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Does the ESDRLFC need to lift its game on "Government Relations"?

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  • Does the ESDRLFC need to lift its game on "Government Relations"?

    I am a lifelong member of the ESDRLFC and love the club, the area we represent and everything we stand for. I love the fact in about 1993 a revolution took place in which high profile business people hell bent on success took over the custodianship of our club and our revenue making arm.

    At the same time, I have spent the better part of my career in the last two decades in a little know field called "Government Relations". This may explain my matter of fact, occasionally narcissistic view on life, the Roosters, everything.

    Being a seasoned professional in this field, one cannot help becoming a cynic. At the same time, you develop a perspective that often the most passionate among us lack. That is, a ruthless desire to see your side "win at all costs" and a helicopter view about how an organisation should proceed in order to keep achieving success.

    Looking at souffs and their "love fest" with Randwick Council, not to mention getting the "keys to the city" from the City of Sydney Council, and then remembering that Botany Council also is in love with them, it makes you ask the question... Do the Roosters need to lift our game in the area of "government relations"?

    Being close to government at various levels is a key to success in Australia. In a non-corrupt way as well as long as everything is done above board and within the law. The ESDRLFC, notwithstanding Packer's bizarre foray into souffs, is still the best business connected club probably of any football club in any code in Australia. But business connection is one thing, government connections are another....

    Are our local, state and federal government connections strong enough to ensure the ESDRLFC has deeply embedded institutional connections at all levels, so as to ensure our success and survival into the very long term? I think we have a lot of room to improve on this score...

    I believe the ESDRLFC and those in charge of our organisation need to look at souffs' community links and foundations, and notwithstanding our business community ensconcement, consider ways and means to redouble our connections with local, state, and federal representatives across the areas in our catchment...

    We are still locked in a long term battle with souffs for inner-city turf... and business links alone do not win hearts and minds in the inner-city turf wars... We need to intensify our community links in the eastern suburbs and eastern Sydney areas... If we don't, the consequences for our club in the long term could be dire...

    A great way to start anew in the ESDRLFC's relations with major stakeholders in our local area, is of course, through government at the local, state and federal levels... It's time for Easts to start forging better links with the key players!

  • #2
    Great post Edge. Some very interesting insights.


    • #3
      IMO getting political is dangerous because as soon as the government changes, you get a kick up the bum for supporting the previous one. You also risk isolating fans by saying 'the Roosters support the _____ party'.

      If anything I'd think rusted on Souths fans would be Labor voters. The current political environment (and fox/channel 9's blanket pro-Liberal coverage) don't seem to have hurt them.

      IMO the footy is just that. Souffs sold a story well and people believe it. I don't think making Malcolm Turnbull our #1 member would change this. If anything we'd get hassled by Ch 9/Fox because they hate the minister for communications regardless of the party in power.

      We should get cheeky and make Clover our #1 member next year, staking a direct claim for Sydney city.

      Who is #1 anyway?


      • #4
        Great post Edge.The club could and should become involved in local govt affairs when it is related to football as the cows are doing in relation to the townsville super stadium.The next mayor of randwick might be an Easts supporter hopefully.If he were to ask his ratepayers if they wanted to relinquish their eastern suburbs address and become part of south sydney there would be an annihilation at the polls similar to what Campbell Newman is facing shortly in Qld


        • #5
          There was a opportune time to do this some years ago when Waveley Council has ex Easts hooker Peter Moscatt as mayor.


          • #6
            clover wont be mayor next year the lib state govr have manouvered her out giving two votes to businesses in the cbd, all from the fishers and shooters party, but with a bit of luck well get rid of this proven corrupt state government early next year! turnbull doesnt even know who the roosters are? on top of that his govts days are numbered, tony abbott puts his total support behind manly!if the alp gets in top leaders are souths fans. so I guess again we just do it alone?


            • #7
              Great post Edge, our club really seems to let itself down in these off field issues.

              Souths have a partnership with 3 councils who in return promote the club and look very favorably into any development projects they have, our club need to do the same and do it ASAP as they are losing even more so on the turf issue as our area seems to get smaller and smaller.

              With Randwick council, even though situated in our area, promoting them over us it must surely make the club take notice.If the club wants more members and bigger crowds it needs these councils/communities to promote the club.

              Many on here only seem to care about the on-field issues, so does the club, however for the Easts club to grow off the field the club really needs to get its act together in terms of government,council and community partnerships.


              • #8
                Currently the Easts Group has a application to re develop Waverley Bowling Club and with this there are community based amenities so perhaps this is a start based on the title thread


                • #9
                  I wonder if we'll get the keys to the city of Wyong if we win in 2015? That is, if Wyong has keys - maybe it just has an ugly dog that barks at you if you try to get in the front door...


                  • #10
                    It really bugs me that Randwick and Coogee are associating themselves with South Sydney. This is Eastern Suburbs territory and the Roosters should be their team.

                    We need to fight back in this turf war if the club are serious about increasing members and getting new fans.

                    Definitely losing the PR battle and we really to do more to engage with these suburbs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Henryj View Post
                      It really bugs me that Randwick and Coogee are associating themselves with South Sydney. This is Eastern Suburbs territory and the Roosters should be their team.

                      We need to fight back in this turf war if the club are serious about increasing members and getting new fans.

                      Definitely losing the PR battle and we really to do more to engage with these suburbs.
                      The battle has been lost. In what I am sure was a completely valid survey, Randwick Council conducted a survey and concluded that only you and I support the Roosters. Everyone else (including, I suspect, the residents of cemeteries) are Rabbitoh fans.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
                        The battle has been lost. In what I am sure was a completely valid survey, Randwick Council conducted a survey and concluded that only you and I support the Roosters. Everyone else (including, I suspect, the residents of cemeteries) are Rabbitoh fans.

                        Yeh what a rort that was.A mate at work who goes for souths lives on the central coast and voted.. Apparently Russell Crowe was on their website calling all fans to vote and it let anyone including non residents vote.

                        Randwick and Coogee are very important Eastern Subs areas so hopefully the club fights to gain more of a foothold. I live there and the majority are def Easts fans but the trouble is with the next generation coming through
                        Last edited by ben25; 10-12-2014, 04:01 PM.


                        • #13
                          I'm fundamentally against governments paying for private organisations projects ala South Sydney's so it's not really something I ever give much thought to.

                          Having strong connections with the local government makes logical sense on the grounds of community engagement & collaborations but I'd prefer it if our club wasn't looking for handouts of tax payers money.

                          Souths can pretend all they want that they're morally sound for not using pokie money as a revenue stream but I don't see how it's any worse than befriending governments to give them other people's hard earned. In fact that latter is worse IMO.


                          • #14
                            If the development at Waverley Bowling Club gies ahead then we know the local council are on EAsts' side.

                            Especially after the proposed development at Bronte RSL was knocked back by the same council, which was similar in many ways.
                            Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                              I'm fundamentally against governments paying for private organisations projects ala South Sydney's so it's not really something I ever give much thought to.

                              Having strong connections with the local government makes logical sense on the grounds of community engagement & collaborations but I'd prefer it if our club wasn't looking for handouts of tax payers money.

                              Souths can pretend all they want that they're morally sound for not using pokie money as a revenue stream but I don't see how it's any worse than befriending governments to give them other people's hard earned. In fact that latter is worse IMO.
                              How does this philosophy sit when they have Crown Casino plastered over their jerseys?

