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Season defining moment

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  • Season defining moment

    This is it I think.

    After a bad loss (in that no team should lose when up 16-0) with a young team and a new coach working on how to play together and two huge profile matches coming up.

    How we perform vs the Dogs and Dragons on ANZAC day, both on the national stage will, I think, determine our season.

    It's still very early and obviously if we drop both games there is still a long time for us to make the finals but with finals like atmosphere and intensity this litmus test will tell us if we are contenders or also rans.

    Robbo has some work to do ensuring we hold early possession and don't tire ourselves out putting our line under pressure and tackling up a storm early.

    If we stop coughing up the ball in the first 15 and just play the possession and field position game we saw last night that when we get near the line we have the cattle to get us over it.

    Big, big test coming up and I'm bloody excited. In my opinion we need to go 2/2 here and if we're sitting on 10 points after 7 rounds it puts us in good stead with rep footy coming up.


  • #2
    Dogs and Dragons are both our home games.
    If we can't win them we're finished, and the rest of the season is just a rehearsal for next season.

    If players can't pass and catch the ball without dropping it they're not first grade material.
    As usual, when the Raiders scored that last try[2 forward passes in it]...our winger was nowhere to be seen!

    After the Raiders game I'm about as excited as a dead fish.


    • #3
      I still think that we have a better team than the one that we had in 2010, and we should have rightfully won the comp that year as well.

      That being said, I don't see us winning a comp with Mini at fullback.
      Comment of the year:

      Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

      "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


      • #4
        Our performance against the Dogs will say a lot about the team. If we lost last night due to complacency, we should win against the dogs after that reality check.

        On ANZAC day we will have our NZ test players out won't we? SBW, JWH, Moa and SKD? Although SKD being out may be a blessing, we will really be tested up front. SBW and JWH in particular do a heap of work in the engine room for us.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Fleabag Fletch View Post
          Our performance against the Dogs will say a lot about the team. If we lost last night due to complacency, we should win against the dogs after that reality check.

          On ANZAC day we will have our NZ test players out won't we? SBW, JWH, Moa and SKD? Although SKD being out may be a blessing, we will really be tested up front. SBW and JWH in particular do a heap of work in the engine room for us.
          I may be wrong but I don't think so.

          The ANZAC test is during an off week of the competition so the NZ players should be available for selection.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fleabag Fletch View Post
            Our performance against the Dogs will say a lot about the team. If we lost last night due to complacency, we should win against the dogs after that reality check.

            On ANZAC day we will have our NZ test players out won't we? SBW, JWH, Moa and SKD? Although SKD being out may be a blessing, we will really be tested up front. SBW and JWH in particular do a heap of work in the engine room for us.
            I didn't think Moa was a kiwi. If they pick the most out of form player in the comp then they have serious problems.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUDDY View Post
              I didn't think Moa was a kiwi. If they pick the most out of form player in the comp then they have serious problems.
              Moa has pledged his allegiance to NZ.

              In regards to your comment about 'the most out of form player in the comp', I assume you are talking about SKD - not Moa. Stranger things have happened. I've seen FPN and Perret have blinders for NZ when they are playing hopelessly for us.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dimorphic View Post
                I may be wrong but I don't think so.

                The ANZAC test is during an off week of the competition so the NZ players should be available for selection.
                Yeah - sounds right. This would also be the City v Country week.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by davos View Post
                  I still think that we have a better team than the one that we had in 2010, and we should have rightfully won the comp that year as well.

                  That being said, I don't see us winning a comp with Mini at fullback.
                  You're kidding right? Define rightfully for me.


                  • #10

                    Its been a light start to the year by playing raiders warriors parra, we should of won all three and almost let another 16-0 against warriors go. The only genuine team we played we lost to, dogs and dragons game will show us where we really stand. (dragons because it will show how we handle a massive occasion and crowd and if we have learnt anything from rd 1)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Fleabag Fletch View Post
                      Our performance against the Dogs will say a lot about the team. If we lost last night due to complacency, we should win against the dogs after that reality check.

                      On ANZAC day we will have our NZ test players out won't we? SBW, JWH, Moa and SKD? Although SKD being out may be a blessing, we will really be tested up front. SBW and JWH in particular do a heap of work in the engine room for us.
                      Originally posted by Madrooster View Post
                      You're kidding right? Define rightfully for me.
                      Without side tracking this thread are you saying that St. Merge won the 2010 decider fairly with unbiased reffing?


                      • #12
                        This loss will be a blessing. Teach them to play out the game. Not rest on a lead.
                        And I would get rid of SKD and MK. Neither deserve to be there.
                        Embrace the Hate! JC


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by milanja View Post

                          Its been a light start to the year by playing raiders warriors parra, we should of won all three and almost let another 16-0 against warriors go. The only genuine team we played we lost to, dogs and dragons game will show us where we really stand. (dragons because it will show how we handle a massive occasion and crowd and if we have learnt anything from rd 1)
                          I agree 100%
                          Souths are the only team that we have played that will be in the finals and obviously we cost ourselves a win last night. We needed to start the season strongly because we play some of the tougher teams later in the season (although this should be a good thing as we would hopefully be playing our best football). I think the next 2 games become must wins.
                          After last nights capitulation I think I victory against our bitter rivals would rebuild our confidence. And I, like many others are desperate for an ANZAC Day triumph and we are very well placed to beat the Dragons convincingly!


                          • #14
                            Something Dimorphic said in his first post. They are a young side.

                            They will have brain explosions or be mentally weaker. it takes years to build that.

                            which doesnt explain why Mini is playing like an idiot.
                            Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                              Something Dimorphic said in his first post. They are a young side.

                              They will have brain explosions or be mentally weaker. it takes years to build that.

                              which doesnt explain why Mini is playing like an idiot.
                              Cause he's wearing a blue shirt?

                              We wish :/

