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SBW going for an MRI

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  • #31
    Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
    I agree with you on this point. Whilst it's wonderful that sportspeople can be multi talented, I'd prefer our players to be 100% focused on achieving one solid goal at a time, after all if they sign a contract with our club, they have an obligation and duty to the club as their employer to work towards the team objectives sent down by the coach. I'm not a fan of this finger in every pie approach and 'guest star' appearances for one year deals. How can our club build a solid core future with these celebrities dipping in and out all the time like they were extras on a soap opera? I don't want this transit lounge attitude at our club.
    That's an interesting one. Talented as he (SBW) may be, it made me think of several sportspeople who later in their careers went down another path but weren't so successful (and weren't playing 2 or 3 sports at a time).

    Here are just a few names to think about who I think should have stayed where they were:

    Michael Jordan (Baseball)/Basketball
    Marion Jones (Basketball)/Athletics
    Darren Clark (League)/Athletics
    Anthony Mundine (Boxing)/League - who has he really beaten? Too many governing bodies, weight divisions. Shit - Mickey Lane could beat up Lemon_Goat and claim the YBW title.
    Eddie Charlton on the other hand could have been anything, but Billiards was his forte (Footballer, Cricketer, Surfer, Boxer).

    In saying all that, good on them for taking a chance (challenge if you like), and there is no doubt many sportspeople successfully changed from one sport to another early in life and became world beaters.
    Last edited by 007; 10-28-2012, 09:30 PM.
    "Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
      I'm talking about how his two 'clients' never seem to be far from controversy. They both really only look out for themselves.
      Not long ago people on here were saying how Carney never gave a shit about the club or the traditions and the like. Do you think SBW cares, you think Khoder cares. Do you want to see the Cordner's, Moga's, RTS's and the promising under 20's start listening to him and signing 1 yr deals, asking the the club to let them box, running off to union for more dollars. That's what I'm concerned about.
      I hope he comes and has a positive influence on the club, but I hope Khoder stays clear of all the young blokes that's all.
      Just because he isn't an accredited agent doesn't mean he won't be hanging around either.
      As Coqqers said, who are all these followers who have followed him around the globe so far???

      And I am talking Kokoder, not SBW or Mundane.

      It isn't player managers job to give a fark about codes or clubs, it's their job to get the BEST deal for their clients, players. That includes keeping their players in the media as much as possible. They attract more sponsors that way and make more $$$. It's really a simple equation.

      Mate I like your passion but it's a professional game. Players come and go for cash and opportunity. Very few players love a club and those that do it's mostly cos they are part of the furniture, like Perrett and look what happened there, the club didn't love him in the same way.

      Fans love clubs. Players and players managers aren't fans. They have a different out look when it comes to their profession.

      Sure when you go to fan days and meet players or when you meet coaches and officials they trot out the old love for the club cliches etc. That's the way it goes. Doesnt mean they wont move if they get a better deal elsewhere, $$$ wise or opportunity wise.

      I still don't see what this Kokoder bloke has ever done that is so wrong, that earns him the boogeyman title.

      The FlogPen .

      You know it makes sense.


      • #33
        Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
        I wouldnt pollute my home with anything SBWalkout.
        Don't you think this is getting a little tired?
        So he walked out on a rubbish club a few years ago.....what's it to you?
        Yes we all know you don't want SBW around.
        I hope you're man enough to come on here next year and admit you were wrong when he's tearing it up for The Roosters.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
          Don't you think this is getting a little tired?
          So he walked out on a rubbish club a few years ago.....what's it to you?
          Yes we all know you don't want SBW around.
          I hope you're man enough to come on here next year and admit you were wrong when he's tearing it up for The Roosters.
          So whats it 'to you' what my opinion is of SBWalkout? He didnt just walk out on his club, he walked out on the game you follow and slapped you sqaure in the face. Enjoy that did you?

          Hope all you like. If its so 'tired' to you, then you would have read all my posts and understood what I have said in the past. No, I am not going to say it again. Go back and read them for yourself and then be 'man enough' to admit YOU were wrong.

          Looking forward to your next reply!


          • #35
            Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
            So whats it 'to you' what my opinion is of SBWalkout? He didnt just walk out on his club, he walked out on the game you follow and slapped you sqaure in the face. Enjoy that did you?

            Hope all you like. If its so 'tired' to you, then you would have read all my posts and understood what I have said in the past. No, I am not going to say it again. Go back and read them for yourself and then be 'man enough' to admit YOU were wrong.

            Looking forward to your next reply!
            You've got NFI about anything. Just be man enough to admit it you wally.


            • #36
              Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
              So whats it 'to you' what my opinion is of SBWalkout? He didnt just walk out on his club, he walked out on the game you follow and slapped you sqaure in the face. Enjoy that did you?

              Hope all you like. If its so 'tired' to you, then you would have read all my posts and understood what I have said in the past. No, I am not going to say it again. Go back and read them for yourself and then be 'man enough' to admit YOU were wrong.

              Looking forward to your next reply!

