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News Ltd launch all out attack on SBW

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  • #46
    Burbon should get an update on Buddy he''s not as squeaky clean as she would like to believe, with her
    it's sour grapes a case of "Why wasn't I told" syndrome. Have another one Bec


    • #47
      Originally posted by stsae View Post
      Hurt pride.

      They have got everything wrong about the bloke all year.

      I noticed from the comments below TheBourbonedOnes article most disagreed with her shit.

      It's been years since I read an NewsFilth article.

      Nothing's changed.

      It's 10 mins I will never get back.

      And that dickwadd Newman sent his dribble about our GF winning captain to those pricks.

      What a freak.

      LOL Bring back Newman I am waiting for his pearls of wisdom for next season

      As for NEWS LTD media They were shown up to be the pack of clueless fools they are Then start and unwarranted attack on Sonnys character Anyone with half a brain can see through this lot
      When you trust your television
      what you get is what you got
      Cause when they own the information
      they can bend it all they want

      John Mayer


      • #48
        Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
        LOL Bring back Newman I am waiting for his pearls of wisdom for next season

        As for NEWS LTD media They were shown up to be the pack of clueless fools they are Then start and unwarranted attack on Sonnys character Anyone with half a brain can see through this lot
        Our club has signed oldman next year to be Mini's personal assistant/careers adviser
        Comment of the year:

        Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

        "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


        • #49
          Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
          Still waiting for Tony the Wheel to provide a comment post GF..........
          He is probably in rehab


          • #50
            I think everybody on this forum is aware, that News Limited journos don't like the Roosters. Their worst result, was the Roosters winning the premiership.

            I have known Phil Rothfield for 25 years, and he's actually a decent fella, except,for one thing.....he despises the Roosters. I've known this for years. His hatred started, when Gus Gould was coach, and hasn't let up. It increased beyond belief, when his arch enemy Brian Smith took over in 2010. Even during Stuarts reign as coach, he only tolerated them, because of his friendship with Stuart.

            When Stuart was deservingly dumped, the hatred intensified. This year, the only times Rothfield tipped the Roosters to win, was when they were playing a bottom 2-3 side.

            He truely HATES the club. Some of his tweets this week, re SBW, were pure garbage.

            The telegraph stuffed up big time with SBW, and they are hurting.


            • #51
              Here is an article from 10 years ago where Phil Gould tears Bourbon Bec a new arsehole.
              I quote
              As part of the attack on the Roosters and Nick Politis, gossip columnist Rebecca Wilson described Politis as a gibberer. Let's just examine this statement. Here is a woman who has bounced around from job to job over the years. She currently makes her living as a talking head and muckraker with a News Ltd paper. She was recently exposed as a repeat offender on driving charges, including drink driving and driving without a licence. Yet in her typical attention-seeking manner she has accused Politis, a self-made multi-millionaire and one of the most respected business people in Australia, of being a gibberer and questions his credibility.

              Rebecca, you stick to bagging me if you want to get your cheap kicks. Nick Politis is way out of your league.

              He has done more things for this game than anyone I know. His generosity to people from all walks of life is staggering and he has changed many people's lives for the better as a result.

              You know nothing of this man and you are way out of line.
              Nothing has changed


              • #52
                I wonder does she still ride the train that stops at Canberra???

                The FlogPen .

                You know it makes sense.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by stsae View Post
                  I wonder does she still ride the train that stops at Canberra???

                  SUPER DRAGON!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Johnny. View Post
                    She's definitely pulled the emergency cable at Seiffert Oval more than once, the old bourbon conductress.

                    The FlogPen .

                    You know it makes sense.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                      Still waiting for Tony the Wheel to provide a comment post GF..........
                      Don't! If you say the farkwits name 3 times he appears.



                      • #56
                        And I wouldn't worry about the classless farks at news ****s, let them stew over the off season as they'll be into SBW all next year trying to put him off his game, you watch em.



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by stsae View Post
                          I wonder does she still ride the train that stops at Canberra???

                          The Parramatta line?
                          Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by stsae View Post
                            She's definitely pulled the emergency cable at Seiffert Oval more than once, the old bourbon conductress.

                            I just threw up in my mouth.
                            SUPER DRAGON!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Chook View Post
                              Don't! If you say the farkwits name 3 times he appears.

                              Chook, I'm sure Mr Wheel is reading at the moment. But even he can't defend his buddies at News at the moment so he chooses to keep quiet. He's always been a very selective poster. I would have thought though as a passionate Easts man, he may have had something to say about the magnificent GF victory.


                              • #60
                                Rebecca Wilson is an embarrassment to all women. She makes me sick. I cannot stand her sanctimonious rants on that late show on the Fox News channel.

