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FPN to the Raiders?

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  • #16
    On his day FPN is a world beater.....unfortunately those days are months apart, mostly.
    We need consistent performances from ALL our players.
    As has been mentioned, his attitude is also an issue.
    Time to man up, big fella.

    SKD will get the players player this week.


    • #17

      the stuff he says about loving the club etc. makes me think he may actually re-sign? also a very paculiar time for an article like this to come out...amidst all the speculation about his contract...seems like a nice bloke but just doesn't go 100% every game which is disappointing


      • #18
        Originally posted by Madrooster View Post
        I agree there, but from what I read and see he lacks maturity, and for me his lack of maturity is the catalyst of his inconsistent football.
        I find myself agreeing with everything you have posted lately when it use to be the opposite.. You are spot on I reckon. If he focused on football he could be a world beater.. Unfortunately he is usually an egg beater.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rooster Rampage View Post

          the stuff he says about loving the club etc. makes me think he may actually re-sign? also a very paculiar time for an article like this to come out...amidst all the speculation about his contract...seems like a nice bloke but just doesn't go 100% every game which is disappointing
          Like he's the only one.


          • #20
            Its not the language of someone about to scarper...surprising.
            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


            • #21
              Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
              Like he's the only one.
              atleast the majority of them play at around 80% each game (100% when they have a stand-out game, around 60% when they've had a quite game or around 40/50% when they've had a really off night) but for blokes like FPN and SKD it seems they are constantly playing at 40% of what they are capable of playing at (or what they have shown in the past), with FPN stepping up everytime his contract is due and SKD...well i think we're all just hoping and praying this bloke doesn't cost us games :S


              • #22
                his attitude is all wrong as a professional sports star. If this guy was on match weekly payments, then mark my words he'd would be better than Gallen in origin games. No bs.
                Comment of the year:

                Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

                "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
                  I must admit I actually think FPN is playing good football. He looks to be at a good weight & I think he intimidates oppositions next best after JWH, bringing him off the bench & playing him tight I believe helps the team.

                  Blokes like Arona Bosden & Tasi should be released before FPN.
                  Where is the 'light bulb' icon....
                  Playing for a contract maybe??

