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Fletch & Hindy get the Super Saturday red button.

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  • #46
    Agree with your last point KingBilly.
    Being a referee, Gordon Bray knows the rules and knows how to interpret and articulate the 1000s of overly complex rugby rules. The other guys are trading off the Old Boys Wallabies tie. This network is a cottage industry.
    Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


    • #47
      At least we'll have a reason to call it the idiot box for the night.


      • #48
        Originally posted by novice chook View Post
        Vossy was the highlight of Fox's super Saturday commentating yesterday. Such a shame that the hypocrite bully Hadley forced him out of Channel 9. Gyngell should be ashamed of himself for allowing that to happen, as it was to the detriment of the 9 commentary team.

        I respect Paul Kent because whilst I don't always agree with his opinions, at least he has the guts to put them out there, whether those who are influential in the game like it or not. Unlike most of the journos, he is prepared to stand by what he thinks, and not what people believe he should be thinking.

        Unlike Ikin who is nothing more than a mouthpiece for his father in law. Little wonder Bennett doesn't do media - he doesn't need to when he has his gopher doing it all for him.

        Good post NC, I share your feelings on Kent. He seems to be the only one to try and ask some real questions(even if they are influenced by his arrogance) instead of towing the company line.

        Ben Ikin has improved out of sight. Unfortunately he is still terrible which just shows you how bad he used to be.

        I can't stand watching games on Ch.9, the commentary really has become unbearable. The mute button usually gets a work out while the Sunday game, I just avoid altogether opting for an online replay. Our game is really held back by these hacks.

        On the commentator front, I believe that Girdler would make a great colour caller next to someone like Vossy.


        • #49
          NC hit the nail on the head with Vossy. He's just not funny and if he would stop trying to be a comedian and call the footy most would have him as the number 1 caller in the game.

