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  • Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
    Well johnny...A week without footy and still5 days to go, I'm going a little stir crazy. I am replying to threads cause I am bored waiting for Saturday. My sarcasm isn't meant to insult other posters, just hoping that some will at least have a chuckle. So yes i must be so 'in tune'. now bring on the game!!!
    You done well to last this long mate. The rest of this place lost their shit last Monday.


    • Originally posted by Madrooster View Post
      You done well to last this long mate. The rest of this place lost their shit last Monday.
      Can see the Newcs giving us a fight for a while but we should by rights run away with this game -We should be too fast and too powerful.
      Thye have some good players firing been Smith -Scott and Costigan-its no secret that the News come good with those three holding the fort up.
      But Melbourne were that bad .Fancy Newcs missing 30 Tackle and Melbourne could do shite.If they do that to us we will punish them severe .Melbourne have been super crap past month one win by one point and 3 or 4 losses .
      Teams can lift and cause an upset we did it in 2010 .
      The Penalty Syndrome is our only enemy this week.
      Take out there meter eaters Scott and BJ
      Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


      • Newcastle the black horse and underdogs, don't wright them off and Roosters should take them seriously.

        As a few people have mentioned, experienced team, with an experienced GF coach.


        • Had a good laugh.


          • Originally posted by Chicken Feet View Post
            Newcastle the black horse and underdogs, don't wright them off and Roosters should take them seriously.

            As a few people have mentioned, experienced team, with an experienced GF coach.
            I am not one of those...

            You can add old with experienced & it will be their Achilles heel...

            our team will treat them with respect & give them the hiding they deserve

            last weekend was 2 of the best coaches head to head, TBH both teams played crap, the standard was sub quality compared to roosters/souths & manly/roosters

            Let be on record that "I have written of the Knights" they have had belief but sorry they don't have the horse power. The first 15 mins they will prance around like show ponies making lotsa noise, following that we will belt them around the paddock & establish ourselves (once again, has it been 3 times?) as Premiership favs.

            Please note: since the first round WE HAVE BEEN THE DARK HORSE!!!

            No one other than rooster fans have had the faith

            We are also the MOST INEXPERIENCED team as opposed to the Storm who are the most

            All I give credit to the Knights is their luck! this will not be enough to stave off our hunger this coming Saturday.
            "Qui audet adipiscitur"

            WHO DARES WINS


            • Easts by 20, atleast.

              Tyrone Roberts will shit with JWH, LOD, Moa and SBW bearing down hard on him.


              • I didn't realize that Robbo was assistant coach at the knights before he came to the roosters in 2010.Hopefully he knows a few of thier secrets lol.


                • Originally posted by kakaruk View Post
                  I didn't realize that Robbo was assistant coach at the knights before he came to the roosters in 2010.Hopefully he knows a few of thier secrets lol.
                  Yep he knows everything, even their breathing habits.


                  • I just realized something, them being a Bennett coached team we cant afford to give away our penalties in our half like we usually do. Coz we all know how Bennett likes it, boring 2 pts... Even if we are 6-0 up I see them taking the 2.

                    Give them penalties in their half but in our half it will be even more important this week to trust our defence and let the defence win the ball back rather than give away penalties. Give them another set of 6 if we need to, their attack has nothing on our defence but just dont give them the penalty.


                    • That's OK, they can take the 2 if they like. They'll be going up in 2's, while we're going up in 6's.


                      • Originally posted by dj_sta:338408
                        I just realized something, them being a Bennett coached team we cant afford to give away our penalties in our half like we usually do. Coz we all know how Bennett likes it, boring 2 pts... Even if we are 6-0 up I see them taking the 2.

                        Give them penalties in their half but in our half it will be even more important this week to trust our defence and let the defence win the ball back rather than give away penalties. Give them another set of 6 if we need to, their attack has nothing on our defence but just dont give them the penalty.
                        Good point.

                        If Manly had used their pressies wisely they would have beaten us in the first semi.

