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Player ratings after round five

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  • #16
    an interesting fact.
    four from the five teams which has played the roosters have then gone on to lose the following week. Its definatly looks as if every one is throwing everything at us. must be a lot of bent and bruised bodies. the only team that won the next week was the drongos.
    1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


    • #17
      Originally posted by roosterproud View Post
      an interesting fact.
      four from the five teams which has played the roosters have then gone on to lose the following week. Its definatly looks as if every one is throwing everything at us. must be a lot of bent and bruised bodies. the only team that won the next week was the drongos.
      It was my method last year to pick against sides that played us the previous week and it's proving to work again this year.


      • #18
        Friend then Pearce, Greeds.
        Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber View Post
          Friend then Pearce, Greeds.
          I can accept that...


          • #20
            I actually thought the game against the Bulldogs was a top game, I thought the Roosters were pretty good without Hargreaves & the fact it was in the wet. The Roosters had the chance to win it but missed the FG where as the Dogs got the FG. There was nothing between the teams on the night IMO.

            Mini & Perret had outstanding games as did Reynolds, Graham Friend Pearce & Guerra. SBW was contained all night by Tony Williams as Tony Williams was contained al night by SBW. Daniel Tupou was unlucky not to score.


            • #21
              69 Friend
              180 Pearce
              360 Mini



              • #22
                Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
                Our go forward has been abysmal and he still looks the goods.

                Pearce has been our best by a long way.
                By a long way? doubt it

                Friend has clearly been our best by a long way. Pearce comes after Friend. After that? Not sure who I really rate. The rest have been truly average

                Also agree with someone else's sentiments on Jennings... the dude loves to hibernate in matches and is great for the odd error in great field position. IMO, whilst he can sometimes look flashy, he has also demonstrated he has terrible hands. Jamie Lyon's ball playing at centre absolutely kills both our centres IMO

