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Blake Ferguson to the chooks!

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  • #16
    No thanks..we had enough problems in the recent past. The Telegraph would be hounding him and smearing others if they just went out with him. Even if he doesn't do much wrong the media would blow it up out of all proportion and that would have the potential to derail the team that Trent Robbo is building.

    Having said that, I do hope he can turn his life around, he is a very talented footballer. He probably needs to play for a club like the Cheats.
    Originally posted by boogie

    "There's a lot of people competing for title of dumbest chookpen member such as Tommy S, Rusty, Johnny, ROC, Tobin but without a doubt you are the worst, youre thick as a brick christ this is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time you should go back to supporting the panthers"


    • #17
      No,no,no,no,no it would be like Carney all over Beetroot face will have a field day! we sack him for Alcohol issues, the Sharks throw him lifeline and Rothwit will be in love with him again........


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rooboy View Post
        The club has done a great job of pissing off serial off field offenders. Why would we go down that path again?
        I agree
        BUT...if Canberra let him go we will sign him and say goodbye to SKD.......already confirmed that
        Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


        • #19
          Originally posted by Fleabag Fletch View Post
          Lets sign him up, along with GBurgess and Teo. Pity we missed out on Dugan. Then we can watch the soapie play out in the Telegraph before bringing Brian Smith back to clean out the trash. Then sack Brian Smith again when this has been achieved and sign up a promising young coach to lead us on to better things.
          LOL, thats gold.
          Originally posted by turk-283
          Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


          • #20
            Originally posted by bondi-boy:311039
            Originally posted by Chicken Feet
            LOL this is the dumbest thing I've read today, what are we? a club where we receive all the rejects?

            He sexually assaulted a girl, have you looked pass that already? do you want that type of player in the Roosters team?

            He should be banned from the NRL period!

            Not dumb at all.
            He hasn't been convicted of anything yet.
            Just because the cops charge people doesn't mean they're guilty...look at Jake Friend and Bird.
            Bird was charged with assaulting a woman in a niteclub...then on the first day of his trial the CCTV was produced which showed that he did no such thing, and in fact the girl hit him.

            Jake was charged with 'hitting a woman' in that niteclub/bar/pub, the CCTV showed he was nowhere near the altercation and ice-throwing.
            Sandor was also charged and as I remember it he was innocent too.

            Ferguson, if rehabilitated, should be signed by us.
            We can help him have a future, as well as benefit ourselves.
            If convicted, he'll be sentenced to something...the victim will have gotten justice in the court, and there's only the future left.
            To avoid a prison sentence he'll need to show that he's undertaking a new lifestyle/rehab and he'll never do again anything like whatever he was convicted of.
            The Men of League are supposed to be helping all their flock, even the ones who have sinned because of a problem with alcohol.
            Where do u get all your childish facts from? Honestly. U have no idea what you are talking about. Bird assaulted his girlfriend at Cronulla u idiot. And asked his flatmate to lie for him. His flatmate refused to do so. That showed Bird for what he is right there. But like usual she did what a lot of women do and retracted, then turned against the police who were trying to do the right thing by her. How do I know this? Because I was one of them u bird brain. Stephen J will back me up on that.
            Honestly, you sound like u r 15 years of age.

            Ferguson may very well get off because he didn't do it. He may also get off because this girl retracts her statement as well once she realises how much publicity there is. She may retract because his manager may offer her money to do so. But to a bird brain like you that would still equate to not guilty, wouldn't it.
            Only a fool would want this idiot at our club.
            Embrace the Hate! JC


            • #21
              If he wasnt a footballer we wouldnt be hearing about this.
              I was on a bux night on saturday where this bloke groped half a dozen chicks -they were loving it and not giving a **** but if he was a footballer he would be on the front page too
              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


              • #22
                Originally posted by John Corey View Post
                Where do u get all your childish facts from? Honestly. U have no idea what you are talking about. Bird assaulted his girlfriend at Cronulla u idiot. And asked his flatmate to lie for him. His flatmate refused to do so. That showed Bird for what he is right there. But like usual she did what a lot of women do and retracted, then turned against the police who were trying to do the right thing by her. How do I know this? Because I was one of them u bird brain. Stephen J will back me up on that.
                Honestly, you sound like u r 15 years of age.

                Ferguson may very well get off because he didn't do it. He may also get off because this girl retracts her statement as well once she realises how much publicity there is. She may retract because his manager may offer her money to do so. But to a bird brain like you that would still equate to not guilty, wouldn't it.
                Only a fool would want this idiot at our club.
                Apparently he's a nice guy when not blind drunk.

                I can only go by what I read in the media.
                There's only one story, the truth.
                I wasn't there, so I can only go by what's reported...and spoken and produced in court.

                Bird's GF gave a statement to the police, I wasn't in that apartment either.
                From memory she stated that she entered the apartment drunk and drugged, hurling things at him etc.
                What I do know though is that in domestic disputes there are usually two people at it, hurling abuse both verbal and/or physical.
                Apparently he's a nice guy when not blind drunk.



