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Fletch & Hindy get the Super Saturday red button.

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  • #16
    Oracle I think you have it upside down.

    Ikin is OK and Kent is the useless prick hack who talks a lot but has no substance or insight.
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • #17
      Originally posted by 007 View Post
      I don't find that show clever or subtle in any way. It reminds me of the American show 'Friends' of which I watched two episodes and was so sick of the contrived humour I never watched it again. Talk about seeing a joke coming - then again that's what caters to the masses.

      These useless 'fuc*ers' are too interested about laughing about themselves than to realise how incompetent they actually sound.
      Totally agree


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Rooster Oracle View Post
        Fletch is a legend! I fully agree with you Lydon on why do footy shows turn into comedy crap. They just lose the plot, and there is nowhere near enough focus on what is going on in the game, especially previewing the upcoming games, or reviewing the games just played, and rumors of player signings, possible coach sackings or signings etc. There are too many who are scared to put players down when they are playing $hit, or too scared to say who they think is going to win, fearing treading on someones toes or hurting someones feelings or let bias get in the way.

        ben ikin is a dopey prick, but I don't mind Kent. sterlo is ok but I just don't like him because of his hatred towards the Roosters.

        The afl kicks the NRL's ar$e in many departments, with footy shows certainly being one of them!
        Spot on Oracle regarding the afl,they are streaks ahead


        • #19
          I find it funny at times when hindy and fletch try to be funny but they weren't at all
          was born a sydney roosters fanatic
          "we're the roosters, we'll be fine"


          • #20
            Fleth and Hindy are unfunny and painful to watch. why do all footy related shows try to become comedy variety shows. When Matty Johns show started it was all about the footy, now its thursday footy show mach 2. Sterlo is boring as hell with 50 panel members who offer nothing. Ex footy players often dont make good commentators / presenters. Take a leaf out of ESPNs book and waatch any sports show they do....brilliant.


            • #21
              Agree 100% with AP.

              Sadly their ratings have bumped big time since this Footy Show shyte started. They even brought across a producer from there.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                The Matty Johns show is meant to be light entertainment. I enjoy it for what it is.

                The Sterlo show is for those who want to watch the experts analysis of games played/games coming up.

                360 is just well... Paul Kent making up stories for an hour. The format of 360 is great and the coaches they continually draw is unparalleled by any other footy related show on air... But they've got a massive host issue.
                that's too funny - unfortunately its true

                your assessment of each of the show is pretty much on the money


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Assyrian_Pimp View Post
                  Fleth and Hindy are unfunny and painful to watch. why do all footy related shows try to become comedy variety shows. When Matty Johns show started it was all about the footy, now its thursday footy show mach 2. Sterlo is boring as hell with 50 panel members who offer nothing. Ex footy players often dont make good commentators / presenters. Take a leaf out of ESPNs book and waatch any sports show they do....brilliant.
                  yep exactly - lot of players who for whatever reason have been lined up for these jobs and add next to nothing. A bit like the great players don't necessarily make great coaches.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                    Oracle I think you have it upside down.

                    Ikin is OK and Kent is the useless prick hack who talks a lot but has no substance or insight.
                    At least kent, unlike most, has strong opinions and never sits on the fence.
                    He aint afraid to say what he thinks. Ikin is a bias pompus arrogant austin powers looking dweeb who can go crawl back up his father inlaws anus.


                    • #25
                      Ikin is the most unbearable of them all (apart from Hadley but he is in a category all by himself).


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Assyrian_Pimp View Post
                        At least kent, unlike most, has strong opinions and never sits on the fence.
                        He aint afraid to say what he thinks. Ikin is a bias pompus arrogant austin powers looking dweeb who can go crawl back up his father inlaws anus.
                        You took the words right out of my mouth AP!
                        The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                        Here's looking at you, kid.


                        • #27
                          Musta been while you were kissing him.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The Rooster Oracle View Post
                            Back in the day Rabs used to get the players names right, and didn't carry on with so much irrelevant crap.
                            Tonight he was blathering on about how there used to be a manly show and how the mud was full of horse shit.
                            SUPER DRAGON!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by kegs2 View Post
                              Musta been while you were kissing him.
                              Lol...kegs 1 Oracle 0.
                              #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Johnny. View Post
                                Tonight he was blathering on about how there used to be a manly show and how the mud was full of horse shit.
                                He is going senile the poor old bugger. The sooner he is replaced the better!
                                The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                                Here's looking at you, kid.

