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Toovey points the finger at Roosters player for stray elbow

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
    I laugh as soon as someone says something that is not pro Roosters, then they are part of the anti rooster brigade. It is funny.

    I seem to remember the fox commentators going off big time during their call of the 2010 GF, while Ch9 just towed the line.
    The fox heads are so much better on the average than Ch9 and generally give the Roosters their fair share of criticism and praise.

    That is except for Tallis, who is just an idiot
    Totally agree!
    In general the Fox commentators are pretty good. Brandy is one of the best in fact IMO. But Tallis is blinded by his hatred for the Roosters as is Kimmorley. But I would much rather listen to the Fox commentators than Rabs and co any day.


    • #32
      Originally posted by melon.... View Post
      Toovey is the game's biggest sore loser, a whinging underpants gnome of the highest calibre. Someone should put him back in the crache.
      He's 'mini' Hassler. he obviously believe that behaving like Des will bring him success.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Johnny. View Post
        I blame Newcastle for kicking Toovey in the head during the 1997 grand final. The man has frontal lobe issues.
        This, and a massive case of LMS (little man syndrome)