                Greg Bird cleared of assault charge and named in Indigenous All Stars team

                A young woman, Victoria Shannon, told police she was assaulted and verbally abused by Bird in the Fusions nightclub in January 2008.

                But he wasn't charged until eight months later - when he was charged with glassing Ms Milligan after a heated argument between the pair in his Cronulla flat.

                Since that time, he has spent in excess of $150,000 fighting to clear his name, a mission that was completed resoundingly yesterday. The magistrate found that, in fact, he had been the victim, Ms Shannon instigating the incident with a spiteful comment: "You're just a f ... wit footballer."

                Bird told The Daily Telegraph that kind of abuse and harassment - when he was just enjoying a night out with teammates - happens far more than is reported. "I guess rugby league players in particular are targeted and I guess we just have to cop it on the chin, but in this case - and other cases - it's physical harassment," he said.
                Last edited by bondi-boy; 06-18-2013, 08:01 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dvr View Post
                  Let's get in line for Ferguson as Canberra may sack him. Perfect number 4 for us.
                  I'd rather SKD ... his only crime murdering our scoring chances


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                    If he wasnt a footballer we wouldnt be hearing about this.
                    I was on a bux night on saturday where this bloke groped half a dozen chicks -they were loving it and not giving a **** but if he was a footballer he would be on the front page too
                    Groping women is sexual assault.
                    The bloke is living very dangerously.
                    Putting your hand 'anywhere' on a woman uninvited is bascially sexual assault.
                    Pinching a woman on the derriere is sexual assault...Italy is clamping down these days.

                    Once upon a time if a man 'tried something', the woman would slap his face if she was offended, or not if she was accepting.

                    Today it's best to get taped and written consent before touching a woman anywhere, anytime....on a date, in any situation.

                    Best not to grope women in niteclubs etc in'll be stripped naked, tied to an A frame and flogged with a cane by a muscleman at 90lbs pressure at 160kph, shredding your buttocks flesh.
                    Google 'Judicial caning in Singapore'.


                    Singaporean officials may cane Austin Cowburn, a 34-year-old British tourist, for grabbing a woman's butt at a nightclub earlier this year.

                    Cowburn was charged on Friday with "outraging the modesty" of a 30-year-old woman, according to the Straits Times. The paper also reports that Cowburn's passport was seized by authorities and that he is currently residing in a local hostel, waiting for his hearing on Wednesday.

                    The maximum sentence for the crime is two years in prison coupled with a fine and a lashing across the bare butt with a rattan cane. The penalties can (and likely will) be changed if the judge feels like avoiding an international incident.

                    The groping occurred at the luxurious China One nightclub where Cowburn, a recruitment specialist currently working in Qatar, proved to not be so great at his job after all.

                    Singapore has caned foreigners before, but the government seems loathe to make a habit of it because it can create some diplomatic boondoggles. In the 1990s Bill Clinton admonished the country after a young American was sentenced to 12 strokes for vandalism.


                    • #25
                      Because I have always given people 2,3,4 chances & I have always been given 2,3,4 chances I would have no problem if the Roosters signed him.

                      In saying all of that there is no-way in the wide world the Roosters will sign him even if SKD was released IMO.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
                        Because I have always given people 2,3,4 chances & I have always been given 2,3,4 chances I would have no problem if the Roosters signed him.

                        In saying all of that there is no-way in the wide world the Roosters will sign him even if SKD was released IMO.

                        Then we'll keep on losing.

                        He won't be available for along time IMO...possibly not til next season if at all.
                        If he can't beat the booze he'll likely be a regular at Centrelink.


                        • #27
                          No wonder theres so many Homos in this world u cant do shit to get onto a chick...? any u blokes free? Melon is also lonely
                          Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                            No wonder theres so many Homos in this world u cant do shit to get onto a chick...? any u blokes free? Melon is also lonely
                            Melons only lonely because he spends so much time on his own site.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                              No wonder theres so many Homos in this world u cant do shit to get onto a chick...? any u blokes free? Melon is also lonely
                              A girl rang an FM radio station a couple of years ago asking the host and hostess, the topic was 'dating and relationships'..."is there something wrong with me, my new boyfriend just sits on the lounge with me and won't 'try anything'. [not sure what her exact words were].
                              What can I do?
                              Is he gay do you think? "

                              I told her thru the car radio..."He's not groping you because he doesn't want to get arrested for sexual assault"..."he's waiting for you to make the first move"!


                              Girls attending niteclubs are often very scantily clad...wearing 'serviettes' for tops, micro mini skirts, dresses they were basically poured into etc.
                              Girls attending niteclubs are reportedly having sex with strangers in the stairwells outside etc
                              But it's not every girl...or even most of them.
                              Tricky this 'niteclub scene' if one is looking for 'love'.
                              Last edited by bondi-boy; 06-18-2013, 08:59 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by adzta View Post
                                Melons only lonely because he spends so much time on his own site.
                                LOL, gotta pay that GOLD there.

                                The FlogPen .

                                You know it makes sense.

