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Paul Kent article on Harrigan

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  • Paul Kent article on Harrigan

    He cops plenty of stick from the goons on here, but I reckon he nailed it with this piece the other day. Given that none of you read the telegraph, you won't have seen it.

    So here it is

    Go for your life


    GOODBYE Bill, nothing personal.

    Having written about the failings of referee's boss Bill Harrigan for most of this year, about the loss of confidence by the referees under him, the changes to interpretation he introduced without telling the players and coaches, the mistakes the referees were making - Harrigan finally got the bullet yesterday.

    He had to go.

    The fundamental problem with the Bill Harrigan Approach to Modern Refereeing is best illustrated in an exchange this season when a complaint was made, not for the first time, that defending teams were deliberately and continually standing offside.

    "What do you want us to do, blow 100 penalties?" Harrigan asked.

    To which the proper answer should be, if they are standing offside 100 times, yes.

    And if they are standing offside only 99 times, then blow only 99 penalties.

    Bill never quite got that footballers are smart that way. They'll eventually get it.

    Instead, under the Bill Harrigan Approach to Modern Refereeing the intention was always to "manage" the game, not "referee" the game, which was intended to result in far less penalties and a better flowing game.

    Yes, it sounds terrific.

    It has its roots in Harrigan's own elevation to a first grade referee when he drastically cut down on the amount of penalties given in a game, compared to other referees in other games, because he "managed" players instead of penalising them.

    In other words, instead of pinging an outside back for standing offside, Harrigan called him offside and told him to stay out of the play, the player backed off, play went on, and with no breakdown in play we saw a faster and more free-flowing game.

    What Harrigan failed to understand is the game is so much smarter these days.

    Coaches knew as much and so started daring the referees to penalise them.

    They knew if they stood offside 30 times the referees wouldn't penalise them 30 times - who wants the criticism for blowing so many penalties? - and so the game slowed down.

    The wrestle began to dominate.

    The playmakers were nullified.

    Look at when Canterbury beat Manly in the opening week of the finals.

    The Bulldogs stood offside most of the night.

    Geoff Toovey nearly wore through two desks in the coaches box slamming down the headphones every time the Bulldogs got away with being offside.

    Toovey blued later, saying, "I thought we were playing back in the 5m rule."

    Yet not a peep came from Harrigan.

    So the next week Toovey got smart, and when the Sea Eagles went out against North Queensland they played, what else, five metre football. They could have shaken hands with Johnathan Thurston on most plays.

    Neil Henry later gave Harrigan eagle cam vision that showed the Sea Eagles standing offside 24 times that night. Manly got penalised five times.

    Why do we care? Because in the Cowboys is the best playmaker in the world.

    When Thurston gets the ball and looks up - and the first thing he sees is several defenders standing offside, he knows he can't go to those plays he has called but instead has to play an inside ball, or some other play. It cuts down his options and limits the football that can be played.

    They are taking the football out of our football and nobody is doing a damn thing about it.

    Harrigan should have addressed it.

    He didn't. Henry didn't blue about it because he is not that style of coach.

    But why couldn't Harrigan recognise it?

    He was either unable - or unwilling - to address the greatest issue in the modern game.

    Defending teams are increasingly employing illegal tactics without fear of penalty, taking the football out of the game, because the referees' priorities are wrong.

    The rules are there to penalise offside defensive lines, or markers that float, or the all-too-common nine-second play-the-balls because the teams are taught to wrestle and slow it all down.

    Harrigan came under extreme pressure early this season when Bob Fulton , Wayne Bennett and Chris Anderson all labelled the game boring and highlighted how the wrestle was killing the contest.

    A quiet word arrived in Harrigan's ear and for the next two weeks stalling plays were targeted and the game opened up tremendously.

    It looked like a win.

    But then, spurred by no urgency to continue, the referees dropped off again, the game went back to the same old ways, and by the end of the season the two teams that emerged on top of the ladder and went through to fight out the grand final were the two teams that wrestled best.

  • #2
    A few things.

    For me Harrigan lost his job during the Origin series. He should of put his hand up and admitted the two errors in those games, instead he came up with silly interpretations to justify the decisions. That's when they really lost the plot because we got to a stage where the disgraceful decisions in the Origins were used as a precedent.

    Harrigan has been a disaster but to be fair to him the trends in the game Kent talks about have been there for for a while now.

    The refereeing is a disgrace, like Kent has said they are game managers. It all starts at the ruck and that is where the game is screwed. Why are they standing over players and yelling at them? Blow the farking whistle and keep blowing it until they work it out.

    Also I find it funny that Bennett has been whinging about the game. It's easy to say it now when the rules don't suit your team. He didn't open his stupid mouth when the Dragons were the biggest spoilers in the game.


