Originally posted by turk-283
Everything makes sense now, I knew they would be a bit rusty to start the season but I didn't think we would still be playing ordinary after 9 rounds. But if Pearce, Cordner and other are on the p!ss then it explains why they can't do the basics like catch a ball with the line wide open.
If they were on the grog and playing like last season I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but some of them and yes Pearce I'm looking at you are playing liked busteds.
Seriously boys pull your heads out of your arses and start knuckling down or you will seriously just be making up numbers. And if Ferguson does come and is looking to get himself right, what message does this send when two of the leadership group are acting like imbeciles.
Really disappointed as I thought this shit was a thing of the past. I hope Laurie Daley shows some stones and leaves both Pearce and Cordner out of Origin, that might light a fire under them. Geez Pearce, why do you think you played so well last year???