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Results 'fixed' in betting swindle - WTF!!!

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  • Results 'fixed' in betting swindle - WTF!!!

    Results 'fixed' in betting swindle

    Eamonn Duff, Jessica Halloran and Jacquelin Magnay | September 26, 2009

    THE Sydney Roosters are bracing for a police investigation into an alleged betting scam surrounding the rugby league club's last home game of the season.

    A bitter split has emerged at the eastern suburbs club over the circumstances of the round 26 game between the Roosters and the North Queensland Cowboys at the Sydney Football Stadium.

    Bookmakers suspended betting three times before the game after a splurge of bets backed the Cowboys to win by more than 13 points. Extraordinarily, there was little interest in a straight Cowboys win.

    The Herald is aware of one punter who outlaid $1500 after hearing, through Roosters associates, that a 13-point-plus loss was ''a sure thing''. He cashed in after the Roosters surrendered a 16-0 half-time lead to lose 32-16.

    In the weeks since the September 6 game, players have been pointing fingers at each other and ostracising some teammates.

    They are furious that a small group of Roosters ''celebrated'' the loss by visiting a brothel and enjoying the free services of prostitutes.

    One player openly accused a teammate of getting some kind of kickback. ''I'm aware that several of the players have been up there [to the brothel] on a weekly basis throughout the year.

    ''On occasions they are receiving free services. I don't know why or how that works. Why you would want to involve yourself in those types of circles when you are a professional sportsman, I do not know.''

    The player told the Herald he was stunned by claims within the club that results were being manipulated. But on reflection, he noted there was one player ''who would do it'', adding several others were young and impressionable. ''Now, looking back, I can't say that it didn't happen.''

    Questions have been raised about several games but it is the circumstances surrounding the final home game that has everyone talking.

    On the morning of the match, The Sun-Herald revealed that the nation's biggest sports agency, TAB Sportsbet, had suspended betting because of the weight of money on the Cowboys winning by more than 13 points.

    ''We've got a lot of worries about the betting activity on this game,'' a TAB spokesman, Glenn Munsie, said at the time.

    Sources close to the club claim there has been an arrangement in place for several years involving a Roosters scout who offers to supplement the wages of younger players with bonus payments in order to aid exotic bets.

    The source said that because those requests were not intended to alter the end result (rather influencing the losing margins or the half-time result), it was easier to draw the youngsters in.

    ''It's been happening for years. You can take it as being 120 per cent,'' he said.

    The Roosters chief executive, Steve Noyce, said if every rumour in the code was investigated it would be a full-time job and that was not really the club's function.

    ''Brothels are legal. I am not aware of any specific allegation that any Roosters people are owed favours,'' he said. ''The bookies were stung and suddenly the talk is that players are throwing games.''

    Under NRL rules it is illegal for players and officials to be involved in betting. It is also incumbent on anyone with information to come forward.

    The NRL chief executive, David Gallop, said the NRL had initiated some early inquiries about the match - the only time it had done so all season - but did not have sufficient information to launch an investigation.

    ''If there was information, of course we would look at it and we would expect co-operation from the authorities.''

    NSW police are adamant that nobody within their ranks has officially contacted the club and that a complaint from the public has not been lodged.

    But the Herald understands at least one senior Roosters official has received a phone call from someone claiming to be from the police and warning them that players could be quizzed.

  • #2
    A fishy finale to the Roosters' sad season

    Eamonn Duff, Jessica Halloran and Jacquelin Magnay | September 26, 2009

    IT WAS a fun day in Craig Fitzgibbon's honour - a horse race named after him at Randwick on the very day that Mrs Racing, Gai Waterhouse, was celebrating her birthday. But by week's end the bonhomie had turned sour. The Roosters camp, tenuously fractured, is now bitterly, guttingly divided. The Roosters are battling accusations that they may have thrown the last game of the season. Players are pointing fingers. A small group of ''loose'' players, the clan that often visits brothels, has been ostracised. Their dropped balls and missed tackles may have gone too far. One furious player told the Herald yesterday: ''I'd kill them myself [for destroying Fitzy's day]. That makes me sick. That's our life. If I find out it was some of my teammates threw it, there'll be trouble.'' Another suspected that a teammate was firmly involved. Players' future contracts are on the line.

