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Is that our head coach....

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  • Is that our head coach....

    Rumour has it in the Courier Mail that Freddy read out the team for this weeks game on that video thing with the head of the Roosters mascot on his head.

    Fark me and he is meant to be the head coach of a professional sporting team. Is it any wonder we are where we are.


  • #2
    Lighten up mate


    • #3
      Check it out it was the video for last weeks game... it's only a team announcement I thought it was slightly funny


      • #4
        WHAT WHAT WHAT **** this c**T im gonna pop a cap in his ass fuk this mofo.

        Umm ok, Is that what you want to hear?


        • #5
          I agree with Dolphin - the stunt reeks of school boy humour and a total lack of professionalism. Time for the bloke to grow up, use his bloody brain and realise that the position the team finds itself in is no laughing matter.

          Is it any wonder the players are the absolute rabble that they are, with that type of mentality rife through the Club.

          The sooner he is gone the better.

          Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


          • #6
            Now he is just taking a huge dump on all of us..

            We are in our rightful position at the bottom..

            Just exit quickly & quietly Fittler, out the back door this afternoon would be sufficient..

            Everyone that thought he would never make a coaches arsehole were spot on..

            A crying shame..


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dolphin View Post
              Rumour has it in the Courier Mail that Freddy read out the team for this weeks game on that video thing with the head of the Roosters mascot on his head.

              Fark me and he is meant to be the head coach of a professional sporting team. Is it any wonder we are where we are.

              Nah he's just practicing for next year when he wears the full suit at Rooster's games..


              • #8
                I think his attitude over the last few weeks is causing him more damage for his future coaching aspirations. He hasn't really shown too much professionalism. He is best to step aside now and get Smithy to basically just get in there and say to the players to prove to him how much they want to be there next year. Never too early to start.


                • #9
                  This year is Fittler's fark up, let him finish it on his lonesome and walk away with the spoon as a souveneir.

                  Brian Smith should be a silent observer only.

                  Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                  • #10
                    Oh for christ sake it was a week ago....

                    Move on with your lives.....

                    Freddy already has......


                    • #11
                      LOl at those telling me to lighten up or thinking it is ok.

                      FFS he is the head coach. Would never see bennett, Sheens and co do anything like this. Just makes us more of a laughing stock.

                      I have seen a couple of these team read outs by Freddy and it is like watching a cheeky ninth grader read. It is farking embarrassing that our head coach is really just a child.

                      but hey go on enjoy your mediocrity!


                      • #12
                        Mate at this stage if you dont laugh you cry......

                        I know which one I would rather choose, but hey keep those pharmaceutical companies in business by all means......:P

                        Of course Freddy is taking the he is when he puts Mini at 5/8.......he left the building weeks ago......and is not just making up numbers.........but if you let it bother will send you nucking futs.......


                        • #13
                          Be comforted by the fact that his reign is nearly over Dolphin - I know I am.

                          I swear his departure will be one my highlights of 2009.

                          If Fittler doesn't want to make an effort to read out the team in a suitable manner then he can do what he did earlier in the season when he couldn't be fussed and have Paul Young do it. Or even Lammy.

                          Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dolphin View Post
                            LOl at those telling me to lighten up or thinking it is ok.

                            FFS he is the head coach. Would never see bennett, Sheens and co do anything like this. Just makes us more of a laughing stock.

                            I have seen a couple of these team read outs by Freddy and it is like watching a cheeky ninth grader read. It is farking embarrassing that our head coach is really just a child.
                            but hey go on enjoy your mediocrity!
                            You have to be kidding mate a child could not put up the stresses of being an NRL coach

                            Ever heard of the expression when someone is under stress and adversity " I could either laugh or cry". Well sometimes for some people it's better to have a bit of a laugh under such circumstances.


                            • #15
                              Brian Smith and Freddy at training yesterday


