Who do you think is winning the battle of the wills, us or Willie?
I keep reading he has us over a barrel but that we're standing firm about him never playing for us again...
Can we take a win out of the situation? If we pay him 400K to play reserves is that a win? If we let him walk away with nothing only to bite us on the arse is that a win? Look at what happen to Funch last year, left the Eels at the start then won a ring with Melbourne.
Has Mason really done that much wrong that we will cut off our nose to spite our face?
I keep reading he has us over a barrel but that we're standing firm about him never playing for us again...
Can we take a win out of the situation? If we pay him 400K to play reserves is that a win? If we let him walk away with nothing only to bite us on the arse is that a win? Look at what happen to Funch last year, left the Eels at the start then won a ring with Melbourne.
Has Mason really done that much wrong that we will cut off our nose to spite our face?