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Can Brad Fittler make it again anywhere ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Chook View Post
    Spot on.

    Fittler was clueless as a coach. He couldn't even see what the problems were with the team let alone fix them. And who can forget the drunken shit dumb!

    I think this is a problem for many of the games greats. When you have great natural ability everything you do is second nature. Contrast this to someone like Finchy. With players like freddy his vision of the game as a player was as good as anyone but how hard is this, if not impossible ,to teach. As for blaming him I see him as the mate who jumps in to help you in a time of need, like working on your car, and then forgets to refill the engine with oil. Great intentions but .....


    • #17
      Fittler would have to change his mindset and attitude a great deal before he is any value to a club as far as coaching is concerned, especially a young side.

      He has no self discipline, so how is going to discipline others?? Simple answer is, he can't and won't.

      And a coach without discipline leads to a team without discipline and we all know what the result of that is. A whole lot of shit going down on and off the field.

      Any CEO would have to put a very tight leash on the bloke if they took a risk in emplying him.

      Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


      • #18
        I can see Freddy making a successful career in the Media when the pressure is off he can be charismatic and very likable.

        Let's be honest if Joey who battles with the english language can get a well paid gig Freddy will be a master.


        • #19
          Originally posted by kobber View Post
          I think this is a problem for many of the games greats. When you have great natural ability everything you do is second nature. Contrast this to someone like Finchy. With players like freddy his vision of the game as a player was as good as anyone but how hard is this, if not impossible ,to teach. As for blaming him I see him as the mate who jumps in to help you in a time of need, like working on your car, and then forgets to refill the engine with oil. Great intentions but .....
          You've hit the nail on the head. He has great knowledge of the game and it's hard for him to relay that information to the players because it's always been second nature for him. I wuood want him as our head coach after he serves time under a quality coach.


          • #20
            He went for an interview at Penrith Council as a Stop / Go lollipop operator

            He just couldnt get the hang off it, apparently common sense isnt his strong point!!!!!!!


            • #21
              I reckon he could be a successful presence style coach at representative levels (ala Mal Meninga) - but a week in, week out grind coach over many season - nup, don't think it really interests him as much as he may have first believed after such a "dream" like first 12 months either.


              • #22
                Time will tell.

                How've you been stsaE?

                we had breakfast at McDonalds at Tweed Heads on Monday before we drove to Surfers. It's become a habit every time we take a break there.

                When we arrive, we get a car and that's where we head

                My old man had a house on the beach at Pottsville.
                Last edited by shadow; 10-14-2009, 04:49 PM.

