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2 penalties

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View Post
    It amazes me that no matter how clearly player 1 and Spirit of 66 spell out the anomaly of the lack of penalties received that there are some who just don't get the point. As Jack's Fur Coat stated above, "There were the usual inconsistencies though... we conceded em but didn't get em on almost identical plays." That is what gets to me most games, the inconsistencies.

    And to those stupidly asking if Luke Phillips is in on the scam, in last night's game, the other ref cecchin (?) blew five of the six against the Roosters.

    Yes but you must understand some, like Rocky, simply don't have the time to analyse facts rationally as they are too busy running their independently wealthy franchises.

    Most of the others deliberately pretend to miss the point - I can't believe they're actually that stupid and obtuse.


    • #32
      I'm one of the biggest ref whingers of all time.

      I was at the game and thought the refs did a fine job. The Canberra crowd was into them the whole second half and I'm surprised the penalty count wasn't a bit bigger.

      We probably could have had a few more against us and I can't recall too many instances blowing up in the crowd for a penalty to us like I normally am.

      Didn't see a replay but it seemed we got a lucky call for our first try as well. The locals were not happy.

      Canberra pretty much played perfect football in the second 40 and got wuick play-the-balls. That's why we lost.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kingsgrove-Loiner View Post
        I'm not sure that there's any top level conspiracy going on......but it is a bit suss about how many we receive.

        Up to last night, the Raiders were conceding an average of 6 per game. Suddenly last night, they were made to look like the most disciplined team in the comp - to give away only 2 penalties is a massive bonus to any team.

        We're received the second least penalties in the comp, and have the worst differential with -9. We only mananged to win the penalty count by 1 against the Eels, and that's after putting 50 on them!

        To say it's a bit strange would be an understatement.
        We should have won the penalties by more in the eels game but we continued to hold down/put hands on the ball when we were dominating. Now that is dumb. But we still do it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View Post
          Now, let's compare how the Roosters have fared over the same five rounds in 2013 ...
          R1 vs vermin (H) - lost penalty count 4-9
          R2 vs worriors (A) - lost penalty count - 6-8
          R3 vs groncos (H) - won penalty count - 8-7
          R4 vs eels (H) - won penalty count - 6-5
          R5 vs raiders (A) - lost penalty count - 2-6

          -9 differential. Being at home seems to make less of a difference.
          Notice that when we actually do win a penalty count (as rare as that is), it is always by merely one !


          • #35
            Originally posted by Juggler View Post
            We should have won the penalties by more in the eels game but we continued to hold down/put hands on the ball when we were dominating. Now that is dumb. But we still do it.
            Fair enough, but can you explain why the Eels only conceded 6 - the same as we did against Canberra? Surely a team that's being lapped is doing everything they can to slow down the ptb and get off their line quick.

            Again, it's not that we're penalised - we all know we have some habitual offenders. It's the fact that we receive so few.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kingsgrove-Loiner View Post
              Fair enough, but can you explain why the Eels only conceded 6 - the same as we did against Canberra? Surely a team that's being lapped is doing everything they can to slow down the ptb and get off their line quick.

              Again, it's not that we're penalised - we all know we have some habitual offenders. It's the fact that we receive so few.
              Is that PJ Harvey in your avatar? What a hottie.

              The point you make is understood by all who are willing to understand it. Those on here who choose to not get the point become abusive. It is amusing. I stared a thread that merely stated we got 2 penalties all night, nothing else. In fact I praised Canberra's discipline (albeit ironically). The usual suspects then proceeded to accuse me of being delusional and a conspiracy nut. I was merely stating a fact. Teams that play us concede very few penalties. That is not the same as me complaining that Easts concede lots of penalties (a separate issue, about which I have no trouble understanding).

              This makes certain people angry. I wish they'd relax.


              • #37
                Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                Is that PJ Harvey in your avatar? What a hottie.

                The point you make is understood by all who are willing to understand it. Those on here who choose to not get the point become abusive. It is amusing. I stared a thread that merely stated we got 2 penalties all night, nothing else. In fact I praised Canberra's discipline (albeit ironically). The usual suspects then proceeded to accuse me of being delusional and a conspiracy nut. I was merely stating a fact. Teams that play us concede very few penalties. That is not the same as me complaining that Easts concede lots of penalties (a separate issue, about which I have no trouble understanding).

                This makes certain people angry. I wish they'd relax.
                But, as was stated earlier by someone, you do come on here after most losses and bang on about how we were scewed by the refs, again. And then you get into rather pitiful arguments with those who hear this from you so often

                It gets a little tiresome

                Whatever treatment we get from the refs is our own fault. The refs are not biased against us. We need to play smarter, just like the teams who incur a lot less penalties than us do. It's as simple as that, and when people like yourself continue to suggest that we're being conspired against, people do stop taking you seriously


                • #38
                  Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
                  But, as was stated earlier by someone, you do come on here after most losses and bang on about how we were scewed by the refs, again. And then you get into rather pitiful arguments with those who hear this from you so often

                  It gets a little tiresome

                  Whatever treatment we get from the refs is our own fault. The refs are not biased against us. We need to play smarter, just like the teams who incur a lot less penalties than us do. It's as simple as that, and when people like yourself continue to suggest that we're being conspired against, people do stop taking you seriously
                  Your tone is supercilious. I am pretty sure you are a journo - how is that business working out for you Tony?

                  Your use of the word conspiracy, which I have never used, is intended to make me appear unreasonable, which I am not.

                  I and others have presented statistics, not petty condescending insults directed at people like myself I am quite sure you are in no position to look down on, that show teams concede less penalties when AND only when they play Easts. The more thoughtful, less abusive posters can at least see there is an anomaly - that those teams you mention that "play smarter" do so only when they play Easts.

