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Cordner...its back to school

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  • #16
    Cordner is a great player but at times in the past his hands have been rubbish
    The Internet is a place for posting silly things
    Try and be serious and you will look stupid


    • #17
      Fantastic player. Always puts in, aggressive in a measured way, and runs great lines.


      • #18
        It is amazing that after such a brilliant win the players still receive a bagging from fans. I've seen Boyd Cordner, Mitchell Pearce and Jarred Warea Hargraves bagged out today by some very tough judges.


        • #19
          I think Boyd should spend about 20 mins after each training session this week running a simple repetitive drill with JT to reinforce the execution of this pretty fundamental skill.
          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


          • #20
            Boyd is not over rated at all. Terrific young player. There were two poor passes today from memory. The 2nd was left to right. Cant remember the first. But maybe he just needs work on passing left to right. He certainly wouldnt be the first player weak in that area.
            He plays right edge so majority of his passing is right to left.
            Embrace the Hate! JC


            • #21
              The simple pass is usually the better option. Sometimes players over complicate things by looking for a spectacular play.


              • #22
                The first one was due to excellent defence by Tomkins. The second one was a shocker.


                • #23
                  Boyd ran some great lines today - reunited with Maloney who was very good on the left edge.

                  Runs his plays close to the line so is always going to be under pressure. when he gets it right its something else.

                  John Corey you have hit it on the head a lot of right handed players get through juniors not being able to pass left right.

                  Just need to keep working at it every week, the brain can be retrained and get it right and as mentioned earlier it becomes an automatic skill.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                    I think Boyd should spend about 20 mins after each training session this week running a simple repetitive drill with JT to reinforce the execution of this pretty fundamental skill.

                    **** you're an idiot.

                    Give him shit about a couple of missed chances after he runs for 200 odd and tackles his slot out?

                    Yet you cry a farrken river if someone dare question Mini because he can't catch an inside ball.

                    What a ****en peanut...


                    • #25
                      He ****ed up 2 tries, sure. But don't forget he alos sliced through the line twice just to be in the position to bomb those tries.

                      Him and Maubs run the best lines of any backrowers in the game. The level headedness to convert once he is through will come with time.


                      • #26
                        I actually think he was spoilt for choice, he had one player on his inside, and two on his outer, he over thought it.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Danish View Post
                          He ****ed up 2 tries, sure. But don't forget he alos sliced through the line twice just to be in the position to bomb those tries.

                          Him and Maubs run the best lines of any backrowers in the game. The level headedness to convert once he is through will come with time.
                          Fair point Danish..he had to be in the position to even have that chance - granted. I've seen him do it a few times now though and I guess I just expect a high level rep player... Or any NRL player for that ice those opportunities.

                          No huge deal...the overall show today had such an awesome quality about it you almost expect perfection.
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Dolphin View Post
                            Overrated Pffft!!! I dont think there is a better second rower running around at the moment.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bansai Pipeline View Post
                              At least Boyd tries to pass.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Dolphin View Post
                                Overrated Pffft!!! I dont think there is a better second rower running around at the moment.
                                On his day SBW is at another level altogether.

