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2013 is getting better all the time

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  • #16
    One of the best decisions the Commission has made is getting rid of Hollywood Harrigan and his stooge Raper. Hollywood's arrogance and aversion to admitting mistakes (even those that weren't his) was always going to be his undoing in the long run.

    I have only one request of the bloke who takes charge of the refs - no inflated ego. Which counts Shayne Hayne and Tony Archer out of the running for a start. Harrigan mini-mes we can do without.

    The ref's boss needs to be a problem solver - not a problem maker! And a conciliatory attitude is a must, as you will never erridate refs errors from the game.

    Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


    • #17
      Originally posted by stsae View Post
      I'm talking the obvious leaks from News Ltd power brokers involved with the NRL of recent years mate. You know when the Smellucrapp always delivered a detailed plan on what was the next major move of Gallop and his reign before Gallop was able to announce such moves.

      I don't read that rag but from the posts on here that do reprint them I have been noticing Rothwitt and co have been left to their gossip stories, which as you pointed out they are hit and miss with, rather than their propaganda pieces where it's obvious they have received the early mail on stories involving the game as a whole, salary cap, TV deals etc.

      They still speculate but Rothwitt can't be as smug anymore, he's like the rest of us mostly in the dark when it comes to any real decision making in the game now. Whereas before he was spoon fed such info whenever News wanted to soften the blow on yet another decision done to make themselves richer and the game stagnate.

      That's been the problem since SL, News Ltd have made sure they recouped their investment and then some. When they knew they couldn't pull anymore from the game cos public opinion had really started to sway against their rule, they bailed. That leaves a Rothwitt on equal footing to any other journo now, they have to actually work for the story. It also further exposes he is really a nothing in the game, Editor at Large my arse. Some try to make out Rothwitts actually important in the scheme of things in RL. The man has nothing.

      I'm with you on that mate. I honestly cannot beleive that some people actually read his articles. Correct me if I'm wrong but he has never played the game of rugby league, I don't think that he has ever been associated with the game either in anyway, but yet he seems to be an "expert" when it comes to the code.

      It would be like me becoming an expert in Golf and commenting on things that I have never experienced before all for the agenda driven desire of my employer(news LTD).

      Blame the fools who read his articles I say.....
      Comment of the year:

      Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

      "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


      • #18
        Originally posted by davos View Post
        I'm with you on that mate. I honestly cannot beleive that some people actually read his articles. Correct me if I'm wrong but he has never played the game of rugby league, I don't think that he has ever been associated with the game either in anyway, but yet he seems to be an "expert" when it comes to the code.

        It would be like me becoming an expert in Golf and commenting on things that I have never experienced before all for the agenda driven desire of my employer(news LTD).

        Blame the fools who read his articles I say.....
        Mate I've tried to find out what a young Rothwitt has done, what he is actually qualified as an "eggspurt" in and have come up with a duck egg so far. I actually started a thread in the away section to see if anyone had a clue but no one has been able to help me with anything there.

        Since Frilingoose died it would seem Rothwitt is the self proclaimed RL eggspurt of the News Ltd world.

        The FlogPen .

        You know it makes sense.


        • #19
          Originally posted by davos View Post
          I'm with you on that mate. I honestly cannot beleive that some people actually read his articles. Correct me if I'm wrong but he has never played the game of rugby league, I don't think that he has ever been associated with the game either in anyway, but yet he seems to be an "expert" when it comes to the code.

          It would be like me becoming an expert in Golf and commenting on things that I have never experienced before all for the agenda driven desire of my employer(news LTD).

          Blame the fools who read his articles I say.....
          yep your right. hes another ken sutcliff. just an opinion
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