    • #3
      Whilst I have little time for most News Ltd hacks, Kent is probably the best of a bad lot. Not that dimwits like Slothfield have set the bar very high.

      Kent is exaclty right about the offside rule and refs constantly pleading with them to get onside rather than penalise them. As a supporter who watches the games live with SportsEars in it drives me nuts to constantly hear a ref calling the same bloke offside and threatening to penalise him, even telling him the amount of times he's called him offside, but then never blowing a penalty against him.

      It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that there are some rules for some players and another rule for others. Players who the refs have targetted as 'repeat offenders" will get 1-2 warnings and then be penalised. Yet other players will be warned time and time again and have not one penalty blown against them. Where's the consistency there?

      If a bloke is obviously offside blow the bloody penalty. It's that simple. The refs will be amazed how quickly even a dumbarsed footballer will learn to play by the rules when forced to.

      Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


      • #4
        Originally posted by novice chook View Post
        Whilst I have little time for most News Ltd hacks, Kent is probably the best of a bad lot. Not that dimwits like Slothfield have set the bar very high.

        Kent is exaclty right about the offside rule and refs constantly pleading with them to get onside rather than penalise them. As a supporter who watches the games live with SportsEars in it drives me nuts to constantly hear a ref calling the same bloke offside and threatening to penalise him, even telling him the amount of times he's called him offside, but then never blowing a penalty against him.

        It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that there are some rules for some players and another rule for others. Players who the refs have targetted as 'repeat offenders" will get 1-2 warnings and then be penalised. Yet other players will be warned time and time again and have not one penalty blown against them. Where's the consistency there?

        If a bloke is obviously offside blow the bloody penalty. It's that simple. The refs will be amazed how quickly even a dumbarsed footballer will learn to play by the rules when forced to.

        SportsEars is brilliant. A techie mate of mine has managed to tap into the frequency on his digital radio and can listen to it from home


        • #5
          As long as the 10m is the same for both teams. There were numerous time last year when the ref had one team standing back 7m and the other 15m.


          • #6
            Too right 66, the inconsistency in the policing of the 10 metre rule was a farce last year. There is no doubt some teams are being made to go much further back than their oppoisition and are then penalised when they don't keep to that extended 10 metres. There are certain teams I doubt were onside all season, but yet gave away less penalties than others who were continually forced back 12-15 metres.

            I've utilised the SportsEars since soon after they were first developed Tony and struggle to get through a live game without them as I like to know why a decision is made and what's going on leading up to it. They can be a poisoned challice some games though when you get frustrated with what you're hearing and end up blowing up deluxe and the people around you think you're a nutter as they have no idea what you're railing against.

            I for one am hoping for a better deal for the Chooks in 2013 than we got in 2012 where the refs are concerned. I know we weren't the only club that was dudded more than once this year, but gee it gets frustrating when you realise what refs decisions can cost a side over a season.

            Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


            • #7
              its a game of footy for rules to be followed by both sides, not players or results managed wich looked very likely in most games, in that case gfood riddance to the video ref from the 2010 grand final who couldnt manage to see both of morris feet weerre out of play as he trew in the ball to give gasnier the first merge try!


              • #8
                I guarantee if the refs blew even 30 penalties in a game there would be an uproar from everyone.

                People are wanting perfection & consistantcy but forget that we are dealing with humans.


                • #9
                  Have to agree with you Tony. Kent nailed it regarding Harrigant. Bill steered away from the rules book during and post his career allowing free flowing footy and open interpretations but it came back to bite him.

                  Does anyone know if there's any animosity or dislike btw Harrigant & Freddie? Maybe going back to 2003 when Bill was on Ricky's coaching staff after retiring in 2002?
                  I ask this because Freddie was certainly a catalyst for his downfall towards the end of the season.


                  • #10
                    Harrigan's a wanker. The headbutt on Freddy in the 2002 Grand Final was atrocious.

                    I am glad Harrigan is gone. His interpretations of the rules and letting things slide was why the game has changed so much over the years, and ultimately been transformed into a wrestling match.

                    Good riddance Billy. Maybe he should get a job as a cement truck driver.


                    • #11
                      Very well said Mr Kent. Here's hoping 2013 is different.

                      And TOK, I think the reason a lot of us here don't read the DT is down to the opinion of many that the DT (and especially the idiot at large) is anti-Easts. Can you blame them in that case?
                      "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                      Thomas Jefferson


                      • #12
                        So bascially Bill, in his arrogant self indulgence, tried to make clones of himself out of the other refs and they got jack of it?



                        • #13
                          Thanks for the article Tony. I agree totally with Kent. I just hope Harrigant's replacement won't be more of the same!

