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  • Arrogance

    I feel that is what our main problem is.

    Some of us including myself have been mistaking it for confidence.

    The team seems to be going through the motions in games " knowing" that they will run over teams at the back end of games due to the " brilliance" of their players.

    Not taking that shot at penalty goal with 15 to go was the ultimate sign, then relying on Pearce to hit a field goal, something i doubt he has done in 6 years, he is playing very well but lets face facts a one legged man has a better strike rate at field goals.

    The bomb to Tupou wing has to be put in the kit bag for a while, sides read it, defend it it, we would be a better chance of running the ball on the 5th and using Jennings pace with the wingers dropping back.

    I have no doubt we will make the top 4 and it definately isn't panic stations.

  • #2
    Thank you. Sanity prevails.


    • #3
      Your point about putting the bomb to Tupou away is a good one as he is getting run off the ball by defending teams quite effectively. I would love to see the Roosters put it through the hands on the fourth or fifth or see some vision from the halves with kicking variations.
      "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

      Thomas Jefferson


      • #4
        Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
        I feel that is what our main problem is.

        Some of us including myself have been mistaking it for confidence.

        The team seems to be going through the motions in games " knowing" that they will run over teams at the back end of games due to the " brilliance" of their players.

        Not taking that shot at penalty goal with 15 to go was the ultimate sign, then relying on Pearce to hit a field goal, something i doubt he has done in 6 years, he is playing very well but lets face facts a one legged man has a better strike rate at field goals.

        The bomb to Tupou wing has to be put in the kit bag for a while, sides read it, defend it it, we would be a better chance of running the ball on the 5th and using Jennings pace with the wingers dropping back.

        I have no doubt we will make the top 4 and it definately isn't panic stations.
        Nothing I disagree with there. The other one is Maloney's run down the left side. Last year it almost always resulted in a line break. This year it hasn't been successful.

        During the off-season other teams have done their homework while we've partied and become arrogant. Time to put on those blue collars and get back to work...


        • #5
          Arrogance or self belief can be misinterpreted - yet the captains decision to not take the penalty shot was one helluva mistake - golden rule in tight games and in the wet is that you take the shot. at such a crucial stage we missed having JWH who may have made a difference with the decision to take the penalty shot


          • #6
            Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
            I feel that is what our main problem is.

            Some of us including myself have been mistaking it for confidence.

            The team seems to be going through the motions in games " knowing" that they will run over teams at the back end of games due to the " brilliance" of their players.

            Not taking that shot at penalty goal with 15 to go was the ultimate sign, then relying on Pearce to hit a field goal, something i doubt he has done in 6 years, he is playing very well but lets face facts a one legged man has a better strike rate at field goals.

            The bomb to Tupou wing has to be put in the kit bag for a while, sides read it, defend it it, we would be a better chance of running the ball on the 5th and using Jennings pace with the wingers dropping back.

            I have no doubt we will make the top 4 and it definately isn't panic stations.
            I agree but it don't change the fact that your a wanker....