              You have every right to dislike SBW. I too hated the guy but not sure if it was more like I hated the club or him. Since then I hoped that he would fail in rugby(and boxing) and looked forward to have a good laugh at that but there was nothing I could fault that was worth laughing at about as he went along giving great performances, mainly in rugby. Yes he stuffed up 5 years ago. He has no education, shit loads of $$$ blah blah blah but I think he has he shit together and gives it all to whom he ever works for. I'm confident that we wont get shafted having him next year and if he gives good performances time and time again, are you still going to be grumpy at him? Then again if you're proven right I'm sure you'll remind us. Cheers!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
                You've got NFI about anything. Just be man enough to admit it you wally.
                Im afraid that if I man up Mickey that you might bar up in return!


                • #38
                  Filthyralph u must be be a dogs supporter,,,,

                  Who gives a F#### at what he did to those scummy dogs!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Roid Rage Rooster View Post
                    Filthyralph u must be be a dogs supporter,,,,

                    Who gives a F#### at what he did to those scummy dogs!!
                    Yeah I must be. And you must be a hotdog smugglin souffs fan with buck teef.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                      Im afraid that if I man up Mickey that you might bar up in return!
                      No we will leave that up to all your bike riding mates, you do nothing for me.

                      SBW is going to kill it & you will be sittin back in Holand having to be man enough to cop it.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by 007 View Post
                        That's an interesting one. Talented as he (SBW) may be, it made me think of several sportspeople who later in their careers went down another path but weren't so successful (and weren't playing 2 or 3 sports at a time).
                        This is what bothers me the most. It's the "Oh, it's Friday today so I must be a Roosters player. Next week, I think I'll play baseball. And the week after that, cross country skiing". At what point do the Roosters have the right to step in and say no, considering the pricetag...
                        "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
                          You have every right to dislike SBW. I too hated the guy but not sure if it was more like I hated the club or him. Since then I hoped that he would fail in rugby(and boxing) and looked forward to have a good laugh at that but there was nothing I could fault that was worth laughing at about as he went along giving great performances, mainly in rugby. Yes he stuffed up 5 years ago. He has no education, shit loads of $$$ blah blah blah but I think he has he shit together and gives it all to whom he ever works for. I'm confident that we wont get shafted having him next year and if he gives good performances time and time again, are you still going to be grumpy at him? Then again if you're proven right I'm sure you'll remind us. Cheers!
                          Theres no grumpiness ROC. You can only judge on past performances and his perfomance in league was a total disgrace. As I have said before, I honestly hope he does well for us but I can not and will not forgive his walkout on League. Yes he has done well at boxing and yawnion but really hasnt set the world on fire in either. Thats just my observation tho. Who has he really beaten at boxing? He is also a bench all blacks player at best who is now playing in a far substandard comp in Japan for dollars only. Harldy testing or proving himself. He has five years away from the toughest game on earth that has changed tenfold since his departure. He has a lot to prove in a very very short time in order for us to get some sort of value out of him. I hope he does and I hope the knockers come running if he does. I welcome them. I wont gloat if I am right as Ive already laid out my cards. Just call it fair warning.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
                            This is what bothers me the most. It's the "Oh, it's Friday today so I must be a Roosters player. Next week, I think I'll play baseball. And the week after that, cross country skiing". At what point do the Roosters have the right to step in and say no, considering the pricetag...
                            We have no right when we are his bitch. Someone needs to grow some balls and put their foot down. We have enough injection of talent coming to the club from other players and a new coach to already make a huge differnece. I believe the xfactor next year will be from that and not the SBWalkout show. My prediction is that we will be far more competitive with the help mentioned above but the SBWalkout lovers will claim its all about him give him all the credit. Some here forget its a team sport.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
                              This is what bothers me the most. It's the "Oh, it's Friday today so I must be a Roosters player. Next week, I think I'll play baseball. And the week after that, cross country skiing". At what point do the Roosters have the right to step in and say no, considering the pricetag...
                              You over exaggerate & make things up for your own agenda.

                              If the signing happens he wont be boxing playing Rugby or playing any other sports that you have exaggerated about whilst the league season is on.
                              SBW didn't go chasing a contract from the Roosters the Roosters (Nick) went chasing SBW 5 years ago & got a handshake deal from SBW.
                              Try & understand this, SBW would make more money boxing & playing Rugby but because he is a loyal man he is honouring a handshake deal that he has with Nick. IMO Nick understands that he can make more money playing Rugby or boxing so to be able to fit in with SBW schedule Nick has had to agree to what SBW has asked for. SBW & his management have said this is what we want & the board has agreed with it, they didn't have to.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                                Theres no grumpiness ROC. You can only judge on past performances and his perfomance in league was a total disgrace. As I have said before, I honestly hope he does well for us but I can not and will not forgive his walkout on League. Yes he has done well at boxing and yawnion but really hasnt set the world on fire in either. Thats just my observation tho. Who has he really beaten at boxing? He is also a bench all blacks player at best who is now playing in a far substandard comp in Japan for dollars only. Harldy testing or proving himself. He has five years away from the toughest game on earth that has changed tenfold since his departure. He has a lot to prove in a very very short time in order for us to get some sort of value out of him. I hope he does and I hope the knockers come running if he does. I welcome them. I wont gloat if I am right as Ive already laid out my cards. Just call it fair warning.
                                Hahahahahahaha a bench all black player at best?? You must not watch any union games.
                                He is one of the top 3 centers in the world right now and most avid RU supporters would say the best.
                                Do you watch any RU games or shows at all?

