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Thank you Easts, thank you. I shed a tear tonight.

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  • #16
    Guys I can certainly sympathize with all of you. Without going into detail and bringing everyone down, I have had the 2 worst years of my life, My bro passed away from Cancer and I was sidelined with a neurological condition that left me practically paralyzed, hence losing my job amongst other things. Thats why I have not been here at the pen. 8 months ago my health picked up and life has turned around. 'Past Glory' helped me through some of this. So me and my missus went to the 'The Australian' bar here in the US (New York) at 4am to watch the game. The owner of the bar is an ex Manly player. So the Eagles supporters out numbered the Chooks supporters. When we were down 18-8 I thought crap! Not this again, I've read this book before, here we go again! 'Always the bridesmaid and never the bride' and then wtf?! It happened! The Chooks blew the doors off!!! What an incredible game and win! I left there feeling 10 feet taller and life and the Universe was good again! Its about bloody time! So I made good on a bet with my misses, and she took pictures of me in my Roosters boxer shorts and jersey in times square, lol. First time I felt good about losing a bet! Woo-Hoo! You little beauty! We are the Champions! Roosters 2013! Very proud and homesick Rooster.


    • #17
      we are the roosters.

      the red white and bluesters

      we are all champions.

      and yes I had a sook last night as well.
      1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


      • #18
        Easts are a special club.

        The losses hurt.

        The wins feel fantastic.

        Easts to win.
        Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


        • #19
          "Lordy, Lordy, I hit him with punches that would have brought down the walls of a city. He's a great champion." -- Joe Frazier after throwing everything he had at Muhammad Ali in Manila in 1975, and still losing. Both men pissed blood for two weeks afterwards.

          Manly may well be uttering the same words this morning.


          • #20
            Yeah to be honest I haven't had the greatest year and a half either. Couldn't even begin to tell you what I've been through. A crazy ride.

            But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Such a gay saying but having been through it it's true.

            A great footy season capped off with a GF win certainly helps.


            • #21
              Times like these make you so proud to be a Roosters supporters!

              also laughing at LOL@$ouths, at moments like these, is never more satisfying.
              Proud member of the Ricky Stuart Appreciation club - Laurie Frier walks on water tra lal lala lar la la lar.

              A Rooster is a cocky strutting bird that will not take a backward step!


              • #22
                All the best to all Rooster brothers wherever you may be. We all deserve to share the joy of this amazing season. Sometimes when life isn't so good things like this go a long way towards helping.


                • #23
                  Very sorry to hear about STM and the other guys above who have had a very tough year.

                  I'm glad the boys gave you something to smile about.

                  And don't worry there were plenty of tears of joy from me too.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Flying_Pieman View Post
                    Guys I can certainly sympathize with all of you. Without going into detail and bringing everyone down, I have had the 2 worst years of my life, My bro passed away from Cancer and I was sidelined with a neurological condition that left me practically paralyzed, hence losing my job amongst other things. Thats why I have not been here at the pen. 8 months ago my health picked up and life has turned around. 'Past Glory' helped me through some of this. So me and my missus went to the 'The Australian' bar here in the US (New York) at 4am to watch the game. The owner of the bar is an ex Manly player. So the Eagles supporters out numbered the Chooks supporters. When we were down 18-8 I thought crap! Not this again, I've read this book before, here we go again! 'Always the bridesmaid and never the bride' and then wtf?! It happened! The Chooks blew the doors off!!! What an incredible game and win! I left there feeling 10 feet taller and life and the Universe was good again! Its about bloody time! So I made good on a bet with my misses, and she took pictures of me in my Roosters boxer shorts and jersey in times square, lol. First time I felt good about losing a bet! Woo-Hoo! You little beauty! We are the Champions! Roosters 2013! Very proud and homesick Rooster.
                    Mate that's epic. Particularly the times square bit! Nice work!


                    • #25
                      That's what being an Easts Man is all about.

                      No matter what happens we have that bond that moments like last night make.