    But back to Wednesday, September 2. Most of the Roosters players attended the Randwick races in support of Fitzy and his stellar rugby league career. Outwardly it was a grand day of fun, fashion and frippery. Quite a few players had backed a horse called Fitness Fanatic, in recognition of Fitzgibbon's propensity for hard training, in race four, the Craig Fitzgibbon 3YO+ sprint over 1000 metres. But it ran second behind Jewel Colours. By the last race, a few of the players and nearly all of the officials had left. Some elected to have ''staffies'' in a private room. Less than 24 hours later the money started to roll in. Every man and his dog along the east coast wanted to back the Roosters' rivals, the North Queensland Cowboys, to win by 13 points-plus. Friends of friends went to TAB outlets, laying out sums of money under the $10,000 reportable threshold. Typically, bets were $5000 or $7500. The weight of money was so intense, the bookies started to get concerned. Was a key player injured? Why did everyone believe the Roosters would lose by so much, especially when it was Fitzgibbon's last game with the club and the dreaded wooden spoon was at stake? The Roosters should have had everything to play for. Bizarrely no one wanted the shorter odds that they would lose head-to-head. TAB Sportsbet suspended betting. Roosters insiders confirmed no one was injured, the team would take the field as listed. Betting reopened. But the game still had a smell about it. Tab Sportsbet's Glenn Munsie said: ''The reason betting was suspended was the fact that whenever anyone wanted a bet of any decent nature [on the game], it was for the Cowboys to win by 13-plus. They didn't want to back them to win the game in the head to head, they didn't want to back them in the line market either. Do they want to take $5.85? They take $5.85. Now they want to take $5, now they want to take $4.50, now they want to take $4 … but hang on, why don't they want to back North Queensland to win the game? Why do they only want to attack this market?''

    Munsie said the first bet rolled in at 7pm on the Thursday, followed by a ''steady stream''. ''It wasn't one or two people,'' he said. ''They were coming from all over the place. There were bets arriving from Queensland … agencies in Sydney. There were account customers backing them, all by 13-plus. ''We have blokes who have $50,000-$60,000 on teams every day. Nobody was betting that sort of money on this particular game. These bets ranged from $500 or $600 to $5000 or $6000.''

    The news of the betting plunge was leaked. One insider claimed it was to try to stymie a fixed result. There had been similar concerns over other games, among them the Roosters' 44-12 loss to Manly. Before the Cowboys game, the Roosters' mentor Phil Gould spoke about the importance of teamwork and how Fitzgibbon had been such a role model. With Gould's powerful words resonating in their ears, the Roosters started strongly. Sean Kenny-Dowall scooted down the sideline to score, followed soon after by the other Roosters winger, Iwi Hauraki. Big Willie Mason backed up a blindside play and the score advanced to 16-0. The Roosters were on fire. The Roosters camp had seen this before. Over the previous six weeks, the club had split into two: a coterie of players that appeared to play well for the first half, but then inexplicably their fitness failed and they started to make simple mistakes in the final 40 minutes. The rest of team was initially annoyed, then increasingly bitter about this smaller group. They had suspicions, some well-founded. This group was loose, visiting the Camperdown brothel Stiletto on a regular basis, sometimes paying for the prostitutes, often not. Once, a group of players was picked up in a white stretch limousine on returning from playing the Melbourne Storm. Said one player: ''I'm aware that several of the players have been up there [to Stiletto] on a weekly basis throughout the year. It's generally at the start of the week, during recovery.
    ''On occasions they are receiving free services. I don't know why or how that works. The majority of the players don't want to be associated with it. I stay as far away as possible.''

    On the Sunday after that final match of the season against the Cowboys - in which the Roosters let in 32 unanswered points after being ahead 16-0, fulfilling the bookies' nightmare of a payout - these players were at it again. Nothing like drowning their wooden spoon sorrows with a hooker or three. Even better, on that night they didn't have to pay.

    Contacted by the Herald, Fitzgibbon, a former captain, could not countenance the game was possibly thrown. ''For what was my most special day of my career, if this was to be true, I'd be disgusted. If I find anyone in my team … I don't know what my actions would be. I find just the thought of it so disgusting. It didn't happen. It just didn't. It just couldn't have happened. The Cowboys were the better team on the day.'' But another player wasn't so sure. The second-half performance ''looked dodgy'' and, he acknowledged, it wasn't the first time during the season. What of the match-fixing allegations? The player said: ''It's suspicious to me. It's a **** situation. I don't have the answers but neither do I want to be the one asking the questions. ''When I heard the rumours, I was stunned. I thought, this doesn't happen, does it? It can't be happening, not at my club. Now, looking back, I can't say that it didn't. There's one person that would do it.''

