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Victorian gambling board probes suspicious bets on Roosters game

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Juggler View Post
    I agree completely with you on your first two points...

    Your third... I have refereed in the juniors. And I think they don't work as a team enough. Or have the guts to stick to original calls like the Mini one.

    Any solutions? The two ref system still needs work. But the the biggest thing they could do is actually admit they make mistakes and actually drop video and normal refs - not just rotate them.
    You make a lot of sence.....

    I have an elderly aquaintance who's son refereed under Billy Harragan, and he is flabergasted at some of the calls and decisions........

    We have the luxury of a video ref, yet with our own eyes can see things that these people incharge of the game can not....

    Dropping them when serious mistakes are made has to part of a solution.....we call for the heads of players who stuff why should the referees be above this treatment....maybe when they see that they could be back aduticating reserve grade next week, they will step up their game.....


    • #17
      Thing is, they get moved down when everyone is up in arms, but seem to get reinstated when the fuss has died down. No one makes the same level of mistake for them to get reinstated.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Juggler View Post
        Thing is, they get moved down when everyone is up in arms, but seem to get reinstated when the fuss has died down. No one makes the same level of mistake for them to get reinstated.
        That could have something to do with the fact that there is very little to replace them with....

        There is not influx of referees comming through the ranks and what there is, obviously is not of a quality and standard required for permanent first grade......

