. It's about time we stopped expecting these footballers to be flawless robots and let them be flawed humans like the rest of us.