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Sydney Flopstars vs Sandow Pigmies player ratings

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  • Sydney Flopstars vs Sandow Pigmies player ratings

    First of all most of the side is out of form .A lot of one out plays.Very flat near useless backline.
    SBW ,Maloney ,Guerra , Jennings, RTS,SKD and JWH are real bad at the moment .SBW is playing like he doesnt give a fark and thinks he can pull one play off and win the match and that will do him.
    Defensively we are great but you do run out of puff in attack when you dont have the ball.
    In each of our last 3 games we had four clear opportunities to score and put teams away and were not good enough to do so .When you play good you make your own good luck we are playing bad.
    Best players ? Friend < Toups and Cords? We really havnt had any player showing outstanding form this year ,no ta good sign.
    Robbo has some problems .He may need to drop a few and show some strength .In Defence apart from been strong but all tries against us have been just stretches of the ball to the edges which means a degree of laziness in every game.
    The game ball has to change this week.
    Brick Wall -6- Having a child is the best thing Mini has done …notice he doesn’t drop the ball any more? His Mrs would kill him if he drops the baby .Runs with gutso leads by example .He is a current tri-hard going nowhere but the effort was there .Hanging onto past glory.
    Michael Jackson -2- ABC easy as, 123, remember me , do re mi .RTS has lost his mojo playing with no confidence .Forget Peptides this kid is doing propofol.
    Urkel -1- we have family matters here .You seen the Urkel dance ? I see it every week .blah one season hit wonder .Yeah that’s you Jenko
    No More Gaps – 3- get to Bunnings and get yourself a dose of SKD .His defense has improved out of sight but he cant run gaps or any thing any more seems to move like Oscar Pistorius .Sorry I have a soft spot but he must go next year .
    B52- 6- Has been our only shining light in attack in recent weeks but his defence reads are becoming legendary like SKD .Robbo fixes one and gains another .Enough of the bombs shit just throw him good ball .
    Iamsahita -0- you know why Daley ****wit got the CC medal ? because at least he is consistent where you are back to your Warriors best .Wake up Maloney your form is borderline Anasta disease go see a mental doctor and sort your self out …your that bad the footy show wont even have you any more.
    Mr Magoo – 4- Was the only player with some form but as usual forwards let him down and he starts his amnesia thing .O’ Pearcey you’ve done it again.
    MH370-1 – Honestly did we really re- sign Frank? I heard beeps at Parra stadium yesterday Im sure you will find him at the bottom of Parra river somewhere .Stay tuned Abbott to make an announcement.
    100 -5- I like SBW better when he was 75 games young , celebrated his 100 with fine style Come on Sonny your better than that dude get on with it .With out even trying he was probably one of our best…get the picture?.
    Backfire-4- One of my faves but man has he come down since last year what has happened to Guerra ? ever since his Boy George hair cut he plays like a fag.
    Liberace-3- He loves the Glam but alas another great forward living on past glory .Guess what JWH nobody wants your autograph this week .. .Oh except the Judiciary blokes they see you more than hit ups you make.
    Hammer Drill- 8 did he really do 65 tackles? Wow pretty awesome he did a few good things in between as well huge heart and much needed at the moment .Friendy is ok in m y books
    Moana -3- I might shock you here but Moa is out of form .Just because he has scored the odd try and looks the part his stats don’t lie averaging 50m a game then we wonder why our backs are shit .He is a die hard and gutsy and fan fave but he has got to pick it up.

    Isaac Newtown -6- You don’t have to be a scientist to see the most effective forward yesterday was Liu but also a bludger with a low work rate needs to do more of what he was doing yesterday.
    Kane and Abel- -2- I told a bible story yesterday about Kane .Today I have a golden book story of the wanna be footy player . once upon a time Kane took 10 hit ups and made 7 m …wow said the evil queen Julie Burgess almost as good as my boys-not.
    Meter eater -1- another useless great one … good game every 5 or 6 and then serves up yesterday rubbish – another we should flick next year ….Maubs

    So statistically we love giving a tonne of penalties away we like to do 100 more tackles than the opposition .Constantly have twice as many errors and usually bad completion rates, cant kick a ball for shit …………………man don’t offer excuses for them don’t blame the ref this mob is real bad at the moment .The good news is that their bad is only centimetres away from their best. One . 20% swing improvement and we win comfortably.
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

  • #2
    sorry ...hard on the eyes forgot to space it out stupid edit will not work either cant delete is and do it again
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


    • #3
      hey mod delete this so i can do it again ya edit shit aint working
      Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


      • #4
        lol@ MH370 and Boy George.


        • #5
          Harsh but fair.
          SUPER DRAGON!