    The NRL's director of communications, John Brady, said there had been no investigation into the match. ''We can't have an inquiry every time the bookie loses,'' he said. ''But if someone comes forward with some information then we look at it.'' Munsie said as an outsider, the Roosters' second-half performance ''did not look good,'' especially in light of the half-time lead and the game being Fitzgibbon's farewell. ''In the last couple of minutes, when you're down by 10, why are you throwing the ball around like you are the Harlem Globetrotters on your own line? Everything looked so lackadaisical, like they couldn't give a rat's. The fact that I was talking it up and it appeared in the paper that day, looks even worse. ''It's hard to believe you could write and publish a story like that and then, basically, it all comes true.''


    • #3
      This has just hit the papers but there has been alot of talk about this at the club and fingers pointed...

      Personally I cant be sure what is true and what isnt, but Im not suprised by which players have been implicated in this...

      My feeling ( based on what I have heard and how everything went down), is something did happen and there is at least some truth to this story re the 13+ loss ...
      Last edited by redrooster; 09-26-2009, 02:39 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by redrooster View Post
        This has just hit the papers but there has been alot of talk about this at the club and fingers pointed...

        Personally I cant be sure what is true and what isnt, but Im not suprised by which players have been implicated in this...

        My feeling ( based on what I have heard and how everything went down), is something did happen and there is at least some truth to this story re the 13+ loss ...
        Hmmm ..... there's another game that has attracted attention, not involving the roosters by the way.

        I wonder if the NRL has the leadership to deal with this?


        • #5
          If true sack and life ban for all involved, I don't give a fark who they are.

          However if not true, sue the karnt out of Magnay and the rest of those media whores are the SMH.



          • #6
            Wow this is big. So they also played so bad for the first 23 games just so they can throw the last game for root at the brothel? lmfao.

            I thought the Cows would put 50+ on us in the last game, 13+ was a no brainer.


            • #7
              i just woke up to this on the radio. i thought it was a bad dream...


              • #8
                It's just too smelly for there not to be some truth to it......from memory we had 9 errors in our own 20 in that match, a lot of them looked deliberate - and fellow team mates being suspicious, I mean **** me it explains a lot IMO especially the performance up in Newcastle where the ****s put in for the full 80 as if Smith caught on to it they'd all be given the arse.


                • #9
                  I am with Chook.
                  Ban them for life if they can prove they did it.
                  If they didn't then sue the pants off Magnay
                  The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                  Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                  • #10
                    Many of us said at the time that it looked dodgy. Some experienced players made some simple errors at the wrong end of the field. It wouldn't be hard to do really.
                    Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vasco View Post
                      Many of us said at the time that it looked dodgy. Some experienced players made some simple errors at the wrong end of the field. It wouldn't be hard to do really.
                      Weve been dropping ball in our own 20 all ****ing year. i wonder if the brothel was out Artarmon way? There's one young guy who loves that place.
                      Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                      • #12
                        Here's a great big "**** You" to everyone who bagged me when I raised this on the day of the Cowboys game.

                        That said it is a disgrace and is just a further humiliation on what was a terrible (but highly organised!!!!) year of farcical performances.
                        Last edited by Big Poppa Pump; 09-26-2009, 09:29 AM.
                        Loved by few, hated by many, respected by all.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chook View Post
                          If true sack and life ban for all involved, I don't give a fark who they are.

                          However if not true, sue the karnt out of Magnay and the rest of those media whores are the SMH.

                          Sack and life ban?


                          It was Fitzy's last came, and some of these carnts decided it be fitting to receive a bit of $$$ and send Fitzy off in the most undeserving manner! Hung, drawn and quartered is probably more fitting!


                          • #14
                            ****ing disgraceful, i have never been so disillusioned with this club as i am now. I dont care if we have 4 more years of wooden spoons as long as we get rid of the shit our club has to deal with off the field. If that means getting rid of pearce, myles, carney (im jumping the gun but just using an example), friend, mason...then so be it, i'd rather see them rip it up at another club and bring them into scandal then have them do what theyve done to our club this year.
                            I support two NRL teams, the Roosters and whoevers playing Souths


                            • #15
                              While we are talking of getting rid of the puppets, lets make sure the puppeteers never are allowed to be in the position to do this again.....because while we can point the finger at players....they got their orders from someone far above them......

                              I hope its a great untruth, but in the heart, we know its going to come back and bite us bigtime......

                              I am so digsuted and sad for Fitzy to have this shame put upon him on his last game with us, after the sevice he has given this tema over the years......

