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Pearce Arrested this morning

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
    ****ing fascists.


    But feel free to select Adam Reynolds now instead!
    Please do..


    • #17
      Originally posted by fletch View Post
      agree its really a non issue on the scale of things, just not a great look for the club.

      might affect his chance to become our next skipper though.

      would be funny if they did decide to dump Pearce from origin and it caused a chain reaction that led to Maloney/Jennings and possibly Tupou not being picked because the combination would be broken up.
      Would suit Easts, they need jerkin into gear..


      • #18
        He has two problems. What he did inside the club to be asked to leave, and what he did outside the club with his refusal to move on


        • #19
          Originally posted by fletch View Post
          Jennings looks a bit cooked this morning on the footy show, needs to pause to answer questions, and has a very glazed look.
          Jennings has never been comfortable in front of the camera. Have you seen any of his interviews?


          • #20
            “The Sydney Roosters have been made aware that Mitchell Pearce was issued with an infringement notice for failure to quit a licensed premises overnight,” the statement read.

            “The infringement notice was issued and the fine paid.

            “The Roosters have advised the NRL’s Integrity Unit.

            “From here, the club will address the matter internally and will be making no further comment.”

            sounds like he will probably cop an internal fine and that will be it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Hollus View Post
              Jennings has never been comfortable in front of the camera. Have you seen any of his interviews?
              ^Pretty much this


              • #22
                Mitchell could always convert to Islam, turn his life around, abstain from alcohol etc, and be the biggest star like SBW.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by fletch View Post
                  Jennings looks a bit cooked this morning on the footy show, needs to pause to answer questions, and has a very glazed look.
                  Unless he's been to media school and taught how to do 'the camera', 'live tv', and public speaking, you can't expect perfection at interviews and on the Footy Show.
                  He was probably nervous as well...even if he didn't show it.
                  He's not a professional tv host.

                  Maybe he's not a 'morning person'.
                  Maybe he drank some alcohol at home or at a restaurant last night to celebrate his great game on Fri night and stayed up late [none of which is illegal]...maybe he didn't.


                  • #24
                    There's amateur (and very blurry) video of Pearce being walked away in cuffs up on the SMH site, he's not fighting the arrest or anything.

                    Police have also put out a press release asking for patrons to come forward so they know what happened inside the venue.

                    This whole thing smells a bit odd tbh.


                    • #25
                      the fact he has only been banned from kings cross for 48hrs is a pretty good indication that this is little more than a minor drunk and disorderly, still not great for a professional athlete but certainly not the end of the world either.


                      • #26
                        Ch 10 news just reported;

                        para; "Mitchell Pearce was at the niteclub with mates. There was allegedly an incident with Pearce and a woman on the dance floor. The incident was captured on security video. Two patrons are said to have witnessed the incident...police are asking those witnesses to come forward. Further charges could be laid, depending...........
                        This incident has the potential to damage his football career."
                        Doesn't sound good, seems to me.

                        The demon drink looks to have claimed another victim.
                        Alcohol should be banned, it's evil.

                        Wouldn't be surprised if we're looking for a new halfback least for a while if not longer.

                        Nice present for his mum on Mothers Day...not.

                        Males should stay off the booze and out of niteclubs until they're 50.

                        Does anything any good ever happen in Kings Cross?


                        • #27
                          This is Carney 2011 all over again.

                          Give him a week off, pull his head in, pull him out of origin and tell him to shape up or ship out.


                          • #28
                            Nothing story, he had a few drinks, left the club forgetting after 1.00 am you cannot return, tried to get in, they refused him, even i, one of his greatest critics cannot fault him for this.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by stsae View Post
                              I'm guessing its to do with the new lock out laws???

                              The cops can issue you with a fine for failing to follow a move no directive???

                              Fark I'd hate to be a young one nowadays. So many rules to break when you're pissed.

                              Could be a blessing for us, a kick up the arse to get him focused on footy only.

                              Mate I'd hate to be a Cop these days, having to deal with argumentative, drunken idiots, who feel brave coz they've had 10 beers. You tell them continually to leave and they just wont listen. So what are u supposed to do?Its one reason I got out. So I wouldnt have to deal with 'children' who couldnt handle their piss.
                              Embrace the Hate! JC


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Chook View Post

                                Roosters halfback Mitchell Pearce has been arrested after an early morning altercation with police outside a Kings Cross nightclub

                                Police attended the club on Roslyn Street at Potts Point at 1:30am after receiving complaints about a patron.

                                They spoke with Pearce who was asked to leave the premises.

                                Police allege the halfback became argumentative with officers outside the club and refused to leave the area.

                                He was then arrested and taken to Kings Cross police station where he was given an infringement notice for failing to leave a licensed premises.

                                Pearce has also been banned from Kings Cross for 48 hours.

                                Pearce is considered a certainty for NSW at halfback. He was a leading player in the Roosters premiership success last season and starred for the side in their 30-6 win against the Wests Tigers on Friday night
                                __________________________________________________ ___

                                Well done Mitchell.

                                I would have rated his performance on Friday night as being the 8th best for the Roosters. He definitely did not star for the side.

