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Telucrap backtracking, now sucking up our butts!

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  • Telucrap backtracking, now sucking up our butts!

    I really hope that Uncle Nick gave them a rattling with some legal action threats. Loved the last paragraph clearing our names. You tried but failed you "journalists".

  • #2
    Keep sucking Telecrap...

    THE mysterious figure who obtained photographs of blood tests showing elevated hormone levels for three Roosters players is a diehard Rabbitohs fan with a renowned hatred for the Bondi Junction club.

    The Daily Telegraph can reveal the photos were downloaded from a mobile phone belonging to the man earlier this year, when he was returning from a holiday in Thailand.

    Preliminary media reports claim the phone was linked to organised crime, but records at Sydney’s Downing Centre Court revealed the only police charges against the man related to intimidation of a bouncer outside an Oxford St bar in January 2011.

    It’s not certain whether the man has been charged with any other offences, in other jurisdictions.


    • #3
      I heard it was Ron Medich.

      He's in enough shit as it is.


      • #4
        Is it that Dounis **** that put together that sign a few weeks ago?
        Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


        • #5
          The Murdoch press has for a long time tended to run stories that they think the core of their readership will love like demonising tEasts, they buy their premierships, they have no juniors, they have a very strong figure head in Nick Politis and we don't like the influence he has wielded since the super league days onwards, the silver tails manly blah blah blah the glory days souths even though they led kicking them out and the red v st. George etc etc. loved their work on Melbourne who they owned and cheated and then turned around to criticise them without a hint of mea culpa.

          They are one of those media groups who strongly subscribes to the approach we make the news - reporting news is only a small part of their business. They don't mind alienating groups if they don't think they are their core readership.

          Gone are the days when we just had the Sun the Mirror and the SMH to provide our football news and views - don't buy the Telegraph and other rubbish News Limited Press papers.

          I haven't read one all season moderators can report a story copy it and we can discuss here I am not feeling left out for the experience. I would rather read the views of members of this and other forums and the club site, which often have more journalistic value than the rubbish that passes off as journalism from Murdoch's muppets.

          Can't understand why they might be losing so much money see below. Happy to see the News Limited ship sink to the bottom of the ocean.


          • #6

            THE mysterious figure who obtained photographs of blood tests showing elevated hormone levels for three Roosters players is a diehard Rabbitohs fan with a renowned hatred for the Bondi Junction club.

            Low life inbred piece of shit. I emailed this to Andrew Webster asking for a public retraction of his bullshit, no doubt the douche will admit his clap trap.

            Last edited by Chook; 09-28-2013, 09:37 AM.


            • #7
              We all hate the vermin with a passion, but the difference is we would not stoop to gutter tactics
              like one of their "supporters" has done, he is one that needs to be dealt with via the courts & it
              may be up to the boys who's results he had on his phone to take the legal action, because it was
              their personal private information that was on the mobile.

              Having no knowledge of how customs work never having been outside Australia would it be the norm
              for them to check the mobile contents, or is it possible he is already on their watch list, to me it seems
              out of the ordinary.

