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the story gets better Cordner and Pearce got banned from Clovelly Hotel last night

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  • #16
    Originally posted by turk-283
    I will help by kicking the shit out of you and anyone else stupid enough to be stupid..

    Everything makes sense now, I knew they would be a bit rusty to start the season but I didn't think we would still be playing ordinary after 9 rounds. But if Pearce, Cordner and other are on the p!ss then it explains why they can't do the basics like catch a ball with the line wide open.

    If they were on the grog and playing like last season I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but some of them and yes Pearce I'm looking at you are playing liked busteds.

    Seriously boys pull your heads out of your arses and start knuckling down or you will seriously just be making up numbers. And if Ferguson does come and is looking to get himself right, what message does this send when two of the leadership group are acting like imbeciles.

    Really disappointed as I thought this shit was a thing of the past. I hope Laurie Daley shows some stones and leaves both Pearce and Cordner out of Origin, that might light a fire under them. Geez Pearce, why do you think you played so well last year???


    • #17
      Originally posted by Funky Chicken View Post
      Everything makes sense now, I knew they would be a bit rusty to start the season but I didn't think we would still be playing ordinary after 9 rounds. But if Pearce, Cordner and other are on the p!ss then it explains why they can't do the basics like catch a ball with the line wide open.

      If they were on the grog and playing like last season I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but some of them and yes Pearce I'm looking at you are playing liked busteds.

      Seriously boys pull your heads out of your arses and start knuckling down or you will seriously just be making up numbers. And if Ferguson does come and is looking to get himself right, what message does this send when two of the leadership group are acting like imbeciles.

      Really disappointed as I thought this shit was a thing of the past. I hope Laurie Daley shows some stones and leaves both Pearce and Cordner out of Origin, that might light a fire under them. Geez Pearce, why do you think you played so well last year???
      I will front them @ the next home game, Its know wonder Sonny is Disallusioned.....


      • #18
        Maybe this will end up being the wake up call that was needed. Suppose we'll just have to wait an see how this all pans out.
        Originally posted by turk-283
        Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


        • #19
          I wonder if the night club's owner is a rival of John Ibrahim???


          • #20
            All the boys aren't as innocent as people think I've had my gf sister tell how players were being sleezy towards her and her friends, but she was also pretty smashed as well


            • #21
              Young, drunken men being sleezy towards an equally smashed bird?

              Won't someone think of the children!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
                Young, drunken men being sleezy towards an equally smashed bird?

                Won't someone think of the children!
                That's exactly my point. They are young guys going out drinking and gonna try and hit on girls, and look how so many people over react to something that is really nothing. They expect footy players to be boy scouts.


                • #23
                  bbq for me


                  • #24
                    Its not a hanging offence, but its a bad look for the club, who have made great steps forward, in changing the culture of the club. It also shows disrespect for the coach, and this is a major concern. Even though they are sitting ok on the ladder, in the fair dinkum dept, they are not setting the world on fire, and have a lot of work to do, to get anywhere near last years form, issues like this point to a lack of self control, after being told to leave the Hotel, they should of called it a night, not carried on to a nightclub. They wont be dropped, but I'am sure Robbo will set them straight, and a hard week on the training paddock wont hurt them either.


                    • #25

                      And his Sydney Roosters and NSW teammate Boyd Cordner could also be called to account for his actions after the pair were ejected from the Clovelly Hotel earlier in the evening.


                      Pearce is obviously a slow-learner...this is not the first time he's been in a niteclub etc drama.
                      Cordner has his whole life and rugby league career ahead of him...a chance to earn big bucks and set himself up for life.
                      This is fixable, but it must be his one and only sin.

                      CCTV footage is believed to be critical to police investigations over what they described as an “interaction’’ between Pearce and a young woman near the Beach Haus dance floor in the early hours of Sunday morning.


                      'Interaction' could be verbal, or physical of some kind...the law is now in play, as it was with the two street-fight combatants...we'll see what's on the tape, and if any witnesses come forward.
                      "All roads lead to lawyers".
                      He could be innocent, or guilty of some offence.

                      When the cops charged Jake and Sandor for "hitting a woman" in that other niteclub drama Pearce, his mates[including Foran?] and other players were in attendance at...where water-ice was reportedly thrown and a punch up broke out...Jake and Sandor weren't even anywhere near the scene, they were in the toilets at the time.
                      They weren't there, and didn't hit anyone...yet they were dragged down to the cop shop and charged with a crime.

                      Also, Bird was charged with "hitting a woman" in a bar/club, charged, and had to stand before the court for judgement and sentencing.
                      His trial started, the CCTV footage was produced, and it showed that the woman had hit him...not he hit her.

                      Could be why the cops are being more cautious this time...and reviewing the CCTV footage first...first, not last.
                      Last edited by bondi-boy; 05-12-2014, 09:55 AM.


                      • #26
                        Regardless of what transpired in the club and with the girl, the club needs to make an example of Pearce and either stand him down or fine him. He has broken rule number 1 - don't do anything that will get you in trouble with the police and onto the front page of the paper.


                        • #27
                          Can we still blame carney and myles for these indiscretions?

                          Pearce just doesn't seem to see how a big night on the drink can destroy his career.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
                            Regardless of what transpired in the club and with the girl, the club needs to make an example of Pearce and either stand him down or fine him. He has broken rule number 1 - don't do anything that will get you in trouble with the police and onto the front page of the paper.
                            Absolutely and the sooner the better.Cordner can join him at new town for a couple of weeks as well to think about where he is headed in life.Being barred from pubs is not the path a young talented football player should be taking.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
                              Regardless of what transpired in the club and with the girl, the club needs to make an example of Pearce and either stand him down or fine him. He has broken rule number 1 - don't do anything that will get you in trouble with the police and onto the front page of the paper.
                              Absolutely and the sooner the better.Cordner can join him at new town for a couple of weeks as well to think about where he is headed in life.Being barred from pubs is not the path a young talented football player should be taking.


                              • #30
                                I think Robbo is facing his biggest test today. We saw Smithy go through this and fail.... Made 2010 GF and then everything went off the rails.

                                I am pretty sure Robbo is nothing like Smithy but is facing a similar issue in that players are going out of line. It is crucial he steps in now and lays down the law to Pearce, Cordner and any one else. Either they get themselves in order or Robbo has to make the call and drop them.

                                Even if we have to sacrifice a few wins. The culture of the club is more crucial than a few points in 1 season.

