at least mildly excited with the changes at the club???
we as fans have been through alot of shit, both on and off the field, copping barbs from opposition supporters at every chance, every loss, every indiscretion.
And yeah i think it has made us all a bit cynical considering how long this has gone on for.
but for me, and i am not calling brian Smith the next Barrack Obama or Jesus Christ, but you can tell he has caused change and has changed for the good !!!
it inspires you with a little hope that things can get better and they will !
Melon spoke about baby steps, like beating souffs and moving forward, and while we all joke about it, thats that it will take, baby steps.
i just felt the need to type this because i feel there is a little hope in the 2010 Roosters and hopefully some of the fans are feeling this.
You can disagree with this if you wish, but i feel we will do well, alot better that alot of people expect !!!!
we as fans have been through alot of shit, both on and off the field, copping barbs from opposition supporters at every chance, every loss, every indiscretion.
And yeah i think it has made us all a bit cynical considering how long this has gone on for.
but for me, and i am not calling brian Smith the next Barrack Obama or Jesus Christ, but you can tell he has caused change and has changed for the good !!!
it inspires you with a little hope that things can get better and they will !
Melon spoke about baby steps, like beating souffs and moving forward, and while we all joke about it, thats that it will take, baby steps.
i just felt the need to type this because i feel there is a little hope in the 2010 Roosters and hopefully some of the fans are feeling this.
You can disagree with this if you wish, but i feel we will do well, alot better that alot of people expect !!!!