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Mini's passing

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  • Mini's passing

    I mean passing the ball not something..bad. Anyway many have been critical of his passing this year but on the Footy show in pass the ball, he equaled first with Cam Smith. Onya Mini...still the champ!!!! Now for the big bikkies on Sunday.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
    I mean passing the ball not something..bad. Anyway many have been critical of his passing this year but on the Footy show in pass the ball, he equaled first with Cam Smith. Onya Mini...still the champ!!!! Now for the big bikkies on Sunday.
    He's equal 2nd actually, they didn't show it but Gallen's on top with 301 or 2, still a great effort for a guy who can't pass haha


    • #3
      So Gallen is the best passer in the comp.

      Ok then...


      • #4
        I'd still prefer him not to pass in a game. We've seen how that can often turn out.


        • #5
          He once threw a brilliant cut off pass for a great set play try against the Sharks back in 2004 I think. We won like 40-20.

          Yeah ... that's the only good pass I can remember from him though.

          Great player! Just keep it tucked under your arm though champ.


          • #6
            Lol passing the ball in a standing position is much more different to passing the ball when you're running and you're running at a defence, under pressure. Mini lacks the balance when he's running to throw a well coordinated pass. I did see that footy show segment and he did well. But to say that passing from a stand still point is anywhere near as difficult as when you have moving targets and you're off balance is, quite frankly, wrong.

            Having said that Mini deserves appraisal for his form this year. He has been nothing but a solid rock at the back


            • #7
              I reckon his last great pass was his cutout in 2010 to SKD against the Broncos to win the match 34-30


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chook Norris View Post
                Lol passing the ball in a standing position is much more different to passing the ball when you're running and you're running at a defence, under pressure. Mini lacks the balance when he's running to throw a well coordinated pass. I did see that footy show segment and he did well. But to say that passing from a stand still point is anywhere near as difficult as when you have moving targets and you're off balance is, quite frankly, wrong.

                Having said that Mini deserves appraisal for his form this year. He has been nothing but a solid rock at the back
                True true true!!!! but you also have many balls coming at you...right? That's not in a real game either.
                OK so i stand corrected re coming first still though...Kudos!


                • #9
                  If you watched him compete in that competition he actually didn't pass the ball. He was lobbing it into or through the board. Only bloke I've seen do that. Unfortunately in an actual game of rugby league that skill would not be effective as many passes would either be intercepted or the defence would be standing with the defender waiting for the receiver to catch it before pummeling him. His obviously had no confidence in his passing that he instead tried this method (quite successfully) to perform well in this competition. However, to suggest that in some way this indicates a high level of passing skill is ludicrous. It actually proved that his passing is so poor he wasn't prepared to show it to a national television audience, so he instead found an alternate method of getting the ball to the board.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gastroboy View Post
                    If you watched him compete in that competition he actually didn't pass the ball. He was lobbing it into or through the board. Only bloke I've seen do that. Unfortunately in an actual game of rugby league that skill would not be effective as many passes would either be intercepted or the defence would be standing with the defender waiting for the receiver to catch it before pummeling him. His obviously had no confidence in his passing that he instead tried this method (quite successfully) to perform well in this competition. However, to suggest that in some way this indicates a high level of passing skill is ludicrous. It actually proved that his passing is so poor he wasn't prepared to show it to a national television audience, so he instead found an alternate method of getting the ball to the board.
                    To be fair his passing from left to right in the first 30 seconds was all spiral passes and they were pretty much dead accurate, but yes he did lob the ball in the second part.

