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I'm one.

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  • I'm one.

    So are my daughter, son and dog.

    16K members!! Well done marketing and administration. Who would have thought our club would ever have 16K members?


  • #2
    I was thinking that 20k wasn't out of the question at the beginning of the year due to all the silverware, but 16k is decent I guess.


    • #3
      17K by the end of the year would be the goal.

      That is good when compared to where we have come from, yet terrible when put in comparison to some AFL clubs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kegs2 View Post
        17K by the end of the year would be the goal.

        That is good when compared to where we have come from, yet terrible when put in comparison to some AFL clubs.
        Very valid point. But as Roy Masters used to say, Sydneysiders have much more to do than their counterparts in Victoria.

        AFL in Victoria is the life and blood down there for some people. Quite simply some Collingwood (the equivalent of Souffs) supporters have no life apart from their beloved black & white. This is what they live for and Eddie McGuire is at the top of the tree - read in to that what you may!
        Last edited by 007; 05-15-2014, 08:12 PM.
        "Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".


        • #5
          Anyone catch Robbo's interview? Well worth a listen to.



          • #6
            I have 2 memberships myself and signed up a work colleague for the Chic membership yesterday so she can attend the function with me for the Canberra game. When I took the pack into work today, so many people crowded around her desk to look at how professional everything was. The Manly fans in particular were spitting chips when they saw the celebratory champagne girl wants me to get a membership for her husband (not a Chic one obviously) so I'm taking the membership brochure into work tomorrow.
            "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


            • #7
              Originally posted by 007 View Post
              Very valid point. But as Roy Masters used to say, Sydneysiders have much more to do than their counterparts in Victoria.

              AFL in Victoria is the life and blood down there for some people. Quite simply some Collingwood (the equivalent of Souffs) supporters have no life apart from their beloved black & white. This is what they live for and Eddie McGuire is at the top of the tree - read in to that what you may!
              My sister always told me it was safe to travel on the trams the day after a Collingwood loss. They never leave their homes because they go into hiding to sulk..
              "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


              • #8
                It's amazing that Adelaide have 103,000 members between both clubs in the AFL when their population is only 1million.
                Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vasco View Post
                  It's amazing that Adelaide have 103,000 members between both clubs in the AFL when their population is only 1million.
                  They were always afl made, because no other sport is played there during their season. They don't have rugby league or rugby union, soccer and cricket and nbl are played over the summer.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by milanja View Post
                    They were always afl made, because no other sport is played there during their season. They don't have rugby league or rugby union, soccer and cricket and nbl are played over the summer.
                    I lived there for 5's a hot, boring, shithole of a place.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chook View Post
                      I lived there for 5's a hot, boring, shithole of a place.

                      you missed out "LOST OF FREEKEN CHURCHES" and they had valaints as taxis up to 1996
                      1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by roosterproud View Post
                        you missed out "LOST OF FREEKEN CHURCHES" and they had valaints as taxis up to 1996
                        Nice story bro!!!!


                        • #13
                          16k is pretty good. Don't forget that a large number of the SFS members are Rooster supporters so conservatviely you say there would be at least another 2k if the SFS membership didn't exist...conservatively.

                          Also, we shouldn't get too hung up on the AFL numbers. They are years ahead of us in terms of pushing memberships...we (the game as a whole) haven't even scratched the surface yet.


                          • #14
                            not long ago we had freddy's 5000 so we have come a long way


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hurricane Hastings View Post
                              16k is pretty good. Don't forget that a large number of the SFS members are Rooster supporters so conservatviely you say there would be at least another 2k if the SFS membership didn't exist...conservatively
                              I'm not sure how 'conservative' you're being there, but it's an interesting idea anyway.

                              I wonder whether Easts could mine the SCG Trust database and offer mad deals for anyone who wants to be a member of both.
                              Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...

