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2015 Rule Changes - Back to Super League?

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  • #16
    I'm thinking it's an advantage. Our forwards are lighter, they'll rather a up tempo game. Those souths units won't be able to get up and get to the defensive line. Friend will love the quick ruck. Aubo and Cordner hit holes in tired defence. In defence our forwards don't know when to let the attacker up, now it seems pretty straight forward.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
      Some whingers on here.
      Any rule changes affect all teams so therefore fair.
      True, rule changes do affect all teams. But for some the effect is an advantage and others it is a disadvantage. It all depends on the team's roster and the style of play the coach adopts. What really annoys me is that when they make these changes, almost every year these days, they don't introduce the changes until well into pre-season so the teams are training and practising and recruiting under the previous season's rules. If you recruit a big pack for instance to try and match the vermin's success of last year and have your players bulk up for the same reason, it really stuffs up your plans if 4 weeks out from the comp proper, they change the rules to suit a lightweight forward pack. Or you train a certain way in defence and then the rules change and that defensive style no longer suits.


      • #18
        the only rule change should be the carry over points sceme. a new year is just that and all players should have ""0"" points. the only exception is for a carry one offence from last year. but that player should be on 0 after the time has been served.
        1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


        • #19
          The NRL rule changes reminds me of the education system and their pedagogical changes. Education departments are forever trying to re-invent the wheel. Now that's ok in some situations but how do you know if something works if it is not given a quota of time to be properly implemented, tested, reflected upon etc. Same with the nrl-unless called for the 'rules' (be it NRL/international) changes should only be allowed to be made every (insert period of time-4 to 5 years).


          • #20
            I think it is to try & discourage 3 players wrestling the opposition player to the ground. They want to encourage 2 players to tackle the opposition player.


            • #21
              Originally posted by fletch View Post
              such a dumb move by the NRL, will lead to more blow out scores as once momentum goes against a side they won't be able to stop the run of points.

              also can you imagine how many ruck penalties we will give away this year with the new interpretation of the rule.

              have to hope Robbo has adjusted our game plan accordingly.

              IMO the game would be better if the rules didn't change so regularly. Rather than trying to guess how the refs will see it, professionals should be able to KNOW that this is how the refs have been calling it for 20+ years and avoid breaking the rules.

              Instead, there's this forced evolution of the game where the refs are largely inconsistent, target players/teams and the rules change significantly every year (completely unchallenged) due to anecdotal flaws in the rules.


              • #22
                Horrible rule change, will encourage the player in possession to hold onto or position themselves so the defenders can't move away at the same time - it will be the usual suspects who get penalised into the ground for this rule change too. (HINT: Us)


                • #23
                  lots of dives from the attacking teams. knees elbows style of surrender tackles. grabbing the arms of the tackler while down to restrict them from getting up. what next, flags stuck to the side of our shorts....
                  1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                  • #24
                    The NRL makes these changes to speed up the game and reduce the heavy collisions. Much like the no Shoulder Charge rule.

                    It's utter BULLSHIT. Like boxing, this is a contact sport. People are going to get hurt. Does that mean that a fight for the heavy weight title will be restricted to jabs only? No. That would be stupid.

                    It's a contact sport... Stop trying to make it a non-heavy contact contact sport... It's a dumb idea. The players know what they are getting themselves into when they pull on that jersey. If they don't want to do something that they might get hurt in... They can quit and get an office job.
                    Last edited by hackthefortress; 01-21-2015, 08:24 AM.
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                    • #25
                      dress the players in the sumo suits.
                      1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                      • #26
                        I've just thought of an idea.

                        Let's attach a small colourful Velcro strip on either side of the players shorts...joined at the hip.

                        A "tackle" is effected by an opposition player removing one of these strips from a player in possession.

                        No rough contact, trauma injuries or wrestling.

                        Call it....say Boz Scaggs.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • #27
                          or just yell out touched!


                          • #28
                            I can see there being a few 42-30 scorelines early on when the heat and momentum takes effect, but like anything the refs vigilance will decrease as the season goes on and and after the initial outcry and it will flatten itself out somewhat to appease everybody


                            • #29
                              i dislike the constant rule changes - i just hope our style of play adopts or trust in trent implements a variation in our game as it has been the same for two seasons. The other thing with the rule changes it makes me wonder if sports bet plays a anonymous role as they are the NRL partner.The partnership is a blight on the game. You don't see the ICC or a international cricket team sponsored by a betting agency!


                              • #30
                                Cosmetic, nothing will change. It'll last a week, maybe two and the refs will give up as they are told they're ruining the ratings.


