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Cordner talks Eels

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  • Cordner talks Eels

  • #2
    "you know"


    • #3
      Originally posted by born_a_rooster View Post
      "you know"
      Yes...the language of many young men.

      Nervous, and not trained in giving media interviews/public speaking.
      Usually the language of many young men is one word/very short's well known.

      "What are you doing tonite, John"
      A. "Nothin'"

      "Did you go anywhere at the weekend"
      A. "Nuh"

      "How are your parents going"
      A. "Good"

      Cordner went ok.
      A whole lot better than I would've done at his age.

      I was shipped off to 'finishing school/lifestyle school' to learn how to speak correctly and become a 'gentleman'.
      My sister was shipped off to June the ultimate lady's finishing school for the same reason, to become a 'lady'.

      I was a 'yeah' not 'yes', and 'you know' speaker.

      June is not so young anymore, but was advising Kyle and Jackie O the other morning of the correct dress and etiquette for when they attend the royal function and meet William and Kate in Sydney next week.

      Want perfection?
      Simple, send Boyd off to media/public speaking/elocution school.


      • #4
        Not bad - a return to form there, BB.
        Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...


        • #5
          The pommie halfback from the 80's (think his name was Andy Gregory ?) ...he was the king of 'you knows'.

          "Emm yu nor, we played well ya nor, and am ya nor we never gave up ya nor...."

          ..... you'd get several 'ya nors' in every sentence along with the really broad pommie accent, spoke really fast ...... was impossible to understand him !
          Last edited by Hawkeye; 04-11-2014, 08:01 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber View Post
            Not bad - a return to form there, BB.
            Had to modify the 'gentleman' bit, the workforce was/is full of bullies and harassers.
            My first boss told me on my first day in the workforce; "Look after yourself first in this world, son...because nobody else will".
            Wise words indeed.

            More wise words were spoken to me by Pat Jarvis; "If you sign for less than you [reasonably] think you're worth, you'll always feel cheated.

            Seems that jnr jnr has had some media/public speaking training of late.
            All good.


            • #7
              Finishing School for Men - How To Tie A Windsor Knot .

              Yes, that's one thing I learnt, how to tie a Windsor knot in a neck-tie.
              Wouldn't wanna be walking around with one of those 'girlie' neck-tie knots now would we?

              Wow, finishing schools for men seem even more popular today.
              Guess there's a lot of competition for jobs and girls out there these days, even more so than in days past.

              Google 'media/public speaking courses'...lots of them too.
              Last edited by bondi-boy; 04-11-2014, 09:13 AM.


              • #8
                To those criticising just remember he is a footy player not a surgeon.
                And remember he is one of our players not an opposing player.


                • #9
                  Simple solution...don't give interviews.
                  That way there's absolutely no chance of being criticised.

                  Trouble is, Boyd is a rep player and interviews are part of the deal.
                  At least he didn't use bad language, and/or say nasty things about people.

                  What he did say was absolutely correct.
                  Beware the Eels, there are no easy games, etc etc etc.
                  Last edited by bondi-boy; 04-11-2014, 01:50 PM.


                  • #10
                    Boyd did fine for a young, likely under-educated man on camera. I would have been even worse at 21.

                    He'll be perfectly articulate by the time he hits 25.
                    Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...


                    • #11
                      I rarely watch these interviews.
                      Been around long enough to know what they're going to say.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
                        I rarely watch these interviews.
                        Been around long enough to know what they're going to say.
                        There's always a yeah/no in there somewhere.

                        In fact yeah/no should be in the dictionary IMO.

                        A quality cliche.

                        The FlogPen .

                        You know it makes sense.


                        • #13
                          Yeah/nah = No
                          Nah/yeah = Yes
                          Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...

