Yep the way the rules are now running on the last is a far better option than a poor kick We actually do it quite a bit
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6th Tackle Options?
Originally posted by stsae View PostAre we still talking about this???
After last season leading the attacking stats, backing it up again this season leading the attacking stats, we need more repeat sets???
Next we will be carrying on about lost penalty counts when we win but winning penalty counts when we lose.
Originally posted by stsae View PostI definately don't like giving 7 tackles away.
So if it comes down to it I'd rather us run it on the last near the line. Giving the opposition the ball 2 metres out from their own line is much better than giving away 7 tackles from the 20.
I guess it's just how we all view the game differently.
Originally posted by Andrew Walker View PostYep the way the rules are now running on the last is a far better option than a poor kick We actually do it quite a bit
Originally posted by Andrew Walker View PostYep the way the rules are now running on the last is a far better option than a poor kick We actually do it quite a bit
Originally posted by Andrew Walker View PostYep the way the rules are now running on the last is a far better option than a poor kick We actually do it quite a bit
What I'd like to see is some moves of the kind that wo-manly use (sharp changes of angle) instead of just putting up the bomb so often on the last. snake scored off one of these moves against the Roosters at brookvale for example. These moves show imagination and are quite difficult to defend."The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View PostWhat I'd like to see is some moves of the kind that wo-manly use (sharp changes of angle) instead of just putting up the bomb so often on the last. snake scored off one of these moves against the Roosters at brookvale for example. These moves show imagination and are quite difficult to defend.
Originally posted by Ray Stehr View PostThe first kick by Pearce was atrocious.
A few times on the last he went out the back to Maubs which I just didn't get??Maubs is a good player but he isn't a play maker, so what was Pearce thinking there?? For me it is because he seems to have this complex, and his confidence isn't there to make the good big play on the last.
I have said a few times, he can not put a grubber into the ingoal for a try or to force a line dropout, or kick a field goal to save his life.
Other than those 3 or 4 poor efforts on the last when on the attack, he did have a good game yesterday. But if he can just fix this important aspect of his game, it would tremendously help the team!
Thank goodness Maloney managed two good grubbers into the ingoal resulting in 1 try and one line dropout. Maloney did put in one poor bomb which resulted in 20m restart though.
One thing I noticed yesterday that left me really underwhelmed was, when we finally got our first penalty in the second half, Pearce, Friend, Maloney and SBW all came together for a meeting before kicking to the sideline, to discuss what they were going to do for the set when on the attack. I was then expecting for something special to happen in that set, some great set move that would either get us a try or at least come close. In that set was stuff all, so what ended up happening with that plan from the meeting?? Made the meeting look completely pointless!The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!
Here's looking at you, kid.