i liked our move from last year. give away penalities deliberately
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Where have all the moves gone?
Originally posted by turk-283 View Post
Or Fairy hiding the ball behind his back and no one knew where it was -Easts scored from it .Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe
Originally posted by Samwise View PostWe had a variant in our schoolboy rugby - the 'quarterback' would hold the ball up pretending to pass to the wiger and some big prop would run from behind him and grab the ball and charge into the oppostion forward pack.
There are no moves because there are hardly any footballers playing the game anymore.
All just big athletes. Ray Price would probably not get a contract now daysThe Internet is a place for posting silly things
Try and be serious and you will look stupid
The most innovative thing I've seen in a long while is the Pat Richards kick off. Bit of pressure straight away from a very high spiralling kick rather than the same old deep kick off.
Have also seen a few times lately players trying a low hard kick into spaces trying to get the ball into touch from a drop out ...again something different to catch the attacking team unawares.
As a variation to the kick off, I've been saying for a long while at the kick off with all the players spread around the touchlines, in goal, and ten metre line, there is a huge open space between the ten metre line and goal line ...why not a shallow kick off landing around the 30 mtre spot with 3 or 4 chasers sprinting from the halfway soon as the ball is kicked off ....think theres a great chance of getting the ball back or at least pressuring the receiving team into a fumble ?
Originally posted by horrie hastings View PostThe kicking duels between the two fullbacks
Sad how possession of the ball has become everything. Love to see someone display this one day.Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland
Originally posted by horrie hastings View PostThe kicking duels between the two fullbacksOriginally posted by boogie
"There's a lot of people competing for title of dumbest chookpen member such as Tommy S, Rusty, Johnny, ROC, Tobin but without a doubt you are the worst, youre thick as a brick christ this is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time you should go back to supporting the panthers"
Originally posted by Parkway_Drive View PostSaw the 80 GF replay on fox some time back...The game started with Marty Gurr and Greg Bretnall in a kicking duel. Unfortunately Marty got owned by the ex Aussie Rules junior.