                      Great for you blokes to balance the ledger after hard times.

                      Hope this helps you all turn the corner.


                      Arthur would be sucking back a meat pie smiling right now.

                      The FlogPen .

                      You know it makes sense.


                      • #26
                        Happy for all the chooks like STM who've had shit years redeemed by our magnificent football sides victory..

                        I'm happy for every chooks fan..

                        In the words of BBQ Maloney "We deserve this!!"..

                        Go Easts..


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bahhhhhhhhhhh View Post
                          2013 has been a shocking year for me with a divorce, followed up by losing my best mate to cancer 3 months later. This has been my most challenging year to date and the only constant I have had is my beloved Roosters. Thank you boys, thank you for doing it for all of us.

                          The Beetson family is bloody proud!!!
                          Best wishes and good positive thoughts for you. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and also your divorce. You are not alone in your pain. I've had a family member slipping in and out of a coma over the past month so that's why I haven't been posting on here much anymore. There seems a few of our fans who've mentioned they've been going through divorces this year as well and I can't even begin to imagine how painful this must be for you but I do know what it's like to have your heart smashed. I'm still stunned over yesterday's result and it hasn't sunk in yet, no matter how many newspapers I've bought (yes, even the rubbish one we all love to hate) and how many wellwishers contact me. I spent part of yesterday in the first aid room because of the heat at Homebush as I'm such a delicate flower but it was worth it. A special thank you to Horrie Hastings for being my best friend through what has been a nightmare year for me and my family as well and for meeting up with me at Homebush yesterday. It was a privilege to spend the evening with you and to also turn around and see the likes of Phantom, FC, Shandy Andy and The General in the seats in the adjoining bay. I also had the privilege of going back to Bondi Junction on the club's bus with PKR, who is Pauline Robinson from the old Wall. We met by accident and it was so lovely to travel back with her and I thank her for travelling to Sydney to come and join us. We have a truly special group of people following our club, both here on this forum and also at the regular games, so those who think we are a club of bandwagon and fair weather fans, you are missing out on meeting some truly remarkable human beings.

                          When I told SKD last year that I was moving back from Melbourne, he promised me the team would get their act together and so you did. You did yourself and your family so proud buddy and I will defend you and your passion for Easts until the day I die. You have more than paid back the Roosters local community for welcoming you and your father with the amount of unpaid and unsung charity work you do with our local children, the times you have played injured, the longstanding records you have equalled, the way you represent your country as a proud Kiwi and the awards you have won. The poster on here who refers to you as average at best obviously doesn't see you as you truly are and that is their loss.
                          I never once wavered in my faith last night even when we were behind on the scoreboard simply because I know we have a very special group of good boys who deserved to win, above everyone else. The positivity and goodwill surrounding this team is something magical, judging by the amount of fans from other clubs who have finally taken notice of what some of us knew from the beginning that Trent would do something special with this team this year.
                          So I guess this means I now have to walk the entire length of Bronte Road in a Souths jersey as I threatened to do if SBW delivered us a premiership...
                          "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                          • #28
                            wow so many roosters supporters going through divorces
                            Keep your chins up guys
                            Ive been there and have been lucky enough to come through the other side
                            and remarry someone really amazing whom ive even converted to supporting the mighty chooks !
                            All the very best to all of you , cheers


                            • #29
                              Oh and my Parra loving niece just emailed me from San Deigo. She said to congratulate the Roosters, thanks for beating Manly, her childhood nemesis, and to let you all know she is lol@souffs from California...
                              "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by liver1971 View Post
                                wow so many roosters supporters going through divorces
                                Keep your chins up guys
                                Ive been there and have been lucky enough to come through the other side
                                and remarry someone really amazing whom ive even converted to supporting the mighty chooks !
                                All the very best to all of you , cheers
                                Oh that just made me cry and I'm happy you found someone who can truly appreciate you and I'm pleased you had someone to share yesterday with. There is a lid for every pot they say..Maybe that's my kitchen cupboards are a mess...
                                "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli

