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All the fuss - what a joke!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by novice chook View Post
    That doesn't work late at night once everyone's had a few drinks. You could be dressed like a lady and still be treated like a hooker.

    As I have said before, it is no one else's business how anyone dresses! I get so frustated by some of the sexist and inappropriate comments on here whenever there is an incident like this. Some of you need to recognise that the female has done nothing wrong!!
    You could be, but nowhere near as often, IMO.

    Kings Cross has always been know as "the red light district"...and all that entails.

    Women need to realise that although they're not dressed illegally, how they're dressed does send out actual fact.

    Women also need to realise that how they act also sends out signals.
    Last edited by bondi-boy; 05-13-2014, 12:23 PM.


    • #32
      So dam right, I agree TS. So that would give the right for people in general to criticise how people should dress in public.....even if was a bloke!! pretty sad slappers.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
        Some of you merkins are a disgrace.

        A young woman dresses up for a night ouy on the Cross, but because of what she's wearing she deserves poor treatment? (Not from Pearce, just in general).

        Give yourselves a punch to the balls, then move to the Middle East.
        Thanks Tommy. Well said.
        Some of you other blokes need to think before you post.


        • #34
          Originally posted by novice chook View Post
          That doesn't work late at night once everyone's had a few drinks. You could be dressed like a lady and still be treated like a hooker.

          As I have said before, it is no one else's business how anyone dresses! I get so frustated by some of the sexist and inappropriate comments on here whenever there is an incident like this. Some of you need to recognise that the female has done nothing wrong!!
          Here here NC!!!!!!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
            Thanks Tommy. Well said.
            Some of you other blokes need to think before you post.
            She obviously was a lady.


            Give him a smack on the knuckles, tell him to wake up and be responsible... end of story.


            • #36
              Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
              You could be, but nowhere near as often, IMO.

              Kings Cross has always been know as "the red light district"...and all that entails.

              Women need to realise that although they're not dressed illegally, how they're dressed does send out actual fact.

              Women also need to realise that how they act also sends out signals.
              And men need to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions and words!


              • #37
                I’ve kept my mouth shut until now but I cannot any longer. I’m a middle age woman pushing 50 and I dress conservatively for work in suits with cardigans and pearls, hardly hooker attire. I leave the high heels for inside the office only so it must be my Hush Puppies joggers which are the turn on.. I’ve had to move bus stops both for my morning and afternoon commute due to unwanted male attention. When I was assaulted on my business premises in 2009, it was 10am on a Tuesday morning in September in broad daylight in a suburb with both a court house and police station within spitting distance. I was wearing a long sleeve jumper and trousers. I now have a permanent deformity on my left wrist as a reminder of the soft tissue damage I suffered fighting him off. All those years of watching Parra as a child and in particular Eric Groth Snr, taught me a good fend. The truth is a woman on her own is fair game to some men, not all of course, whether it be 6am in the morning at a bus stop or 1am in Kings Cross. If men want to leer, they do it anyway, regardless of where, when or who. Try looking at the website called Everyday Sexism and it will give you a small taste of what it’s like for a woman these days. Some of you on here must not have mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends, nieces or daughters or any female friends by the sounds of things..
                Last edited by redwhiteblue; 05-13-2014, 01:23 PM.
                "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Renman View Post
                  She obviously was a lady.


                  Give him a smack on the knuckles, tell him to wake up and be responsible... end of story.
                  Thanks for that Renman. My comments were not directed at Pearce, just some of the idiotic comments by some of the posters on here. It seemed to me from the footage that Pearce was just acting like a drunk d**khead and no more. The woman notified security, as she is in her right to do (NO MATTER WHAT SHE IS WEARING), and he was asked to leave. The media circus which has then ensued from that is a disgrace.


                  • #39
                    What makes me shake my head at some of these comments is that nowdays many males show more of themselves than a woman ever could by parading their bum crack to the world 24/7, and its accepted as the current trend! Does anyone reckon that makes them less of a person in any way? I suspect not.

                    But when a female shows a little breast or thigh, the common theme is that she has somehow cheapened herself and fair game.

                    It's sad really, how different the genders are treated.

                    Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by novice chook View Post
                      What makes me shake my head at some of these comments is that nowdays many males show more of themselves than a woman ever could by parading their bum crack to the world 24/7, and its accepted as the current trend! Does anyone reckon that makes them less of a person in any way? I suspect not.

                      But when a female shows a little breast or thigh, the common theme is that she has somehow cheapened herself and fair game.

                      It's sad really, how different the genders are treated.

                      So true NC. Double standards for sure.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                        Thanks Tommy. Well said.
                        Some of you other blokes need to think before you post.
                        Where did anyone here say she/a woman deserves poor treatment for what she's wearing, or how she's acting?
                        Last edited by bondi-boy; 05-13-2014, 01:50 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                          Where did anyone here say she/a woman deserves poor treatment for what she's wearing?
                          You know what you said BB.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by novice chook View Post
                            What makes me shake my head at some of these comments is that nowdays many males show more of themselves than a woman ever could by parading their bum crack to the world 24/7, and its accepted as the current trend! Does anyone reckon that makes them less of a person in any way? I suspect not.

                            But when a female shows a little breast or thigh, the common theme is that she has somehow cheapened herself and fair game.

                            It's sad really, how different the genders are treated.

                            Whilst I do agree with you NC, there are certain double standards when it comes to that argument.

                            Eg: I remember being at a concert at the SFS one day and the ladies toilets must have been full so they started queing for cubicles in the male toilets. I was standing there doing my business at the trough only for a middle-aged woman to pinch me on the arse.

                            Even forgetting about the pinch on the arse, you would have a farrken fit if the blokes started lining up in the women's toilets. Even though every bit of business done in there is behind a closed cubicle door.


                            • #44
                              How would you feel if that was your sister or your wife?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by roosterproud View Post
                                she dressed like a bananna split slut with her her split to her cl#t. hate to say it but if you dress like that, you may attract unwanted advances.. the first shot of her on the nein news, shows her leaning against the bar showing of her brekky. ffs.
                                You are a disgrace. What a redneck ****ing dirtbag. Go back to your cave.

