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So we won a penalty count

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
    If it's clear as day then why don't you tell me?
    This TDK is not doing amazing things to my system Greeds... How many of you are old enough to remember that TV commercial?
    And for the bloke on here who thinks Souths are not media darlings, cast your mind back to the Tigers home game at ANZ last year which was hijacked by the Burgess family and Channel 9 fawning all over them. Some of the Tigers were celebrating milestones that evening but did not feature in the post match interviews.
    "It's these little things, they can pull you under
    Live your life filled with joy and wonder"


    • #32
      Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
      This TDK is not doing amazing things to my system Greeds... How many of you are old enough to remember that TV commercial?
      And for the bloke on here who thinks Souths are not media darlings, cast your mind back to the Tigers home game at ANZ last year which was hijacked by the Burgess family and Channel 9 fawning all over them. Some of the Tigers were celebrating milestones that evening but did not feature in the post match interviews.
      The ad where they had big ears, square eyes and whatnot?

      You have to laugh at the irony in that. Burgess has big ears, a square head and funny eyes too.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber View Post

        With all The Simpsons inuendo being thrown around between John Boy and yourself lately I thought I'd slip that in.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
          With all The Simpsons inuendo being thrown around between John Boy and yourself lately I thought I'd slip that in.
          Inwhosendo are you planning on slipping what in?


          • #35
            i remember the tdk ad and yes the berge do look like that?

