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I love you all!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post
    Backwards I''m feeling so happy about this victory that I would slow dance with Melon to the Theme song from Titanic while filthy Ralph watched.
    If you put that on PooTube you'd make Johnathon a very proud Coqq.

    The FlogPen .

    You know it makes sense.


    • #32
      Originally posted by stsae View Post
      It's a modern coqqadoodlepoo love story.

      All your men were there yesterday backwards. Bosden, arona, in the stands, Symmonds with the sea vermin, and "sonny bill cherro" was playing for the wolves earlier there too.

      Your man supermegabosden won it for us backwards.
      Comment of the year:

      Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

      "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


      • #33
        Originally posted by davos View Post
        All your men were there yesterday backwards. Bosden, arona, in the stands, Symmonds with the sea vermin, and "sonny bill cherro" was playing for the wolves earlier there too.

        Your man supermegabosden won it for us backwards.
        SuperMegaResherveGraders really were the backbone this season my friend.

        Seriously, I was impressed they were all involved with the celebrations.

        A true team effort.


        The FlogPen .

        You know it makes sense.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post
          Come on brother. Grand Final victory. Peace treaty? Stoner's honour
          You're on mate.

          Hope you celebrated in true Honkers fashion mate.

          I guess you musinderstood me. I'm a superstitious pr!ck.

          Stems from the Hong Kong days no doubt.

          That's why I tip the opposition.

          Kinda weird but it works for me.

          Cheers Honkers.

          The week will be complete when tony the wanker explains to us all how JWH is overrated.

          Easts to win.
          Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Vasco View Post
            You're on mate.

            Hope you celebrated in true Honkers fashion mate.

            I guess you musinderstood me. I'm a superstitious pr!ck.

            Stems from the Hong Kong days no doubt.

            That's why I tip the opposition.

            Kinda weird but it works for me.

            Cheers Honkers.

            The week will be complete when tony the wanker explains to us all how JWH is overrated.

            Easts to win.
            ha ha good on you champ! And I apologise for being a douche


            • #36
              What a great feeling to take it out after the year we had. To come back from 10 down against a heavyweight club like Manly .

              I love you all no homo....except for one....but don't want to dwell on that. 13 in 13 yeah baby!!!!
              Originally posted by boogie

              "There's a lot of people competing for title of dumbest chookpen member such as Tommy S, Rusty, Johnny, ROC, Tobin but without a doubt you are the worst, youre thick as a brick christ this is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time you should go back to supporting the panthers"


              • #37
                so much for the myth that we have no fans!


                • #38
                  this whole thread made me smile
                  barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by trewhella View Post
                    this whole thread made me smile

                    Soak it up mate!!


                    • #40
                      im enjoying it more than 02 for some reason.
                      Probably understanding more of what it takes to win a comp.

                      I feel like I can whole heartedly go back to enjoying footy now.
                      Especially after the collect i had!!!
                      barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


                      • #41
                        Staight back at ya champ!!
                        Originally posted by Bansai Pipeline View Post
                        It's hard to follow this club.

                        There aren't many of us, and we cop it from everywhere. Even from our mates on here. Pricks!

                        But mates, WE DESERVE THIS ONE!

                        GO EASTS!

                        ENJOY THIS WIN TRUE BELIEVERS!

                        I love you all!

                        ALLAH AKBAR!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by 007 View Post
                          Don't tell them; what they don't know can't hurt them.

                          If all else fails, just go back to the North Shore of Oahu, surf your backside off (depending on whether you're a natural or a goofy footer), take Roosterfarian with you, light some spliffs, sit in the sun, hang at the beach, drink rum and listen to reggae music.

                          win/win brudder
                          Funny enough i used to be shit scared of piper under my old moniker edtheved. Hahahaha

                          I'd share a spliff with him any bro mun!
                          Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by davos View Post
                            All your men were there yesterday backwards. Bosden, arona, in the stands, Symmonds with the sea vermin, and "sonny bill cherro" was playing for the wolves earlier there too.

                            Your man supermegabosden won it for us backwards.
                            Hasn't Cherrington come on.


                            • #44
                              Some of you guys have got me worried.
                              Instead of cock-a-doodle -do, it seems more like any c..k will-do!
                              Not that there is anything wrong with that.

                              Love the love, love The Roosters, Red White and Bluetiful.


