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SBW Post Try Islamic Salute

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  • #16
    Originally posted by redrooster View Post
    There's also been plenty of talk over Williams' post-try celebrations (pictured above), which we can confirm are a salute to Allah. And the Islam convert will soon be confronted with a tough choice to make over whether to fast during daylight hours for a month, with Ramadan commencing on July 9

    Any issues with SBWs salutes to Allah post try?

    I have no problem with it.
    It's harmless.
    Just a religious sign/salute, as a Christian would do making the sign of the Cross.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
      Neither can I. It was a very strange question...
      Not a strange question at all, as some of our supporters are said to have a problem with it.

      I have a problem with a lot of things to do with "Islam/Muslims" in the world today...but not this simple religious sign/salute by SBW.

      SBW seems to be a 'peace, love, and harmony' Muslim...the best kind.


      • #18
        I honestly thought when I saw him score & then jump up & point to the sky that he was basically thanking God forgetting that he was a practicing Muslim.
        No problem with it.

        I believe Allah will help his glute heal & that he will play tonight. I get the feeling from SBW's interview that he realises the importance of him playing tonight & that he will do everything in his power to play. I want the Ferrari out in the smash up derby, if the Ferrari gets smashed up so be it, we can leave him in the panel shop till he is fixed up.


        • #19
          Manu Vatuvei salutes to Sonny Fai whenever he scores a try.... perhaps he should be berated for believing that his lost friend is watching him too?

          Honestly, anyone who has a problem with this is suffering from a severe level of xenophobia


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
            I honestly thought when I saw him score & then jump up & point to the sky that he was basically thanking God forgetting that he was a practicing Muslim.
            No problem with it.

            He IS thanking God. Allah is the arabic word for God.

            Christians, muslims, and jews all worship the same God


            • #21
              Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber View Post
              I'm uncomfortable with any grown up who believes in fairy tales, regardless of whether it be through religion, historical revisionism or conspiracy theories, but in the case of SBW (as with another hero of mine, Nick Cave) he can believe in a giant pink teacup hovering 3000 miles above the stratosphere if it aids his genius output and he's not hurting anyone along the way.
              I've heard and read a few theories about the motives behind JFK's assassination. I could outline the one that's most plausible to me if you're interested, and Tony Archer had nothing to do with it.

              Does your comment above indicate you believe Oswald took Jack out of his own accord only?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Danish View Post
                He IS thanking God. Allah is the arabic word for God.

                Christians, muslims, and jews all worship the same God
                I understand that but at the time that he scored I just thought by him looking up to the sky & making a gesture that he was thanking God with no actual thought of his practicing beliefs. But your right at the end of the day they all worship the same God.


                • #23
                  Maybe he was just thankful that he didn't have to pass the ball to SKD.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Johnny. View Post
                    I wouldn't care if he did a frigging Nazi salute. And I've got relatives that were turned into lampshades.
                    Nazi salute?
                    No thanx.




                    AEK Athens midfielder Giorgos Katidis was handed a life ban from all national teams by Greece's football federation EPO on Sunday after he appeared to give a Nazi salute to supporters during a match.

                    Katidis, 20, a former captain of Greece's under-19 team, made the alleged salute in celebrating his winning goal in a 2-1 Super League victory over lowly Veria late on Saturday.

                    "The player's action to salute to spectators in a Nazi manner is a severe provocation, insults all the victims of Nazi bestiality and injures the deeply pacifist and human character of the game," EPO said in statement.

                    Gotta be careful how one salutes these days.

                    But was it a Nazi salute...or was it simply something the young man had seen on the internet etc, not knowing its true meaning, as claimed?

                    Doing a victory salute at the footy? "Roosters power"!
                    Best to keep one's fist closed.


                    • #25
                      he doesnt get drunk and trashy nightclubs, doesnt rape and pillage the female population of coogee, i respect his choice of faith, i just hope he goes on a jihad agaqinst every other team we play against this season!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by stephenj View Post
                        he doesnt get drunk and trashy nightclubs, doesnt rape and pillage the female population of coogee, i respect his choice of faith, i just hope he goes on a jihad agaqinst every other team we play against this season!
                        He wasn't always a 'saint' though.

                        I seem to remember a young lady who was very upset at one stage.

                        If his religion has turned his life around then that's a good thing.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                          He wasn't always a 'saint' though.

                          I seem to remember a young lady who was very upset at one stage.

                          If his religion has turned his life around then that's a good thing.
                          If you're talking about a young lady made of iron, than I don't think she was too upset.


                          • #28
                            As a devout Pastafarian I do not share the same religious beliefs that Sonny Bill does or a lot of other people in society but the important thing is that we should share the same positive ethics and morals.


                            • #29
                              No problems but I bet if he was still at the Bulldogs, there would be still racial comments made to them and him


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                                I've heard and read a few theories about the motives behind JFK's assassination. I could outline the one that's most plausible to me if you're interested, and Tony Archer had nothing to do with it.

                                Does your comment above indicate you believe Oswald took Jack out of his own accord only?
                                Martin Luther Kennedy.

                                Man In The Sky.

                                The FlogPen .

                                You know it makes sense.