                  Why don't you "play smarter" and actually read what people post.

                  And as an afterthought, why don't you put me on your ignore list?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                    Your tone is supercilious. I am pretty sure you are a journo - how is that business working out for you Tony?

                    Your use of the word conspiracy, which I have never used, is intended to make me appear unreasonable, which I am not.

                    I and others have presented statistics, not petty condescending insults directed at people like myself I am quite sure you are in no position to look down on, that show teams concede less penalties when AND only when they play Easts. The more thoughtful, less abusive posters can at least see there is an anomaly - that those teams you mention that "play smarter" do so only when they play Easts.

                    Why don't you "play smarter" and actually read what people post.

                    And as an afterthought, why don't you put me on your ignore list?
                    a journo eh? You're "pretty sure" about that?

                    wrong again, just like your conspiracy theories

                    and not a single thing you've said in response does anything to alleviate the fact that people who constantly bang on about referees being biased, as you do, are not to be taken seriously


                    • #40
                      I was listening to Greg Alexander on the radio the other night talking about Jarryd Hayne's style of talking to the refs and he made a great point. Hayne is wasting his time arguing with them like he does - the referee is never going to change his mind. All it does is frustrate both of them, and saps Hayne's energy.

                      Brandy reckons the best thing to do is say to the ref 'Ok, fair enough sir...we'll cop that. But just take a closer look at them - they're offside/lying on in the ruck/hands on the ball etc.' You need to gently plant a little seed in the refs mind, something that he'll subconsciously look for next time. All the best captains do it. Watch Cam Smith when he has a word with them.

                      Which brings us to Mini. He wanders over, nods his head, wipes his nose on his wrist and wanders off again. No communication, no coaxing, no banter. Someone like Fitzy should have a word in his ear. This isn't a Mini beat up....Braith was worse - he was from the Hayne school of ranting and raving. It never works.

                      I'm not saying that this would be the solution to all our penalty issues, but a change of approach sure won't do any harm.

                      Who knows whether there's ever been an anti Easts bias in the past. If there has, it's bound to fade away eventually as we get younger and newer refs on the scene such as Luke Philips and Henry Perenara. I can't imagine an ex player going into a game with the same pre conceived idea of who's likely to give away the most penalties - like say, Archer would.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                        Is that PJ Harvey in your avatar? What a hottie.
                        The point you make is understood by all who are willing to understand it. Those on here who choose to not get the point become abusive. It is amusing. I stared a thread that merely stated we got 2 penalties all night, nothing else. In fact I praised Canberra's discipline (albeit ironically). The usual suspects then proceeded to accuse me of being delusional and a conspiracy nut. I was merely stating a fact. Teams that play us concede very few penalties. That is not the same as me complaining that Easts concede lots of penalties (a separate issue, about which I have no trouble understanding).

                        This makes certain people angry. I wish they'd relax.
                        Yes mate, the equally gorgeous and brilliant Ms Harvey. Seen her a few times now, she's always worth watching.


                        • #42
                          Ok then, you're a wheel. I am "pretty sure" you're a tool though.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                            Ok then, you're a wheel. I am "pretty sure" you're a tool though.
                            "Those on here who choose to not get the point become abusive. It is amusing."

                            "This makes certain people angry. I wish they'd relax."

                            "not petty condescending insults directed at people like myself I am quite sure you are in no position to look down on,"

                            jesus christ man, get a hold of yourself


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Kingsgrove-Loiner View Post
                              I was listening to Greg Alexander on the radio the other night talking about Jarryd Hayne's style of talking to the refs and he made a great point. Hayne is wasting his time arguing with them like he does - the referee is never going to change his mind. All it does is frustrate both of them, and saps Hayne's energy.

                              Brandy reckons the best thing to do is say to the ref 'Ok, fair enough sir...we'll cop that. But just take a closer look at them - they're offside/lying on in the ruck/hands on the ball etc.' You need to gently plant a little seed in the refs mind, something that he'll subconsciously look for next time. All the best captains do it. Watch Cam Smith when he has a word with them.

                              Which brings us to Mini. He wanders over, nods his head, wipes his nose on his wrist and wanders off again. No communication, no coaxing, no banter. Someone like Fitzy should have a word in his ear. This isn't a Mini beat up....Braith was worse - he was from the Hayne school of ranting and raving. It never works.

                              I'm not saying that this would be the solution to all our penalty issues, but a change of approach sure won't do any harm.

                              Who knows whether there's ever been an anti Easts bias in the past. If there has, it's bound to fade away eventually as we get younger and newer refs on the scene such as Luke Philips and Henry Perenara. I can't imagine an ex player going into a game with the same pre conceived idea of who's likely to give away the most penalties - like say, Archer would.
                              Good god Perenara is one of the worst of the lot i still remember him as a touch judge calling a pass against Canterbury forward in 2010 that clearly went back. It almost incited a riot in the chookpen. Some lunatics started a chant of CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT then all of the sudden just about the whole chookpen joined in. **** it was funny though. In fact I would rate it as one of the best things I have seen a bunch of supporters do in reaction to shit refereeing or on that day clearly biased refereeing In fact the TRG team turned in the chook pen not long after all this happened
                              We used to have empires run by emperors. Then we had kingdoms run by kings.
                              Now we have countries run by ………


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
                                Good god Perenara is one of the worst of the lot i still remember him as a touch judge calling a pass against Canterbury forward in 2010 that clearly went back. It almost incited a riot in the chookpen. Some lunatics started a chant of CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT then all of the sudden just about the whole chookpen joined in. **** it was funny though. In fact I would rate it as one of the best things I have seen a bunch of supporters do in reaction to shit refereeing or on that day clearly biased refereeing In fact the TRG team turned in the chook pen not long after all this happened
                                how old are you Andy? Eleven?

